Jolly Joker wrote:Not a surprise here, but I disagree with the initial post. Massively.
1) Larger battlefields allow fast no-retaliation units to beat each number of slower opponents. With a very big battlefield you need only a unit that has MARGINALLY more initiative than another and ONE more speed and you can beat EVERY number of opponents. This would be a pretty bad idea.
2) Larger battlefields would make ranged units much more important than they are now - which would be bad as well. I'm really very happy that this game involves decent non-ranged tactics as well. Safe points? No, thanks.
3) Battles may take very long as it is. Try to pit two high defense low attack armies against each other - Sylvan and Necro, for example.
4) The Magic makes all the difference and battles are not as simple as they seem, not nearly.
Remember, this was designed always as a FAST game; you are not supposed to think two minutes before retreating some unit out of range of another.
I see your point on this, but somehow i ve always prefered chess of tetris
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To your first point about the importance of inititiative on larger battlefiel, i don't really see your logic. YOu talk about supremacy about fast non retaliation unit... ain't the number of those units very residual ? Sprites, vamps, Rajas (well they have not a awsome move but still good ini and no ret) and cerberi. And even tho if you notice on a larger bf such an unit heading somewhere there's plenty measures you can take to counters it. First of it is your ranged power, or opposing em a "rock unit" or an always retaliate unit, use preparation skill, use your magic against em... The mechanical dragons were far from the best final unit in the larger h4 bfields, yet they had high ini and no retaliation skill...
About what your supposed ranged units domination you can imagine to add a supreme factor, well not as easy as the "broken or not" arrow, but fraction system like in h4. I mean shooters with an 1/8 penalty is 1) realistic considering distance, atmospheric considerations, 2) not really fearfull. SO it would be up to you to choose between using a turn to bring your shooters closer to the action, envolving the risk to make them more vulnerable. But as a protection u can use an high ini unit to escort them.
I just see more possibilities, different strategies.
I just take Warhammer 40k as a classic example, dunno if u played some, i used to when i was younger. An army called space marines had an incredible teleport ability, allowing choosen units to teleport to the enmy lines. These units were quite powerfull. Any beginner facing this would simply get slaughtered, and just say fuck it how could i just beat those bastards ? i play spacemarines from now on ! and the first time he plays with his army against another player which has some experience of it, he gets his teleported fast and strong troups quickly killed or made ineficient by his opposent strategy, and the lack of reinforcment his troops suffered.
I'm not talking about making huge battlefields where you have to scroll the screen to see your enemy (gosh i think i would love it :p) just a bit larger would be enough to create a full new range of possibilities.
About your end 4) magic makes all the diff ect... I love it, it's a nice "listen and learn" but i began playing heroes 10 years ago, i think i have enough experience to make my own opinion on the importance of magic in a battle
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