Heroes VI seems to be reinventing the wheel. Good or bad?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Mirez » 31 Aug 2010, 14:27

Qurqirish Dragon wrote:
ecsunotos wrote:Yup... I'd like to know further about "units synergy" ... quiet interesting.
I'm guessing something similar to the H5 synergy between the sprites and treents, or goblins and cyclops- i.e. units get extra abilities if particular other units are on the field.

Taking a cue from Clash of Heroes, I'd say that if there are certain types/numbers of core units on the field (possibly close to an elite/champion) then the elite/champion gets extra abilities.
I don't think it will work that way. If it were you'd still be getting the tier 1 and 2 units that have an ability. I think he was talking about having different unit combinations because they work great together. Like goblin trappers and centaurs.
Or having a few spellcasters boost the rest of your units
Nelgirith wrote:
Mirez wrote:For example vampiers with last stand in heroes 5. I'd gladly sacrefice ghost recruitment for more vampires
Except that you'd have to sacrifice Liches and Wraith for your vampires :)
considering the liches and wraiths would have about the same stats as the vampire I'd gladly do so
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 31 Aug 2010, 16:48

jeff4815 wrote:I'd say it's a good thing. Who dares, wins!
Or loses... they always leave out that part about daring...
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Unread postby danijel1990 » 01 Sep 2010, 07:37

HoMM RTS?? That wont happen, not with the 7th, 8th or 9th iteration, plainly put never. Tbh, they may start an RTS game series in M&M universe, but they wouldn't have the guts to change Heroes to RTS genre, cause if they would announce such a thing :disagree:, they'd be getting millions of angry emails per second... ;) and not get a good feedback from the community...

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Unread postby ecsunotos » 01 Sep 2010, 07:55

danijel1990 wrote:HoMM RTS?? That wont happen, not with the 7th, 8th or 9th iteration, plainly put never. Tbh, they may start an RTS game series in M&M universe, but they wouldn't have the guts to change Heroes to RTS genre, cause if they would announce such a thing :disagree:, they'd be getting millions of angry emails per second... ;) and not get a good feedback from the community...
or they can build HoMM RTS, but don't even dare to call it HoMM

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 01 Sep 2010, 09:27

danijel1990 wrote:HoMM RTS?? That wont happen, not with the 7th, 8th or 9th iteration, plainly put never.
Some sources from Nival actually claimed Ubi wanted H5 to be a RTS... it was all over the forum at one time.
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Unread postby OliverFA » 01 Sep 2010, 10:27

ecsunotos wrote:
danijel1990 wrote:HoMM RTS?? That wont happen, not with the 7th, 8th or 9th iteration, plainly put never. Tbh, they may start an RTS game series in M&M universe, but they wouldn't have the guts to change Heroes to RTS genre, cause if they would announce such a thing :disagree:, they'd be getting millions of angry emails per second... ;) and not get a good feedback from the community...
or they can build HoMM RTS, but don't even dare to call it HoMM
That's why they will call it MM:H :D

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Unread postby danijel1990 » 01 Sep 2010, 12:00

ThunderTitan wrote:
danijel1990 wrote:HoMM RTS?? That wont happen, not with the 7th, 8th or 9th iteration, plainly put never.
Some sources from Nival actually claimed Ubi wanted H5 to be a RTS... it was all over the forum at one time.
Yes, I heard that as well, it seemed as if Ubi was testing the waters, but didn't wanna risk anything so it stayed tbs, as is HoMM VI, pardon me MM:H VI... :disagree:

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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 01 Sep 2010, 14:09

danijel1990 wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote:
danijel1990 wrote:HoMM RTS?? That wont happen, not with the 7th, 8th or 9th iteration, plainly put never.
Some sources from Nival actually claimed Ubi wanted H5 to be a RTS... it was all over the forum at one time.
Yes, I heard that as well, it seemed as if Ubi was testing the waters, but didn't wanna risk anything so it stayed tbs, as is HoMM VI, pardon me MM:H VI... :disagree:
It would be very stupid to make HoMM an RTS, even if they could be guaranteed general acceptance of it.
I much prefer having branding go with the style of game. Thus the M&M games were RPGs, HoMM TBSs. You want to make an RTS in the M&M universe, fine. Just call it something else.
I really got annoyed at square-enix when they made Final Fantasy 11 (and now 14) as MMOs. The numbered FF games should all be jRPGs. They have already made FF games without numbers (crystal chronicles is action-adventure, tactics is TBS, &c.)
I would feel the same about any series. I think this is also why Ultima 8 was not received well- it was very different from the style of the first 7.
Matthew Charlap -353 HoMM map reviews and counting...

