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Unread postby Mytical » 27 Sep 2006, 05:06

These have been very interesting :).

Now river towns

Since I don't have a clue what order they would go in, for sake of these there is no order :).

Pirates/privateers (privateers earn 1gold/2 units/day since they are 'paid' to do what they did as Pirates. Both units also 'steal' some resources from an enemy they fight in battle for 1g/6units regardles of pirate or privateers.

First Mates/Captains - First mates give +1 moral to any river town unit on the field friend or foe. Captains give +2 moral to 'friendly' river town units and -1 moral to enemy river town units when on the field (per stack). Any river town unit near a captain (3 squares) also gets +1 damage per unit. If all of a captain stack dies all river units get frenzy and -2 moral.

Giant Eagle/Giant Bald Eagle - Flying, grants hero the ability to learn any 1st (2nd) level spell cast by hero or creature. 5% or +2% if the skill is already possessed (7% or +3%). Can grab enemy's 1 x per fight and drop them from high place doing 2x the normal damage of there attack (only units that are 1x1 not 2x2 or bigger).

Windtalkers/Wavemakers - Windtalkers cast lightning and grant +1% per unit movement on the sea. Wavemakers cast Summon Elemental (water at +100% strength) Circle of Ice, and Lightning. They also grant +1% movement at sea.

Shortbowman/Longbowman - Much like archers/marksmen only instead of scattershot/ect you get Blanket Fire(1x combat slows enemy if they are within 3 squares of shortbowman) and Burning Arrows (1x per combat the arrows cover the unit in fire and do .5 damage the next round and .25 damage the round after in damage). Longbowman are unaffected by range and all enemy units are considered 2 defense less for damage calculation.

Need a couple more 1 sort of weak and one sort of strong, will be back on this later :) Might I add I feel humbled by Panda's water town offering, much better then my own :).
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 27 Sep 2006, 14:28

Mytical wrote:Need a couple more 1 sort of weak and one sort of strong, will be back on this later :) Might I add I feel humbled by Panda's water town offering, much better then my own :).
Oh, come on! :D Thank you. I was having a day with 'not-so-much-of-work' to do, then, I just started thinking on something.^^ BTW, I like longbowman as being a strong unit as you designed them. It was, a long time ago, a level 5 tier of my proposal for Human Bastion Town.

Speaking of that, I'll drop aside the buildings for a while and create another city, based on my old proposals. The name will be Garden Valle - a city between mountains, reminding a bit of Rampart, mixing oriental stuff, mystical and miscellaneous ones, dwelled by other kinds of elven people as lords.

Lv1 Halflings (hired at Halfling's Village, considering it similar to hobbit's village^^) - small units with a very good aiming. They're good at groups and can take down quite easily bigger foes, and are really fast. Battle halflings are stronger, are skilled at melee battles and light, being able to dodge attacks. Stats as they follow:
Attack 6; Defense 1; Damage 1-3; HP 5; Speed 7; Initiative 12; Shots 4; Abilities: ranged, precision (this unit will neve miss a target. For spectres, they have a 10% probability to miss only), giant slayer (this unit inflicts more 25% damage against large units).
Battle halfling:
Attack 7; Defense 4; Damage 2-3; HP 6; Speed 7; Initiative 12; Shots 6; Abilities: same as above + no melee penalty, dodge (it has 10% chance to dodge attacks, decreasing damage taken from any kind of attack by 50%).

Lv2 roc (hired at Cliffs, a very high cliff between the mountains, reminding H3 Green Dragon's dwelling) - a huge eagle, which can carry even some big animals with its claws, is strong, sturdy and deadly. When stormclouds surrounds those, and magic starts enchanting those cliffs, thunderbirds are born, bringing with them the power to call upon a lightning on their prey. They're very tough for a second level unit, although their price is just as tough. Stats as they follow:
Attack 8; Defense 8; Damage 8 - 14; HP 40; Speed 6; Initiative 10; Abilities: large unit, flyer.
Attack 10; Defense 8; Damage 8 - 14; HP 55; Speed 7; Initiative 9; Abilities: same as above + lightning strike (a bolt of lightning strikes the target everytime a thunderbird attacks, inflicting regular damage + 4 lightning damage per thunderbird), lightning absortion (if this unit is struck by a lightning, it will recover HP equal to damage, reviving even dead units for the time of the battle).

Lv3 trapper (hired at Council of Defense, built between the trees) - this is a fast elven warrior, which has deadly abilities when using it's knife as weapon, and hits so sudden their targets which become impossible to counterattack. Ninjas are more deadly, being able to set traps and throw shurikens over their enemies. Stats as they follow:
Attack 7; Defense 5; Damage 5 - 8; HP 30; Speed 7; Initiative 11; Abilities: deadly strike (it can inflict double damage 25% of times), cannot be retaliated.
Attack 9; Defense 5; Damage 5 - 10; HP 33; Speed 9; Initiative 10; Abilities: same as above + settle trap (active ability able to use 3 times per battle, settling a land trap which will explode when a foe steps on it, and won't work against allied units. It does 10 damage per Ninja), shuriken (active ability once per battle - this unit will throw 3 shurikens that'll hit three adjacent squares at distance. The range of this attack is just half of the battlefield for minimum damage).

Lv4 sharpshooter (hired at Treetop Halls, buit on the top of the trees, like a Council's annexe) - a very powerful archer that'll always hit its target for full damage, without any ranged penalty. Elite sharpshooter are even more deadly, and their arrows can impale enemies quite easily, also being able to push them away. Stats as they follow:
Attack 12; Defense 6; Damage 13; HP 20; Speed 4; Initiative 10; Shots 12; Abilities: ranged, no range penalty, spy (increases effect for Scouting skill: + 1 radius, more information at thieves guild, more information about enemy troops).
Elite sharpshooter:
Attack 14; Defense 6; Damage 14; HP 24; Speed 5; Initiative 10; Shots 16; Abilities: same as above + impale arrrow (active ability has a 10% chance to impale a shot on a target, which will lose 3 speed, 10% initiative, and inflict - 25% less damage for the time of the battle), pushing shot (active ability, 2 times per battle, this unit will push away a foe with a powerful shot for 12 damage).

