Help on Starting Resources Scripting

Maps and the art of mapmaking.
Posts: 21
Joined: 22 Feb 2007

Unread postby Zepdog » 26 Feb 2007, 00:17

Ok, I got it to work with the other 2 computer players' wood and ore. It also works for all the difficulty levels.
Now I just need to get my actual playing map to change to single player. I have the link so I'll try and tackle this one next.

I'm sure glad they made this scripting stuff so easy, LOL!

Thanks again, I'm sure I'll be back.

Posts: 21
Joined: 22 Feb 2007

Unread postby Zepdog » 26 Feb 2007, 00:50

Yeah, I'm back. I can't get the file into a zip file. I guess I just don't know how. I even downloaded a trial version of winzip 11.0 just in case. But I still can't figure it out, even using teh 4 steps in the tips section.

Any help would be great (could you dumb it down for me, lol).


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