musical poetry, you say....

You are very good, took me much longer to figure that out. In fact figured it out about a whole turn before my party diedstefan.urlus wrote:my guess is that they can only be killed by blunt instruments, 2 actually killed by the priest, and two appear for each one kinda killed by non-blunt instruments
am i right??
Not really.I managed to play a LG necromancer,so a paldin wouldve been a breeze.And you never played a psionic?Now thats an awesome class!Too bad so few people know how to run a game with a psiMytical302 wrote: Paladin- though 'stronger' the fighter, there alignment cause various problems.
The best use of limmited wish I saw was in my early days when a friend used it to tie a dragons jaw shutMytical302 wrote: But sometimes it is not the spell the magic user has, but how (s)he uses them :impish grin:. Like my burying a beholder (which can negate just about any spell you throw at it) with a force lance to the roof over it's head (when I played a mage). Sadly that game ended short after think I miffed the DM by 'thinking outside the box' (What box? Where? I don't see no lousy box! :giggles:)
What?!Mytical302 wrote: there is no Santa,
Theyre not spam poems.Maybe you should rename this one "The poetry thread",and start singing.It was a nice read.Mytical302 wrote: Ok, ok I promise no more sappy poems. Just needed a pick me up
I think that that is a very bad idea. You see, I have this little problem....DaemianLucifer wrote:Theyre not spam poems.Maybe you should rename this one "The poetry thread".
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