Lv5 pegasi (hired at Enchanted Waterfalls, which falls from between some mountains) - mounted by powerful warriors, pegasi can be a fast attack against ranged units, affects enemy spells by making them spend more SP to cast spells. Pegagus knight wield two blades and can pass through enemies retaliating them in their way before even reaching their target. They can also evade battlefield for a while, choosing a place to land once per battle, and cannot be targeted meanwhile. Stats as they follow:
Attack 12; Defense 14; Damage 10 - 16; HP 54; Speed 7; Initiative 10; Abilities: flyer, large unit, magic dumper (increases 2 cost for every enemy spells, including units), parry (this unit can completely block upcoming shots at 33% of times, and this stance is automatically active when Pegasi defends).
Attack 12; Defense 16; Damage 10 - 16; HP 62; Speed 8; Initiative 10; Abilities: same as above + frenzied charge (when a pegasi is attacking a certain target, it'll attack any other enemy unit which is in their way, swooping through them, and they won't retaliate. Damage for those attacks is 4 - 6); flight of freedom (once per battle, the pegasus will fly higher than the other units, being out of range, and hero will have 1 turn to position them on a new place - if they're able to reach that based on their speed - on the battlefield).

Lv6 dragu (hired at Mountain Temple, a Japanese-like temple, next to those same mountains^^) - similar to those lucky dragon from oriental beliefs (non-winged and having their bodies shaped as a serpent with legs and long moustaches), these beasts bring luck to their allies, reflect spells, and can change their natural powers throughout elements. Ancient Dragu can share their dragon power to other units, increasing wonderful stats for them. But their power is limited by tier. Stats as they follow:
Attack 22; Defense 15; Damage 20 - 35; HP 112; Speed 7; Initiative 8; Abilities: large unit, luck bearer (all allies, including themselves, have + 2 luck, and cannot be less than 0), reflect spells (they cannot be harm by harmful spells, reflecting them to nowhere), elemental shifter (this unit can assume a powerful elemental aura increasing effects of elemental spells for hero and allied troops. A same elemental spell will have 25% more effectiveness/damage when cast onto enemy troops. This is an active ability, and the elemental shifted is randomly chosen: fire, water (ice included), earth, air (thunder included), magical (light, dark, mind included)).
Ancient Dragu:
Attack 25; Defense 20; Damage 30 - 35; HP 168; Speed 7; Initiative 8; Abilities: same as above + dragon spirit (active ability once per battle, can enchant an allied target for 3 turns with a special power called Dragon Spirit. The target will have all stats doubled during those turns. Dragu can't apply this ability onto same tier or higher tier units. Just onto Lv5 units below).

Lv7 shamae (hired at Golden Castle, which seems like Kyoto's Golden Temple) - a powerful entity which can cast powerful light-based attacks against foes, and use dimensional powers. Dreashamae can mirror themselves to destructive clones. They are a tier 7 small unit. Stats as they follow:
Attack 20; Defense 18; Damage 18 - 32; HP 120; SP 20; Speed 6; Initiative 12; Abilities: teleport, prismatic attack (this unit attacks all surrounding units - friend or foes - which light power), cannot be retaliated, spell caster (Arcane Shield: 40 HP per shamae ; Sunray: massive damage on a single target - 15 damage per shamae).
Attack 22; Defense 22; Damage 22 - 38; HP 145; SP 50; Speed 7; Initiative 12; Abilities: same as above + clonning (three times per battle, but only one clone active per time, dreashamae can make a clone of themselves, which cannot attack although having the same HP, and they can autodestroy themselves damaging all surrounding units with a powerful version of their prismatic attack for 40 damage per clone unit).

Well, some strong units, less HP, but not that bad. :proud:
Last edited by Panda Tar on 27 Sep 2006, 14:45, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread postby Mytical » 27 Sep 2006, 14:31

Yes it is the longbowmen who gets the burning arrow ones. Thought that would be original enough to add some spice..anybody got some suggestions on some weak or strong creatures that would fit in my rivertown?
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 27 Sep 2006, 14:37

Mytical wrote:Yes it is the longbowmen who gets the burning arrow ones. Thought that would be original enough to add some spice..anybody got some suggestions on some weak or strong creatures that would fit in my rivertown?
Maybe a sort of small lizard which runs on the water could be a weak tier 1 unit, couldn't it? Fast, numerous.

Another flying unit, like a falconmen, wielding spears. Kind of it, which dwells cliffs around canyons where the river is. Could be a strong unit. They could appear randomly on the battlefield, not being able to position them using tactics, as they are surprising attackers, flying onto enemies as their will. :devil:
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 27 Sep 2006, 14:52

Town of TT iritation:

Tier 1:Mosquito -> Elder mosquito(darins life,swarm)
Tier 2:Naga footman -> Naga squirmer(20% chance to confuse on the attack,making the target loose all of its acumulated initiative)
Tier 3:Naga archer -> Naga archarcher(shooter,rapid shot,voley of arrows)
Tier 4:Some unimportant filler
Tier 5:Naga mage -> Naga enchanter(cast destruction magic spells)
Tier 6:Naga priest -> Naga zealot(casts light and dark magic spells)
Tier 7:Naga queen -> Naga king

All creatures have no retal.

:devious: :devious:

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 27 Sep 2006, 14:56

DaemianLucifer wrote:Tier 4:Some unimportant filler
Upgrades to Some less unimportant filler too. :D
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Unread postby vhilhu » 27 Sep 2006, 16:20

DaemianLucifer wrote:Town of TT iritation:

Tier 1:Mosquito -> Elder mosquito(darins life,swarm)
Tier 2:Naga footman -> Naga squirmer(20% chance to confuse on the attack,making the target loose all of its acumulated initiative)
Tier 3:Naga archer -> Naga archarcher(shooter,rapid shot,voley of arrows)
Tier 4:Some unimportant filler
Tier 5:Naga mage -> Naga enchanter(cast destruction magic spells)
Tier 6:Naga priest -> Naga zealot(casts light and dark magic spells)
Tier 7:Naga queen -> Naga king

All creatures have no retal.

:devious: :devious:
you forgot the:
naga dragon / big naga dragon

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 27 Sep 2006, 17:28

Sealing magic guild.