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 02 Sep 2010, 06:33

M&M: Armies, i'm calling it now (Kingdoms being taken and all).
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Unread postby intipacha » 02 Sep 2010, 07:03

changes are not that frightening, and this game might just actually improve over version 5.

too bad we won't see the battlefield hexes coming back, though.
nobody loves the hexes anymore. (except sid meier ;) )

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Unread postby MattII » 02 Sep 2010, 07:40

ThunderTitan wrote:M&M: Armies, i'm calling it now (Kingdoms being taken and all).
If it were possible I'd still call it Heroes, but rename everything else to Empires, given that this seems to be focussing far more on the heroes than previous versions.
intipacha wrote:nobody loves the hexes anymore. (except sid meier ;) )
And Malfador Machinations

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 03 Sep 2010, 10:11

MattII wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote:M&M: Armies, i'm calling it now (Kingdoms being taken and all).
If it were possible I'd still call it Heroes, but rename everything else to Empires, given that this seems to be focussing far more on the heroes than previous versions.
That's not going to work with them making M&M brand the first name in all their new games set in Ashan.
MattII wrote:
intipacha wrote:nobody loves the hexes anymore. (except sid meier ;) )
And Malfador Machinations
Disciples 3 also has hexes...
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Unread postby Petezko » 30 Sep 2010, 11:04

I hope they will implement the adventure spell system from H3.. with expert earth magic and town portal spell you could teleport back to any friendly town you wanted.. Now with H5 gone are the times when you had to earn your victory instead of losing/ conquering a town just because the hero of the town owner is too far to come to protect it.

What do you guys think about this? Is the H5 town portal system annoying/fair/useful in multiplayer games (I'm talking about hot seats; never tried multiplayer)?

Edit: This makes difference at the later part of the game when you own more than just one town.

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Unread postby Blocks100 » 30 Sep 2010, 14:23

I think the general consensus is that H3 town portal spell was over-powered. Sure, it was fun to be able to zap to any town, but it quicky became rather game-breaking. Check out the 'adventure map spells' thread here for more opinons....

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Unread postby Tress » 30 Sep 2010, 15:00

I think such mobility spells alter gameplay too much, and give expert earth mandatory meaning. In fact it actually , it turns over whole strategy. Normally the larger your kingdom is the more vulnerable you are in sides your hero is not. With TP hoverer you get progressively mobile and able to get army the bigger your kingdom gets.
Also teleport spells must be balanced in game not in individual maps, because that shifts balance of magic/might hero depending on availability.

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Unread postby Petezko » 30 Sep 2010, 19:55

tress wrote:I think such mobility spells alter gameplay too much, and give expert earth mandatory meaning. In fact it actually , it turns over whole strategy. Normally the larger your kingdom is the more vulnerable you are in sides your hero is not. With TP hoverer you get progressively mobile and able to get army the bigger your kingdom gets.
Also teleport spells must be balanced in game not in individual maps, because that shifts balance of magic/might hero depending on availability.
True, but on the other hand the current TP causes the effect of cat running after it's tail; whenever your main hero conquers a town, he loses another because of better-than-average enemy hero or poor town defenses or both. When your hero goes back to conquer that town, the enemy hero has moved onward for another town and the circle goes on.. At least this is what's happening to me at hotseat.

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Unread postby Zenofex » 30 Sep 2010, 20:36

Petezko wrote:True, but on the other hand the current TP causes the effect of cat running after it's tail; whenever your main hero conquers a town, he loses another because of better-than-average enemy hero or poor town defenses or both. When your hero goes back to conquer that town, the enemy hero has moved onward for another town and the circle goes on.. At least this is what's happening to me at hotseat.
However Town Portal with Expert Earth Magic also allows you to instantly teleport to any town threatened by the opponent and thus surprise him quite unpleasantly in case his movement points get exhausted before the very gates or anywhere nearby. Generally the usefulness of the spell exceeds by far any problems that might emerge from its overexploitation. The same is valid for the HoMM III version of Dimension Door - overpowered with Expert Air Magic. The adventure spells should be reasonably nerfed in comparison with HoMM III, but not as much as in HoMM V, where they are too difficult to use effectively.

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Unread postby Tress » 30 Sep 2010, 21:03

Well homm 4 lived without them quite well. It had limited TP(that was arguably too useful in combat field) but thats about it. In most maps to retain balance, DD and TP often gets turned off. As I remeber DD and TP trivialized second part of shadow of death campaign. I was able to play with single hero without using other 3.

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