Simple:Two stacks of n casters do more damage than one stack of 2n casters.Thats whats wrong.Again,it wouldnt be bad if it worked for all units like this.But this way it seems just like they had anice idea and implemented only half of ot,meaning sloppy.Jolly Joker wrote:What's wrong with the way things are? Okay, the damage isn't linear, but no one ever said it had to be. It's just a phrase. Linear damage.
Why would you do number crunches?You have a processor that does millions of things every second and you have to crunch numbers manually,why?Look at the initiative now:it works with numbers between 0,00 and 1,00 and there are numerous procentual changes via spells and abilities.Is it complicated?No.Its all in the presentation.Again,look at homeworld.It has so many equations in it,yet it runs pretty smoothly and is quite easy to learn.Jolly Joker wrote: The current way does get the job done. In the beginning, with very few units, most casters make a hell of a difference. Druids are strong both ways. A single Druid will deal a level 6 unit spell damage, but casting Endurance on the Dancers is nice as well. You will have 4/8 Druids only in week 2 and those guys make a lot od difference the way they work.
The buffs and debuffs with caster units are not that linear as well AND make a lot of difference as well.
If you want things linear you have to make everything linear. With the current system that might get very complex. The one thing I don't want to see is that I have to check half an hour on whether a unit has enough capacity for an effect. HoMM is supposed to be a fast-paced game, you can play battles with a time limit per turn and everything that forces you to crunch numbers unnecessarily will lengthen the game. I mean, Homm is no fantasy combat simulator. With the current way the game works a strict comparison of caster strength against the to be casted and then making that ratio the duration of the spell would just be too confusing: you'd get something like 0.42 turns as a duration and you just wouldn't know whether that's enough for your purposes or not.
And if its supposed to be a fast paced game,why then all the stack splitting and externals gathering?If you are playing against someone as good as you,youll simply have to do these things to win.
At the moment,yes.But if,for example,a unit would do 4-8 damage with its ranged attack and 9 with its spell,and it had an attack of lets say 10,youd have to really consider wheter to cast a spell or attack normaly a creature with defense of 2.Again,its not the mechanics that determine this but sheer numbers.Shauku wrote: You don't consider casters more powerful than normal shooters at the moment? I do.