Spells circle 1:
Movement seal - just once per foe, it'll drain SP equal to target's speed every turn preventing it from moving from the current position. At basic level, this spell will last 1 turn. + 0.2 turn each 2 hero level. It'll also last until hero takes any other action: attack, cast any other spell.
Seal engines - casting upon war machines, prevent them from functioning. Casts on a single target, it lasts 1 turn + 0.4 turn each 2 hero level. Can be cast once per machine.

Spells circle 2:
Defense seal - just once per foe, it'll drain SP equal to target's speed every turn preventing it from defending. At basic level, this spell will last 1 turn. + 0.2 turn each 2 hero level. It'll also last until hero takes any other action: attack, cast any other spell.
Seal mind - makes a target to become immune to any enemy's mind affecting spells. It lasts 1 turn + 0.4 turn each 2 hero level.

Spells circle 3:
Wait seal - just once per foe, it'll drain SP equal to target's speed every turn preventing it from waiting. At basic level, this spell will last 1 turn. + 0.2 turn each 2 hero level. It'll also last until hero takes any other action: attack, cast any other spell.
Seal ability - just once per foe, it'll cancel a random ability of that foe during 1 turn. + 0.2 turn each 3 hero level. It won't cancel abilities such as: undead, infernal, elemental, mechanical, since they're related to the being itself, and not something that unit can do or not.

Spells circle 4:
Action seal - just once per foe, it'll drain SP equal to target's speed every turn preventing it from taking actions such as attack, shoot and cast spell. At basic level, this spell will last 1 turn. + 0.2 turn each 4 hero level. It'll also last until hero takes any other action: attack, cast any other spell.
Seal element - choosing a 3x3 area to enchant, no elemental spells are allowed to be cast on that spot. It lasts 1 turn + 0.4 turn each 2 hero level.

Spells circle 5:
Yin-Yang seal - for the next enemy turn (for all enemy troops), every single damage they inflict on your troops will be also shared between enemy troops, randomly on a certain target. This spell takes a very long time to hero to recover his/her turn, and can only be cast 3 times per battle.
Seal time - onto a certain target, it'll slow down any spell active effect 4 times slower, good or bad ones. It lasts 1 turn + 0.5 turn each 4 hero level or until all spell effects end.
Unseal time - onto a certain target, it'll speed up any spell active effect 4 times faster, good or bad ones. It lasts 1 turn + 0.5 turn each 2 hero level or until all spell effects end.

Adventure spells:
Seal mine - an annoyance to enemy hero, this seal will stop a certain mine production for a certain period of time, and there's no countercurse for it. Even if enemy hero conquers that mine, it'll be useless as long as it is enchanted. Normal duration is 5 days + 1 day per each 3 hero levels.
Seal boat - the ship won't be able to travel for 2 days + 1 day per each 4 hero levels. It is quite useful to prevent enemies from using hero's boat. Can cast only once per two weeks.
Seal teleporter - the teleporting device (once way, or two way) won't work for 1 day + 1 per each 5 hero levels. Can cast only once per week.

That's all for now. :D
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2. :panda:

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 27 Sep 2006, 20:47

;| Today is being a very vague one, here at work...well, then, let's work! :devil:

Next town could be Acropolis (to make a match with Necropolis :tongue:). Based on mythology, etc, etc.

Lv1 pikeman - a sturdy warrior wielding a pike that can stop even the biggest of the enemies. Halberdier can hold a full charge from a certain unit by defending.
Attack 3; Defense 5; Damage 2-3; HP 10; Speed 5; Initiative 10; Shots 4; Abilities: ranged, short range, no melee penalty, cavalry slayer (any mounted unit and large units will be damaged by 1 per Pikeman (based on attack and defense, though) everytime they attack a stack of pikemen.
Attack 3; Defense 7; Damage 2 - 3; HP 12; Speed 6; Initiative 10; Abilities: loses ranged abilities, keeps cavalry slayer, gains pierce charge (when defending, this auto-ability will have a 10% chance to stop a certain unit to attack, being damaged by the defending halberd).

Lv2 acolyte of the Sun - these temple dwellers are strong in the arts of the light magic and the sun. Weak but powerful when shooting, they are very good for their tier. Herald of the Sun are much powerful spell casters, and drains the power of the Sun to shoot, having unlimited shots.
Acolyte of the Sun:
Attack 5; Defense 4; Damage 2 - 4; HP 15; Speed 3; Initiative 12; SP 8; Shots 7; Abilities: ranged, no wall penalties; no melee attack (this unit won't have melee attack as long as it has shots. It'll always attack with a ranged attack, since this unit doesn't throw projectile, but summons a light power directly from the Sun. When they run out of shots, they'll have a melee attack); spell caster (prayer: increases attack, defense, damage by 3, 3, 1 for all units).
Herald of the Sun:
Attack 6; Defense 6; Damage 3 - 4; HP 18; Speed 3; Initiative 12; SP 16; Shots unlimited; Abilities: same as above, but loses no melee attack, gains more spells (mana wave: a single concentrated ray on a direction will damage everything in its path, halving damage on the back unit and so on. 2 damage per Herald of the Sun ; shield enchantment: this spell decreases damage done by spells on a single target by 50%. Duration depends on the number of casters).

Lv3 amazon - these women warrior have specialties in range battle and melee battle. They can shift between melee and ranged. Master amazons are perceptive and can attack at the same time the enemy attacks, even when it's a ranged attack.
Attack 8; Defense 6; Damage 3 - 7; HP 23; Speed 6; Initiative 10; Shots 8; Abilities: ranged, no melee penalty, change stance (melee stance, increases damage 1 - 2 (4-9), + 2 defense, + 7 HP and has no ranged abilities. Ranged stance is just like described before. Ranged is the default stance).
Master amazon:
Attack 10; Defense 6; Damage 4 - 8; HP 25; Speed 7; Initiative 10; Shots 10; Abilities, same as above + simultaneous retaliation (attacks at the same time as the enemy with normal damage).

Lv4 gladiator - a fierce and fearless warrior, trained to kill and to attack, it won't be easy to win them, because they'll fight even when they're about to die. War gladiators are trained to wars out of coliseums, becoming even stronger, more violent and capable to kill everything in their path.
Attack 16; Defense 4; Damage 14 - 20; HP 50; Speed 7; Initiative 14; Abilities: fearless (immune to fear effects), master slayer (this unit have 1% chance to kill more 10% of units when attacking), berserker (each gladiator killed has a chance to resist death, keeping 10 HP for their own).
War gladiator:
Attack 20; Defense 4; Damage 18 - 22; HP 54; Speed 7; Initiative 14; Abilities: same as above + unlimited retaliation, battle enraging (this unit gets enraged when foes hit their allies of itself, even if they don't kill any of those).

