Mytical wrote:Need a couple more 1 sort of weak and one sort of strong, will be back on this later

Might I add I feel humbled by Panda's water town offering, much better then my own

Oh, come on!

Thank you. I was having a day with 'not-so-much-of-work' to do, then, I just started thinking on something.^^ BTW, I like longbowman as being a strong unit as you designed them. It was, a long time ago, a level 5 tier of my proposal for Human Bastion Town.
Speaking of that, I'll drop aside the buildings for a while and create another city, based on my old proposals. The name will be Garden Valle - a city between mountains, reminding a bit of Rampart, mixing oriental stuff, mystical and miscellaneous ones, dwelled by other kinds of elven people as lords.
Lv1 Halflings (hired at Halfling's Village, considering it similar to hobbit's village^^) - small units with a very good aiming. They're good at groups and can take down quite easily bigger foes, and are really fast. Battle halflings are stronger, are skilled at melee battles and light, being able to dodge attacks. Stats as they follow:
Attack 6; Defense 1; Damage 1-3; HP 5; Speed 7; Initiative 12; Shots 4; Abilities: ranged, precision (this unit will neve miss a target. For spectres, they have a 10% probability to miss only), giant slayer (this unit inflicts more 25% damage against large units).
Battle halfling:
Attack 7; Defense 4; Damage 2-3; HP 6; Speed 7; Initiative 12; Shots 6; Abilities: same as above + no melee penalty, dodge (it has 10% chance to dodge attacks, decreasing damage taken from any kind of attack by 50%).
Lv2 roc (hired at Cliffs, a very high cliff between the mountains, reminding H3 Green Dragon's dwelling) - a huge eagle, which can carry even some big animals with its claws, is strong, sturdy and deadly. When stormclouds surrounds those, and magic starts enchanting those cliffs, thunderbirds are born, bringing with them the power to call upon a lightning on their prey. They're very tough for a second level unit, although their price is just as tough. Stats as they follow:
Attack 8; Defense 8; Damage 8 - 14; HP 40; Speed 6; Initiative 10; Abilities: large unit, flyer.
Attack 10; Defense 8; Damage 8 - 14; HP 55; Speed 7; Initiative 9; Abilities: same as above + lightning strike (a bolt of lightning strikes the target everytime a thunderbird attacks, inflicting regular damage + 4 lightning damage per thunderbird), lightning absortion (if this unit is struck by a lightning, it will recover HP equal to damage, reviving even dead units for the time of the battle).
Lv3 trapper (hired at Council of Defense, built between the trees) - this is a fast elven warrior, which has deadly abilities when using it's knife as weapon, and hits so sudden their targets which become impossible to counterattack. Ninjas are more deadly, being able to set traps and throw shurikens over their enemies. Stats as they follow:
Attack 7; Defense 5; Damage 5 - 8; HP 30; Speed 7; Initiative 11; Abilities: deadly strike (it can inflict double damage 25% of times), cannot be retaliated.
Attack 9; Defense 5; Damage 5 - 10; HP 33; Speed 9; Initiative 10; Abilities: same as above + settle trap (active ability able to use 3 times per battle, settling a land trap which will explode when a foe steps on it, and won't work against allied units. It does 10 damage per Ninja), shuriken (active ability once per battle - this unit will throw 3 shurikens that'll hit three adjacent squares at distance. The range of this attack is just half of the battlefield for minimum damage).
Lv4 sharpshooter (hired at Treetop Halls, buit on the top of the trees, like a Council's annexe) - a very powerful archer that'll always hit its target for full damage, without any ranged penalty. Elite sharpshooter are even more deadly, and their arrows can impale enemies quite easily, also being able to push them away. Stats as they follow:
Attack 12; Defense 6; Damage 13; HP 20; Speed 4; Initiative 10; Shots 12; Abilities: ranged, no range penalty, spy (increases effect for Scouting skill: + 1 radius, more information at thieves guild, more information about enemy troops).
Elite sharpshooter:
