Shauku wrote:Yep, are you back to the part where you are saying that splitting the casters do more damage? I don't believe anyone is claming otherwise, so that really doesn't strike as a convincing argument.
JJ is.He is claiming that it doesnt get any more damage than splitting meat shield.
Shauku wrote:
But also "when not splitting casters, you canno't fight without losses" is another very authorative statement, which has no basis what so ever.
Thats not what I said,I said that there will be more battles where youll have no losses.Again,it might seem irrelewant to you that you lost a few more meat shields,but when facing your equal it is quite a difference.Dont believe me?Then try an MP with anyone,both of you play sylvan,and you dont split the druids ever,and check the outcome yourself.YOur chances for winning will drop very noticably.
Shauku wrote:
The third is that "in real life battles..." and that has been discussed before, it's your opinion that a game should work like in reality to make it a good one, and not a proof of anything else.
Really?Just my oppinion?They why do they try so much to make it as realistic as posible?Why not paint the leaves purple and grass black?Why arent peasants level 7 and squires level 1?Hey its just a game,right,and logic has no place in it?Wrong.Logic is a part of heroes,and much more than you care to admit or see,wheter you like it or not.
Shauku wrote:
Soon it's all back to where it started from. I suggest you give anything remotely similar to JJ:s math above and lessen the opinion part in your proofs a notch, then something good might come out of it.
I dont have to,he did that math for me.You get an increase of about 40% of damage(splitting 8 druids in 2,2,1,1,1,1),yet claims its not significant.You can get 50% increase even if you go only with druids.And you gain it for free.Is that same as splitting meat shield?No its not.While splitting meat shield gives you an extra attack,thus increasing your damage by another 100%,splitting casters gives you 40% on every attack.Thsu while those gremlins would do 200% damage in 2 rounds,druids would do 280%.While gremlins would do 300% because of the meat shield,druids would do 280%+additional range attack(except for maybe two of them you use for cover),which is way over 300% of one rounds damage.(Of course,percanteges are used wrong here,but I am not doing exact math.If I was,I would be giving the actuall damage ranges)