Lv5 medusa - is a very dangerous foe, which's gaze will completely petrify the target, instantly killing them if they're not treated before the battle ends, and it'll petrify at least 1 unit. Gorgona is able to fly and are very good shooters.
Attack 12; Defense 8; Damage 13 - 16; HP 48; Speed 6; Initiative 8; Abilities: large unit, stone gaze (active ability that inflicts no damage, can kill a certain number of units that'll be killed as long as they not healed until the end of the battle. Petrified units won't move or attack and will be displayed in gray number, while the % of non-petrified units will keep as they are. 10% of chance to petrify a single unit, minimum of 1 unit, 10 medusas will surely petrify 2 units, and so on. It becomes an auto-ability when medusa comes to a melee fight. Everytime it hits a foe, a certain number will be petrified. If all stacks are petrified, the entire stack will be considered dead and, if they're the last ones of the oponent's army, the battle is over).
Attack 12; Defense 12; Damage 13 - 16; HP 52; Speed 6; Initiative 10; Shots 6; Abilities: same as above + flier, ranged, no melee penalty.

Lv6 chariot - is controlled by a gladiator, wielding powerful weapons and a very strong horse-tracked vehicle, almost invunerable to ranged attacks. Plated chariots are heavily armoured and have such powerful attack that the target will retaliate with just 10% of normal power.
Attack 21; Defense 14; Damage 22 - 28; HP 96; Speed 6; Initiative 13; Abilities: large unit, arrow breaker (takes only 10% of ranged attacks), lateral blades (when being attack from the sides, the attacker will take an additional damage over retaliation equal to 10 per chariot - based on attack and defense matters. That damage will affect even units that has the non-retaliation attack ability).
Plated Chariot:
Attack 22; Defense 28; Damage 25 - 32; HP 125; Speed 6; Initiative 11; Abilities: same as above + savage strike (enemy will have strength enough only to retaliate with 10% of normal power), plate protection (doubles defense - 14 to 28).

Lv7 hermes - strong and fast, this god is a very tough opponent which protects Acropolis. Apolli hermes are so fast that can take actions twice in a row.
Attack 27; Defense 22; Damage 55 - 65; HP 180; Speed 8; Initiative 16; Abilities: large unit, immunity to air-based spells, flier.
Apolli Hermes:
Attack 30; Defense 25; Damage 60 - 65; HP 195; Speed 10; Initiative 16;
Abilities: same as above + two actions (this unit can choose up to 2 different actions when it's its turn, like attacking and waiting, or attacking and moving, etc).

"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2. :panda:

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Unread postby Mytical » 27 Sep 2006, 22:57

WOW you are on a roll :). Like the additions to my little river town :).

Now as for Magic so far all I have is my Life Magic offering from another thread. Keep up the good work though Panda. You have some great ideas here. Very thorough too. In magic I would like to see something like wildmagic. Where you go to cast a spell and it can be 1) more powerful then intended, 2) exactly as intended, 3) weaker then intended, 4) not at all what you intended.

For example something like this.

Wild Magic Bolt - Mana cost from 4-8. This spell attempts to call forth a bolt of pure energy which will have 1 of 4 effects.

Then put in damage, range ect that would be adjustable by the first 3, and something unexpected as the 4th, in case of the bolt the 4th could be. Heals target unit xx points. And there would be a skill which would minimize the 4th and maximize the rest. Yes I know too many things are based on luck alredy, but I like chaotic battles where people can not trust even there own magic :).
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Unread postby Paulus1 » 27 Sep 2006, 23:08

DaemianLucifer wrote:Town of TT iritation:

Tier 7:Naga queen -> Naga king

:devious: :devious:
That's a painful way to upgrade... changing gender and all... 8|

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 28 Sep 2006, 03:43

Mytical wrote:WOW you are on a roll :). Like the additions to my little river town :).

Now as for Magic so far all I have is my Life Magic offering from another thread. Keep up the good work though Panda. You have some great ideas here. Very thorough too. In magic I would like to see something like wildmagic. Where you go to cast a spell and it can be 1) more powerful then intended, 2) exactly as intended, 3) weaker then intended, 4) not at all what you intended.

For example something like this.

Wild Magic Bolt - Mana cost from 4-8. This spell attempts to call forth a bolt of pure energy which will have 1 of 4 effects.

Then put in damage, range ect that would be adjustable by the first 3, and something unexpected as the 4th, in case of the bolt the 4th could be. Heals target unit xx points. And there would be a skill which would minimize the 4th and maximize the rest. Yes I know too many things are based on luck alredy, but I like chaotic battles where people can not trust even there own magic :).
Tee-hee. :proud: Hum, about Wild magic, that sounds more like a unit ability, you know. Rather expecting that unit to be a very powerful and instable spell caster, if you know what I mean. ;) Like: casting the most imprevisible version (4th) could even kill the top stack if it gets wrong, or have a massive effect. About the skill, a hero would have a specialization on that unit regarding the effect of that spell. What do you think? :creative:

As I had a very long bus trip tonight, I could think on more 2 towns, although just 1 has all the units, as they follow (there are just a different thing here and there, nothing really exceptional):

Clans (which is a town name designed a long ago) for barbarian:

Lv1 goblin - numerous and stupid units, just as strong as dumb. Their club can stun their enemy. Hobgoblin are armored and skilled at throwing their club. Stats as they follow:
Attack 5; Defense 3; Damage 3; HP 6; Speed 4; Initiative 10; Abilities: stunning hit (has 20% chance of possibility to make the target lose its turn, by reseting initiative).
Attack 6; Defense 5; Damage 3; HP 8; Speed 5; Initiative 9; Shots 5; Abilities: same as above + ranged, no melee penalty.

