I am (finally) getting started with Heroes V

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 Oct 2006, 09:13

I got a bunch of zombies in C4M1 on my first try.There were also a few assassins and gremlins,but I left those for later.I didnt tackle only elder druids in that map.

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Unread postby Banedon » 24 Nov 2006, 08:26

I met my match at last.

Godric the crazy Paladin in the last mission of the Necromancer campaign completely annihilates me. I fight him early (day 1 week 2) and he has 60 Angels, way more than what I can face. I fight him late (no idea what month, but by then I had 3k Skeleton Archers) and he has 245 Angels, again way more than what I can possibly cope with.

It's impossible. I built Markal wrongly and am suffering for it, but how can any Markal beat that? For some reason the Angels are immune to PuppetMaster (don't have Frenzy) and even if I do cast it Godric casts...horror of horrors...Magical Immunity! Sigh. He's level 11 and I'm level 29, but his stats are comparable to mine.

I'm beginning to wonder if this is bugged. It sure seems to be to me.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 24 Nov 2006, 08:57

Play pre 1.3 version and (ab)use mark of the necromancer+raise dead :devil:

First,you mustnt leave any units with isabel on the last turn,they all go to godric.Second,how did you build godric before?Did you give him something to prevent puppet master?Frenzy or puppet master seem like the winer here.

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Unread postby Banedon » 24 Nov 2006, 10:23

Is there a spell that disables Puppet Master / Frenzy? But no: I can cast Puppet Master on the Paladins, just not the Angels. I didn't leave any creatures with Isabel at all as well. Godric's exact skills I don't know, but he has Light Magic with Mass Divine Strength.

I'm going to try again soon, this time with a mass rush to strike before the end of the first week. It's the first time I've found myself forced to restart, but I don't think I have a choice. 60 Angels that multiply at such an insane pace is impossible to defeat later.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 24 Nov 2006, 10:44

Maybe there is a hitpoint limit,or maybe there was a bug.

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Unread postby The Mad Dragon » 24 Nov 2006, 15:42

60 angels? Wow....looks like the Necro campaign will prove to be interesting.

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Unread postby The Mad Dragon » 24 Nov 2006, 15:43

Also, have you tried to split your archer stacks?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 24 Nov 2006, 16:08

Well it should be fewer on lower dificulties.And splitting archers can only do you harm.

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Unread postby The Mad Dragon » 24 Nov 2006, 16:08

Really? hmm...

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Unread postby Mirez » 24 Nov 2006, 19:44

hehe godric had guardian angel ability, after a long fight with the academy creatures I had like a few skeletons without arrows left and he had some bleu catty cat's I ran away from them attacking them with my heroew and gues what? It worked!! next what happens an angel appeares and brings them back to life ALL 40 OF THEM!!! the same happens with his archangels

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Unread postby Mytical » 24 Nov 2006, 20:12

CAUTION:SPOILER BELOW. Please read at your own risk.

Ok if I remember this map right the key is to limit how many creatures godric gets from Isabel. You can do this several ways. First Isabel should start out doing what I call dine and dash. Go kill some enemies, mark places, ect but make sure you can end your turn IN a castle. As soon as you are about to end her turn put all but a single creature in the castle, and not in Isabels army. Once you have a necro place she should only use undead creatures, and have Markal use haven or transform them into undead. Any creatures that leaves Isabels army goes straight into Godrics army, so the more that she looses the more you face in the end. Now if you want her to help with the map you are just going to have to either accept this or follow her with a small hero that she can switch out her army to before ending her turn (thus limiting how many ol godric gets). If she has undead, you don't have to worry about it, it is only haven troops that are the problem.
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 24 Nov 2006, 20:16

I remember having a crazy amount of skeleton archers who made short work of everything Godric had. Of course, this was before the patches and whe you could use phantom forces multiple times on a stack. 3 additional stacks of 5,000 skeleton archers makes short work of your enemies.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby Banedon » 25 Nov 2006, 05:57

Lol. The third time I tried it (the second time I just missed the start of the second week I'd timed for an invasion) it was ridiculously easy. Godric went down on the third day - Markal went over, picked up Freya, picked up the Angel Wings and went to war. All my creatures just Defended while the Phoenix wiped out the defense :D
Errr... I'm currently busy with the battle with Godric.
After defeating his academy army (11 titans etc.) Godric summons :

192 angels
xxx champions (I forgot)
1k archers
2k squires

Which is fine by itself, if it were not for the facts that :
- my army is about 5% of his
- his army resists frenzy
- his army resists puppet master

I still think I'll be able to beat him, but these are some insane odds. Seems like a bug to me. Anyone else got such numbers?
You know something wimfrits? I bet Nival created a special Godric when the player breezes through the first few campaigns a bit too easily :) The rate at which the Angels grow (at least the first time I tried; he had 65 Angels on Week 2 and 245 Angels at not later than month 2 week 1) was either a bug or an intentional (if impossible) challenge :D.

I like the map. It's unique. Of course we can argue that Godric cheats by deploying two armies, but then it's still a nice map.

