LongDarkBlues wrote: Feel free to make your own interpretation! Assuming the Celestial's figure is human-sized, I left it as that. I don't have any reason to assume the Lamasu is going to have a human-sized skull - it seems pretty Sphinx-y and has huge feet.
Then you weren't using the 4-tile status of the units, where you...
LongDarkBlues wrote:
As you can now see, or would if you weren't using a monitor from 2 decades ago, it's now totally broken and useless with those admin-changed image tags. Sweet! I figure if it shows up ok on my cellphone, it's a reasonable assumption that we don't need to cater to an even lower common denominator, technology-wise.
Eh... the problem wasn't seeing it, it was that it screwed up the forum formating and required one to scroll to the sides to be able to read the posts...
Aand my plasma only goes to 1280x1024, but i prefer that to how my bro's LCD or the TV looks... and plasma screens that are big enough to use 1600x or more are still pretty costly...
Too bad the forum doesn't have a thumbnail function... but you can make your own with imageshack of photobucket for future reference.