Lv2 centaur - large and strong warriors, they can attack foes that are directly in front and behind them. Centaur captains are faster, stronger and have a ripping retaliaton, putting all their power on the counter-strike. Stats as they follow:
Attack 5; Defense 5; Damage 2 - 5; HP 22; Speed 6; Initiative 9; Abilities: front & back attack (attacks directly in front and back of it), large unit.
Centaur captain:
Attack 7; Defense 5; Damage 3 - 6; HP 26; Speed 7; Initiative 10; Abilities: same as above + finishing stab (when they retaliate, centaur captains won't use they front & back attack, but they'll perform a powerful counter strike with double damage).

Lv3 orc - these are strong at melee and at range attacks, and they are even tough to kill due high HP. They'll throw their axes onto the target. Orc chieftain are very difficult to kill, with increased HP, and they get experienced in battle, increasing their attack, defense, damage, speed as the battle goes on, depending on their actions. Stats as they follow:
Attack 6; Defense 5; Damage 5 - 7; HP 35; Speed 4; Initiative 7; Shots 5;
Abilities: ranged, short range, no melee penalty, two axes fire (this unit throws two axes at the time, having 5 - 7 damage for each of them).
Orc chieftain:
Attack 7; Defense 6; Damage 5 - 7; HP 40; Speed 4; Initiative 7; Shots 5; Abilities: same as above + battle experience (they have their stats increased while fighting: if they attack more or retaliate, attack increases 1 per action and damage increases 1 (to maximum) each 3 actions. If the unit is hit or defends, defense increases 1 per hit or action of defending. Speed increases 1 each 3 actions of moving or moving to attack, maximum of 10. Same of initiative, with a maximum of 15).

Lv4 troll - stinky men eating trolls are good melee fighters, and they can feed from the dead, and have guts when killing humans. Mountain trolls are hunger, and cannot help themselves from attacking humans and other beings from the mountains before reaching them, by throwing boulders on them and can also recover their wounds faster than other beasts. Stats as they follow:
Attack 12; Defense 10; Damage 8 - 13; HP 45; Speed 5; Initiative 12; Abilities: human slayer (human or half-human units take 50% more damage from troll), dead eater (active ability - they feed from the dead, except from undead, machines, elemental, increasing their maximum HP for the time of the battle. Each 1 ogre eats 1 dead unit, and transforms it into 0,2 HP. Each 5 eaten units will convert into 1 HP for each unit of the trolls stack).
Mountain troll:
Attack 13; Defense 12; Damage 10 - 13; HP 50; Speed 5; Initiative 12; Abilities: same as above, ranged, no melee penalty, regen.

Lv5 ogre - brute, big and strong is the ogre. Their gigantic club can even smash down walls and small units are easily destroyed, and machines, skeleton units are teared into pieces. Ogre magi are skilled a bit for magic affairs, but only for the rage of an upcoming battle. Stats as they follow:
Attack 14; Defense 8; Damage 12 - 17; HP 62; Speed 3; Initiative 8; Abilities: large unit, wall smasher (this unit can attack walls, although the damage against it will never be more than 150), skull crusher (when this unit destroys skeletal units or mechanical, destroyed ones cannot be revived or fixed).
Ogre mage:
Attack 16; Defense 8; Damage 15 - 20; HP 80; SP 10; Speed 3; Initiative 10; Abilities: same as above + spell caster (berserk: the target won't be able to be controled anymore, gaining a bonus of 10% over attack, will become immune to mind spells, and will automatically attack the nearest foe ; frenzy).

Lv6 cyclops - equipped with a heavy cleaver, cyclops are deadly enemies which are difficultly controled, because they are eager to attack and kill units. They swing their cleaver around, damaging all targets in front of them, without retaliation. Cyclops berserker has a probability to act at any moment. Stats as they follow
Attack 22; Defense 16; Damage 30 - 40; HP 100; Speed 5; Initiative 13; Abilities: large unit, non-retaliation attack, 3 adjacent-hit, immune to puppet master, frenzy, charm, hypnosis.
Cyclops berserker:
Attack 24; Defense 16; Damage 30 - 40; HP 105; Speed 7; Initiative 13; Abilities: same as above, eager to fight (they have 5% chance to have an action at other unit's turn. This action is automatically reverted to attack or to move as close as possible to any enemy troop. If they're within the reach, then it'll attack).

Lv7 wyvern - are vicious creatures, which can attack enemies from above them, being able to fly and position itself above any other unit. Thus, it has defense bonus against melee attacks, but it is fragile against ranged attacks and spells. Wyvern monarchs are able to inflict decay, vulnerability and weakness when attacking, also dispelling any good ailment from a target. Stats as they follow:
Attack 22; Defense 15; Damage 36 - 60; HP 165; Speed 9; Initiative 11; Abilities: large unit, flier, flies above units (this unit can position itself over other units, to attack or just to move there. If it is on the same spot of an allied unit, it can be targeted normally as a different unit. It also has defense bonus + 10 against melee attacks, but has no bonuses when being attacked by ranged units).
Wyvern monarch:
Attack 25; Defense 20; Damage 36 - 60; HP 240; Speed 9; Initiative 11; Abilities: same as above + plague bite (inflicts decay, vulnerability, weakness on a target, which effects depend on the number of wyvern monarchs), dispell attack (its attack will dispell any good effect on the target).

These ones earned some of Dragon Flies abilities. Well, there's more tomorrow. :tired:
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Unread postby Mytical » 28 Sep 2006, 06:09

Stasis Magic.

Level 4 - Hasten - adds some minor initiative, but also inludes some speed. The speed would be based on skill level. None +1 speed, basic +2, ect. Now it has some minor drawbacks, lower defense and damage (the units are in too much of a hurry to attack right). The initiative would be sp based, and be about 1/2 what haste gives.

Loop - skill determines how high of a tier creature it can be cast on. SP is not used for this effect. The next combat action will be exactly like the one before it. So if you cast on a unit before it acts then after that action the next action will be exactly like the one before it will do nothing. However if a stack has done an action it will attempt to do the same action. Ie attack the same target in the same way, cast the same spell at the same spot, ect. If it can not do this for any reason then it will defend.
Regardless of skill or sp it will only make the unit repeat 1 action.