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Unread postby wimfrits » 25 Nov 2006, 11:00

Banedon wrote: The rate at which the Angels grow (at least the first time I tried; he had 65 Angels on Week 2 and 245 Angels at not later than month 2 week 1) was either a bug or an intentional (if impossible) challenge :D.
I'm currently in the 4th map of the last campaign and comparing Godric with the rest of the challenges I think this Godric is not intented. Although it was the only real fun part of the Necro campaign imo.

So far, it seems that each campaign has only 1 point of challenge, which is a bad thing. I agree that map concepts are pretty nice though.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby Campaigner » 25 Nov 2006, 11:11

Necro 5 I had to reload the autosave several times. Attacked on day 3 and summoned a Phoenix. Now, I had maxed out Godric in the previous missions and gave him Expert Dark magic so he frenzied my Phoenix all the time....

So on the next try I simply frenzied everything he had after a mass slow.

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Unread postby Banedon » 25 Nov 2006, 12:28

wimfrits wrote:I'm currently in the 4th map of the last campaign and comparing Godric with the rest of the challenges I think this Godric is not intented. Although it was the only real fun part of the Necro campaign imo.

So far, it seems that each campaign has only 1 point of challenge, which is a bad thing. I agree that map concepts are pretty nice though.
Did you win that fight wimfrits?

Yeah, now that you put it that way I agree with you. The Haven campaign's last map was really fine (Nival plagiarized from "A Wind of Thorns" though :D). I survived the first few attacks by the skin of my teeth, just making through with some Marksmen left. Then I realized there was a Gold mine above :) But by then I had more or less secured the position. The Inferno campaign was relatively easy, if you count patch 1.3 making the third map cakewalk. Necropolis I've had to restart the last map twice, but the remainder was just plain dull. Someone ought to hire you as a map developer ;)

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Unread postby wimfrits » 25 Nov 2006, 14:42

Banedon wrote:Did you win that fight wimfrits?
Yes, but I'm not sure how. I wrote it down somewhere but I can't find that post. I know that frenzy and puppet master somehow failed every time. And Markal did not have summoning magic, so no summon phoenix.
I reloaded 2 or 3 times and in the end won in a simple rinse-and-repeat kind of way.

Oh, I remember. Raise dead on a stack of spectres blocking access to my skellies so that the angels and champions couldn't reach them. And spirit link to regain mana.
Someone ought to hire you as a map developer
Hey thanks! :-D

Just wondering, now that you've played some of the game: what's your favorite faction so far?
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby Banedon » 26 Nov 2006, 00:38

You're lucky your Godric did not have Deflect Missiles :) Is there a way to ensure the Skeleton Archers don't run out of shots?

My thoughts on every race I've played so far:

Haven - A bit dull with no special abilities, but definitely a solid race. Haven gets access to fine shooters at level 2 and can charge the battlefield with Archangels and Champions. Imperial Griffins can intimidate your opponent and play mind games while Inquistors can cast blesses on the Champions. All good, but the playstyle is slightly boring.

Inferno - An interesting race, if a bit difficult to play at the beginning due to the lack of a ranged creature, but that is quite neutralized by the mass Gating effect. My biggest problem with Inferno is that the Archdevils don't have no retaliation as a special ability and therefore dealing damage later in the game requires careful planning such that it is always the Gated creatures that take the damage first.

Necropolis - Oddly enough, my favourite race for the moment. The constant raising of Skeleton Archers is crazy, and Raise Dead allows Necropolis to constantly move without losing creatures. Problem as always is the weaker power late-game, but with improved growth for the Spectral Dragons as well as the ability to turn all captured creatures into undead (why can't I turn Zombies and Ghosts into Skeletons?) it might compensate.

Sylvan - A very nice race to play. The only problem is the lack of a good tanking unit until the Treants, but before then Sylvan can fly, can shoot and can cast. The tougher guardians you can't fight without losses early, but everyone else dies before they can move thanks to the powerful ranged creatures.

Dungeon - A bit underpowered in my opinion. The Assassins are good units, the Blood Furies deal good damage, but Dungeon lacks a true killing weapon aside from the hero until late in the game. And that is quite late indeed; Minotaur Guards are relatively slow, Deep Hydras move slowly as well while Dark Raiders have neither the no retaliation ability nor the damage to kill a stack outright. Until Dungeon reaches Shadow Matriaches Dungeon has no effective Ranged units, and even after Dungeon gets them the Shadow Matriaches might have to cast spells. I don't like Dungeon, though one of my brothers clearly does.

Academy - I've never played Academy, only gone against Academy (so far). Seems reasonably good to me, with Rakshasha Rani to serve as the cleaner unit, Archmagi and Titans for ranged fire and the Gargoyles / Golems for cannon fodder / tanking purposes. The problem I can see is to get the Archmagi in the first place, but with Gremlins being ranged as well as a limitless supply of mana, it should be possible.

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 26 Nov 2006, 00:58

Banedon wrote: Is there a way to ensure the Skeleton Archers don't run out of shots?
Ammo cart.

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Unread postby Banedon » 26 Nov 2006, 01:49

Given, of course, you are staying in the corner spamming Raise Dead. Without other targets either the Angels or the Champions or the Squires or the Archers will take out the Amno Cart.

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