Attack 14; Defense 6; Damage 14; HP 24; Speed 5; Initiative 10; Shots 16; Abilities: same as above + impale arrrow (active ability has a 10% chance to impale a shot on a target, which will lose 3 speed, 10% initiative, and inflict - 25% less damage for the time of the battle), pushing shot (active ability, 2 times per battle, this unit will push away a foe with a powerful shot for 12 damage).
Lv5 pegasi (hired at Enchanted Waterfalls, which falls from between some mountains) - mounted by powerful warriors, pegasi can be a fast attack against ranged units, affects enemy spells by making them spend more SP to cast spells. Pegagus knight wield two blades and can pass through enemies retaliating them in their way before even reaching their target. They can also evade battlefield for a while, choosing a place to land once per battle, and cannot be targeted meanwhile. Stats as they follow:
Attack 12; Defense 14; Damage 10 - 16; HP 54; Speed 7; Initiative 10; Abilities: flyer, large unit, magic dumper (increases 2 cost for every enemy spells, including units), parry (this unit can completely block upcoming shots at 33% of times, and this stance is automatically active when Pegasi defends).
Attack 12; Defense 16; Damage 10 - 16; HP 62; Speed 8; Initiative 10; Abilities: same as above + frenzied charge (when a pegasi is attacking a certain target, it'll attack any other enemy unit which is in their way, swooping through them, and they won't retaliate. Damage for those attacks is 4 - 6); flight of freedom (once per battle, the pegasus will fly higher than the other units, being out of range, and hero will have 1 turn to position them on a new place - if they're able to reach that based on their speed - on the battlefield).
Lv6 dragu (hired at Mountain Temple, a Japanese-like temple, next to those same mountains^^) - similar to those lucky dragon from oriental beliefs (non-winged and having their bodies shaped as a serpent with legs and long moustaches), these beasts bring luck to their allies, reflect spells, and can change their natural powers throughout elements. Ancient Dragu can share their dragon power to other units, increasing wonderful stats for them. But their power is limited by tier. Stats as they follow:
Attack 22; Defense 15; Damage 20 - 35; HP 112; Speed 7; Initiative 8; Abilities: large unit, luck bearer (all allies, including themselves, have + 2 luck, and cannot be less than 0), reflect spells (they cannot be harm by harmful spells, reflecting them to nowhere), elemental shifter (this unit can assume a powerful elemental aura increasing effects of elemental spells for hero and allied troops. A same elemental spell will have 25% more effectiveness/damage when cast onto enemy troops. This is an active ability, and the elemental shifted is randomly chosen: fire, water (ice included), earth, air (thunder included), magical (light, dark, mind included)).
Ancient Dragu:
Attack 25; Defense 20; Damage 30 - 35; HP 168; Speed 7; Initiative 8; Abilities: same as above + dragon spirit (active ability once per battle, can enchant an allied target for 3 turns with a special power called Dragon Spirit. The target will have all stats doubled during those turns. Dragu can't apply this ability onto same tier or higher tier units. Just onto Lv5 units below).
Lv7 shamae (hired at Golden Castle, which seems like Kyoto's Golden Temple) - a powerful entity which can cast powerful light-based attacks against foes, and use dimensional powers. Dreashamae can mirror themselves to destructive clones. They are a tier 7 small unit. Stats as they follow:
Attack 20; Defense 18; Damage 18 - 32; HP 120; SP 20; Speed 6; Initiative 12; Abilities: teleport, prismatic attack (this unit attacks all surrounding units - friend or foes - which light power), cannot be retaliated, spell caster (Arcane Shield: 40 HP per shamae ; Sunray: massive damage on a single target - 15 damage per shamae).
Attack 22; Defense 22; Damage 22 - 38; HP 145; SP 50; Speed 7; Initiative 12; Abilities: same as above + clonning (three times per battle, but only one clone active per time, dreashamae can make a clone of themselves, which cannot attack although having the same HP, and they can autodestroy themselves damaging all surrounding units with a powerful version of their prismatic attack for 40 damage per clone unit).
Well, some strong units, less HP, but not that bad.