Level 5- Time Tamper - skill determines how high tier it can affect, sp determines if the effect is possible. Attempts to switch creatures atb with anothers. Target units will 'transpose' and the one that would act first would act when the 2nd target would and vise versa. SPxSkillx50 must be > then both units number of units combined to work. 1/2 that if both units are friendly. (I.E. its your turn and the enemy's succubus is up next, and you don't like that. You target your friendly creature (lets say zombies for sake of argument, hoping to force the succubus to act when the zombies would normally act. If your spxskill levelx50 is greater then the combined number of units then this will succeed).

Time Stop - Attempts to stop time for all but the target unit, allowing it two extra actions. Skill and SP determines what tier of creatures are affected. If Skillxspx200 is greater then highest creature tier it can affects stacks total hp then it succeeds, otherwise the target unit just moves up in the atb to next to act. However, regardless the unit does not expend specials. So if it can ressurrect then it can do so under time stop, then do it again afterwards.
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 28 Sep 2006, 12:45

Time spells are always sooooo nice. :-D

Instead of Loop, it could be Echoes. :tongue:
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Unread postby vhilhu » 28 Sep 2006, 15:07

Mytical wrote:Stasis Magic.

Level 4 - Hasten - adds some minor initiative, but also inludes some speed. The speed would be based on skill level. None +1 speed, basic +2, ect. Now it has some minor drawbacks, lower defense and damage (the units are in too much of a hurry to attack right). The initiative would be sp based, and be about 1/2 what haste gives.

Loop - skill determines how high of a tier creature it can be cast on. SP is not used for this effect. The next combat action will be exactly like the one before it. So if you cast on a unit before it acts then after that action the next action will be exactly like the one before it will do nothing. However if a stack has done an action it will attempt to do the same action. Ie attack the same target in the same way, cast the same spell at the same spot, ect. If it can not do this for any reason then it will defend.
Regardless of skill or sp it will only make the unit repeat 1 action.

Level 5- Time Tamper - skill determines how high tier it can affect, sp determines if the effect is possible. Attempts to switch creatures atb with anothers. Target units will 'transpose' and the one that would act first would act when the 2nd target would and vise versa. SPxSkillx50 must be > then both units number of units combined to work. 1/2 that if both units are friendly. (I.E. its your turn and the enemy's succubus is up next, and you don't like that. You target your friendly creature (lets say zombies for sake of argument, hoping to force the succubus to act when the zombies would normally act. If your spxskill levelx50 is greater then the combined number of units then this will succeed).

Time Stop - Attempts to stop time for all but the target unit, allowing it two extra actions. Skill and SP determines what tier of creatures are affected. If Skillxspx200 is greater then highest creature tier it can affects stacks total hp then it succeeds, otherwise the target unit just moves up in the atb to next to act. However, regardless the unit does not expend specials. So if it can ressurrect then it can do so under time stop, then do it again afterwards.

i had always thought how great a Time Warp spell would be in homm3:

area effect

Always at the beginning of the battle, the game will memorize the starting position of all units. When the spell is cast, all units within some large (eg 5*5) area return to their starting positions(but they dont heal or cure, the hitpoints remain what they were before casting Time Warp).

it should cost a LOT of spell points to prevent that eg you have a lot of archers, enemy has only melee and cant reach you because you keep casting this.

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 28 Sep 2006, 16:41

vhilhu wrote:It should cost a LOT of spell points to prevent that eg you have a lot of archers, enemy has only melee and cant reach you because you keep casting this.
I think this spell could have 2 stages, as being one to 'record' their position, and the other one, casting it. And maybe this recording stage could be carried over to other battles, so you cast it, and all units will be positioned to that recorded position. The farer they are from original position, the more it'll cost to cast it. :devil:
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 28 Sep 2006, 18:46

B-) B-) B-) B-) B-) B-)
Acropolis racial ability:
Secondary specialization from architecture:
Engineering, urbanization, construction.
Support skills depending on skill tree development.
Fast workers;
Director Plan;
Convert building;

Enables hero to build 2 buildings per turn at Acropolis(es) town(s). It'll work only if a building called University is built. At advanced level, it'll reduce building gold costs by 25%. Expert, costs will drop to 50%. Ultimate, 3 buildings will be allowed in just 1 turn in a same town, besides, it'll work for any town.
Engineering: allows hero to upgrade dwellings.
Urbanization: increases Acropolis income by 500 per day (cummulative for 1 hero with Urbanization for each city), and also improves its looking.
Construction: allows hero to buy certain buildings on adventure map: garrison for 4000 gold 20 wood/ore - 1 per day, wall for 10 ore per slot - 2 per day (which will only be able to be built if there's 1 passable spot on the adventure map and only after building a garrison, since it'll be fixed on it), bridge 500 gold 5 wood/ore per slot - 1 per day(over rivers only), shipyards 3000 gold 30 wood - 1 per 2 days (if hero has navigation skill).

Fast workers (requires construction, leadership): enables a second hero without skill to construct buildings provided by Construction skill, but with twice the time and twice the cost. It is allowed to select any other hero.
Demolition (requires construction and destructive magic): destroys garrisons, walls, bridges of the adventure map, limited in function by not destroying starting buildings. Spends 1 day for each building/slot.
Director Plan (requires urbanization and leadership): dwellings give doubled bonus on units growth.
Convert building (requires construction, demolition and diplomacy): this ability converts other alignment dwellings to Acropoli same-tier ones. It costs 1500 for each tier level. E.g.: tier 3 costs 4500 gold.
Reform (requires construction, engineering, scouting, states): destroyed buildings can be reformed, costing half of normal resource costs. Although time spent is doubled. E.g.: when reforming a destroyed shipyard, it'll take 4 days instead of 2.

Maybe a bit too much. :devil:

Oh, and the ultimate:
Convert Town: it is able to convert another town into an Acropoli town, costing 10000 gold and 15 of all resources. Converted town will start with only village hall (just like cursing town of Markhal's).
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Unread postby Mytical » 30 Sep 2006, 08:04

Scaradzar- A alien race that has been mysteriously ported into this realm, and now wants to take it over. They are very populous, and need another world to feed there ever growing army of conquest. They have NO magic, not even shaman. They are weak against it also, as they have never incountered it before. My version of the lizard people (don't remember the race name) from MoO2 brought into heroes (no not all are lizards, some are genetic manipulations, machines, ect).

Heroes - Draken - Racial Special - Regeneration - basic - every creature regenerates 5% per turn. Advanced - 10%. Expert 15%. Master 25%.
Other Specials - Acid Blood. Anytime a unit is attacked the attackers take 10% of normal damage, even if no retaliation. Adds 10% to damage if able to retaliate. Swarm - can be activate once per combat. Target unit gains swarm ability that causes extra damage when they attack...the more units the larger the damage bonus (Thanks for the idea DL). Scale Hide - Reduces damage to all units by 10% above any other considerations (like defense skill, ect).

Logistics Skill Path - Navigation - Amphibious attack (looses no movement getting on or off boats). Can get on a boat if within 10% of normal maximum movement and the boat is unoccupied. Amphibious Assult...can sacrifice units to slow down another boat. 1%/per unit/per tier of movement lost for each unit sacrificed. 1.5% for upgraded.

No magic skills paths, magics are disabled for this race altogether (including sorcery and enlightenment)

Attack - Battle Frenzy - Mass Frenzy - Hero can activate a mass frenzy 'spell-like' effect on all units for free. One of the few magic like effects they get. Slayer - all friendly units do extra damage to tier 7 creatures.

Defense -Vitality - Regrow - all non-elemental, non-mechanical creatures regain 10% of hp at the beginning of there action. Even if not normally able to regenerate. (it's not magic so even magically immune creatures gain this)

Luck - Magic Resistance - unlike normally this one only makes them equal to normal units in resistance to magic (ie just negates racial penalty). Arcane adaption-can now learn the 1st and 2nd level spells..does not open any magic school skills though.

War Machines - Ballista - Acid Ballista - does Damage over time with a balista strike. Equivalent to double damage 1st round (when the ballista actually hits), normal ballista damage the next round, and 50% damage the 3rd and final round. Also prevents any regeneration.

Leadership- Estates - Labor Force - Generates 1 extra unit of every resource per day.

Uberskill - Not sure about this one..have to consider what would be best for the town :).

Town Name...Hive? Burrow?
Should it be above ground?? Below ground? hmm more to consider here.

Unique War Machine available to only them - Tower? Enables units to go over walls, but they take damage when doing so (ie from the long drop to the ground).


1st tier - Pests/Fireflies - Genetically altered various insects that work together. Very weak and flimsy singularly, they are best used when there are many of them. Each time either hits a unit that unit looses 2% to there initiative for the rest of combat unless cleansed. Also, the fireflies have a chance of blinding an enemy when hitting it. Flying.

2nd tier - bronzewing/Ironwing - Part reptile, part mechanical bird. Implanted with crude mechanical wings these creatures are capable of flight. Ironwings gain some speed, att and defense.

3rd Tier - Mecocentipede/Mecomillipede - Crafted with metalic legs and genetically made to be enormous, these creatures are a terror on the battlefield. Able to strike multiple units front or back (without turning arround) they can hit up to 3 other units (either front or back but not both). The millipedes also secrete a poison that is very similar to Assassins poison, making them even more deadly. (they don't have no retaliation however).

4th Tier - Slaad/Reptalon the backbone of the reptilian army. Genetically altered reptilian humanoids that are as viscious as they are cruel. The Slaad are ranged units who's arrows do a small ammount of fire damage on top of normal damage (roughly 1pt/10 units). When further genetically altered they gain regeneration and do not use bows/arrows. Instead they are able to launch Acid enormous distances quite frequently. This does tremendous damage and also lowers defense of a unit and has a chance to blind them (5% regardless of number of Repatlon's) by getting in the enemies eyes (any creature immune to blind is unaffected).

5th tier - Draken/Draconian Developed when they entered this world this is a cross between them and Dragons. Usually as soon as they can start producing the Draconian Crossbreed the other is sidelined. Has all the abilities of there draken/dragon parents but much weaker. Draken are only 1/4 dragon and can only fly 25% of its movements before having to land and walk. It's breath weapon still works, but can not hit more then one unit regardless. It has very weak magic resistance. Draconians are 1/2 dragon mixes. They are able to fly 50% of there movement, though the breath weapon does more damage, it does not effect more then one unit still. Very tough, but sort of slow and akward..apon death the Draconians explode (when the last unit in the stack parishes) and cause 100 points of damage in a area arround there body. The body is unharmed; however, and can be ressurrected.

6th Tier - Cockatrice - Pyrotrice - A bird/reptile mix they are unable to fly do to there size. The cockatrice can turn units to stone with its beak some of the time. The Pyrotrice ignites there enemies instead. The flames do the same damage as a fireball would in the same area of effect, but the Pyrotrice is immune to fire. Needless to say you want to get them long before they reach your troops.

7th Tier - Rex/T-rex - Well it's huge, it has sharp teeth, it's a dinosaur..what more do you need to know about it? :).
Last edited by Mytical on 01 Oct 2006, 10:05, edited 3 times in total.
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Unread postby Mytical » 01 Oct 2006, 05:18

While struggling with the 'Might' race, I thought I would introduce a 'magic' race. Still working on a race name, maybe Atlantians but thinking something from the sky instead. Thought about Ariens (sounds too kkk ish) or Ariels (sounds too girly/walt disneyish) so still working on this (suggestions would be nice).

Where the aliens good abilities all come in might areas, the magical ones of course come in magic areas.

Racial - Weavers - Basic is Access to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level 'weave' magic. Advance 4th, and Expert 5th, and Master cuts down casting time (see following). Weave magic differs in that it it uses less mana but takes longer to invoke..casting does not happen instantly but later. Usually on the turn of the unit it was focused on. It has no area of effect abilitys, but does mass abilities (and it triggers on the next unit of the targets that acts turn before they move). If master skill level, then spells happen like normal magical spells.

Focus magic - Similar to Dark Elves enpowered spells, only affects non-damaging spells making them twice as effective (ie bless would allow creatures to do double maximum damage, while suffering would cut damage to 1/2 minimum). These spells cost double mana; however.

Split Magic - Damaging spells target all enemy stacks but only do normal damage/#of stacks. So a single eldrich arrow can hit all enemy units and if the enemy has 7 stacks the damage to each stack would be 1/7th normal damage. This is a triggered effect but can be used as often as desired.

Logistics - Tactics - Halt Advance all enemy units suffer a -1 speed when in battle with somebody with this skill.

War-Machines - first aid - Magic Transfusion restores all of a creatures Mana when the First Aid tent heals them.

Leadership-Diplomacy-Arcane Withdrawl Fleeing leaves you with 25% of your troops, does not allow fleeing if not normally able to flee.

Luck-Magic Resistance-Immunity Token creates a 'token' that can be equiped to a single stack. Makes that stack immune to magic. If the stack is destroyed you get the token back. Can only be used on tier 1-4 stacks.

Defense - Protection - Mystical Armor Increases defense of all units by 4.

Attack - Archery - Enchanted Arrows Increases attack of all ranged units by 4.

Sorcery - Magic Insight - Mystic Training allows learning of 4th level spells regardless of skill. However, all 4th level spells that they have no associating skill with cost double mana but does normal damage.
Emergency Recharge - 1x per combat can regain 25% of maximum mana but hero unable to act for equivilent of two turns.

Summon Magic - Master of Life - Rebuilding Life allows raise dead to work on all units regardless of type,immunities, or other factors. The raised units still fade at the end of combat however.
Master of the elements - elemental summoning gains tripple power.

Destructive Magic - Master of Ice - Ice Touch Grants a 10% chance that any attack landed by Hero or creatures under the Hero's command also invokes a free Ice Bolt with sp = heroes.
Glacier Armor triggered ability - Friendly creature targeted by this looses half it's movement points but doubles its attack and deffense. Can not be used on ranged units. Max uses - 3 x per combat but only 1 creature gains the benifit so if 'cast' again the old one looses the benifit.

Dark Magic - Master of Pain - Pact of Darkness Drain Spellpower x 20 worth of hp from a friendly unit. Regain 1 spellpoint per 10 hp drained this way.
Agony Cast spell agony for free. Agony is single target Vulnerability, Suffering, and Decay.

Light Magic - Master of Wrath - Rejected one Hero becomes a pariah of his people and sufferes a -1 moral. He/she gains favor ammoung Haven/Sylvan/Academy troops and gains +1 morale to them. Also all Light Magic spells are considered to be cast at 1.5x normal spell power.

Enlightenment - Arcane Intuition - Enlightened grants the benifit of intelligence and scholor.

(whew that is a lot of writing, tbc)
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 01 Oct 2006, 11:12

Ok,after the jokes,heres a (somewhat)serious town proposal:

Race:Ilithid aka mind flayers.For those that arent D&D freaks,illithid are a race of alien monsters with tremendous mind powers,but somewhat weak in body.Illithid feed on their victims brains by sucking them out using the four tentacles surounding their mouths.

Racial special:Psionics(duh!).Illithid hero has a small chance of stunning a creature at the start of the combat(for every creature it is 5%+1% per every elder brain).Furthermore,it can cast a 1/2/3(depending on the mastery of the skill)turns lasting basic confusion on ranged units(both the stun and the confusion are a feat called psionic attack).Also,every spell cast in the pressence of illithid costs 1/2/3 spell points more,wheter it is being cast by the hero or a creature.Non battle part of this,enables illithid to transform 5%/10%/15% of level 1 units they fought into thralls.If the creatures flee,however,this becomes 10%/20%/30%.Elder brain increases this as well.

Elder brain:The special "structure" illithid can errect in their cities.Elder brains boost the specials of all the illithid heroes.


Tier 1:Thrall is an illithid slave.They are very fragile and slow in combat,but are excelent when stacked somwhere to work.Every thrall stationed in a mine boosts production of it by 1%.Thralls are also immune to harmfull mind affects as long as they are wirh a hero(neutrals arent immune to mind effects).
When upgraded into thrall brute,they loose this ability,but gain big boost in initiative,speed and attack.Brutes are mindles berserkers that strike illithids enemies without mercy.

Tier 2:Brain Golem are made out of cerebral substance.Although physically weak,they do posses some psionic powers which they use to boost the heroes spellcasting(each golem increases the initiative of a hero by 0.1% up to 15%,and this is stackable with sorcery).
Upgraded crainial golems can tap into the heroes mind and cast any spell a hero knows himself,but they use heroes mana(double cost for spell)in this process.But this also means that the hero losses the benefit of quick casting.

Tier 3:Ustilagor are basically a brain with claws.They are quick and strong,and due to their size very hard to hit,thus they get -10% damage from all melee attacks,and -50% damage from all ranged attacks.
When they mature,intelect devourers become much stronger and gain some psionic abilities.This enables them to stun a creature they attack(10% chance for 1 round stun).Although they grow in size and thus are easier to hit(-5% damage from all melee attacks,and -30% damage from all ranged attacks)

Tier 4:Illithid psionics.Every mind flayer posseses psionic abilities,and is ready to use them in combat.Though fragile in body,they are strong in mind.Illithid psionics attack a single creature using their mind,thus negating their defense completelly,and preventing them from retaliating.However,they arent battle trained,so they can strike only a single creature up to 3 tiles away.Succubus doesnt retaliate to this attack.Although they must engage creatures immune to psionics in melee(at half their attack,of course).
They upgrade into illithid mages that gain a few spells along with their psionic powers(eldritch arrow,ice bolt and lightning bolt).

Tier 5:Purple worms are creatures that followed illithid to ashan.Though they are weak,purple worms attack their victims with acid that decreases their defense by 1 for the whole combat.
When upgraded into mind worms,they gain the ability to mesmerize the creature into helping you(20%/creature level chance to puppet master a creature for one round)whenever they attack.

Tier 6:Mindwitnesses are beholders enslaved by illithid.Thir eye can shoot a ray that that is very devastating and can even confuse ranged units(10% chance).In melee they bite with their fierce mouths,and also have a chance to posses the victim(same as mind worm,but the chance is 30%/creature level)
Elder mindwitness can also cast a few spells out of their smaller eyes(1 random mass curse or mass buff on the begining of the combat).

Tier 7:Ulitharids are a fiercome breed of illithids,much more potent in both body and mind.Their psionic powers are so great that they can attack any creature on the battlefield completelly ignoring their defense.Even if engaded in melee,they still can target any creature.(but unlike illithids,ulthralids strike mind immune creatures in melee without penalties)
Ulthralid warriors are to be feared because they also gain the ability to strike all creatures around them with their psionic powers without these creatures being able to retaliate.
Last edited by DaemianLucifer on 01 Oct 2006, 12:06, edited 5 times in total.

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