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Unread postby asandir » 29 Jan 2007, 06:34

I'm not sure that he will .... haven't we tried that already

anyway, my random thought is more along the lines of the crazy people writing about stopping chainsaws with their groins???!!!! WTF? 8|
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 29 Jan 2007, 10:54

Eh? 8| Where did you get that?
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Unread postby ScarlettP » 29 Jan 2007, 12:16

I posted it earlier. Our new chainsaw came with a warning lable that said "Do not stop blade with hand or groin." :|

Random thoughts? I had TONS of fun over the weekend. It's so sad that I have to go back to work today. (picture link posted in picture thread)

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 29 Jan 2007, 12:32

What kind of fun did you have? :D Tell us some tales!

I, otherwise, went to the beach and it became instantly cloudy. For my pleasure, of course, since I'm not meant to be under a powerful sun these days to fully heal my mouth. :-D

It was windy, and the sea water was warm, almost 25ºC. But I wouldn't be getting in it. I went with some friends and they all had fun while I was reading a book for a change. The only human reading a book on the whole beach. :rolleyes: I believe I saw a dog reading a newspaper on the sand...anyway.
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2. :panda:

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Unread postby Corribus » 29 Jan 2007, 16:02

Saw this advertised on the train over the weekend (yes, actually advertised, as in - "If you have this, you may need treated. Call your physician today!").

http://content.jeffersonhospital.org/co ... eid=P00755

Maybe it's just me being overly critical, but what the heck has happened to humans? Used to be we actually had real things to worry about, like earthquakes, sabre-toothed tigers, vikings and the black death. Have we, as a species, really become this soft?

I think we as a collective whole need to regrow a pair, if you take my metaphorical meaning.
"What men are poets who can speak of Jupiter if he were like a man, but if he is an immense spinning sphere of methane and ammonia must be silent?" - Richard P. Feynman

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 29 Jan 2007, 16:23

With the exception of a couple of them, the symtoms match up perfectly with anybody who has a full-time job or is in college.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 29 Jan 2007, 16:56

Corribus wrote:Saw this advertised on the train over the weekend (yes, actually advertised, as in - "If you have this, you may need treated. Call your physician today!").
No, see, back in the day you were way to worried about living to the next day to have time to get depressed, so it wasn't a problem. Now you actualy have the time to stop and think how bad you feel.
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 29 Jan 2007, 20:31

Does anyone happen to know if 10 coplanar lines can have exactly 26 intersection points, and if yes, how? :)
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Unread postby asandir » 29 Jan 2007, 22:58

I randomly think that I have no idea at all tLD, and can I add that it's much nicer here today .... was too damn hot by half
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 29 Jan 2007, 23:30

I'm still in law school, so go me.
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Unread postby Vlad976 » 30 Jan 2007, 01:20

I love how the cpu quota error always waits until after I log in before striking. It's a wonder I was actually able to type this in.
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Unread postby ScarlettP » 30 Jan 2007, 12:48

Panda Tar wrote:What kind of fun did you have? :D Tell us some tales!
Well... my friends the Molly Maguires were playing Irish folk music, which is always fun, but they were playing in the auditorium where you're not allowed to have drinks. I think they need to move over to the 'consuite' area where they keep the free beer. It's just not RIGHT to listen to Irish drinking music without a beer in your hand.


Then it was OFF to the PARTIES! Whoo Hoo! I spent most of the night in the "O'Shea Party" thrown by my friends. The O'sheas include Sean, his wife Roseanna, his brother Patric, and sisters Shelia and Kathleen. There are, allegidly, two more siblings that I have never met. Yeah, they are about as Irish Catholic as they come in the US. Oh NAN do they know how to party! It tickles me that I've been invited to every 'O'Shea Party' since the very first one about 1990. Because they serve VERY nice munchies and run a FULLY STOCKED bar and decorate thier hotel suite for these parties, they are by invitation only. Lots of people get really pissed off because they are not allowed in. Honestly, all that ever happens at the party is the same thing that's happening at all the others... people sit around and drink and talk and some go out on the 'patio' to smoke... but the O'Shea's have been running in the same 'circle' with me so long that all their friends are my friends so it's a WONDERFUL mix of only my very favorite people.

We did wander around to some of the other parties, but they are normally hosted by other conventions or clubs that are trying to get people to come to THEIR function or join THEIR group. It's just sort of a different 'feel'. They also rarely have any space larger than a regular room, so it's rather 'close' and uncomfortably crowded. (Most never seemed to learn the trick of turning the hotel beds up on their sides to make more room for guests!)

Anyway - I got happily TOASTED! oh boy! When hubby was driving me home, we have to go through a series of "S-Curves". As it was VERY late at night, he was taking them a little faster than he should, which was sloshing all that booze uncomfortably about in my stomach. By the time I got home, I had to -er- let some of it slosh on out. :D

The next morning, I had to get up and get back to the convention to teach a class on sewing. I made it. Mostly. It was supposed to start at 10 am. I was only 5 minutes late. I started it by saying "I'm here. I'm vertical. I'm wearing clothes and I have washed the puke out of my hair." Luckily, the worst of the hang over passed before the hour was up and several people complimented me on how informative the workshop was... even if I WAS dreadfully hung over.

The rest of the day was just hanging with my friends, doing a little 'shopping' in the dealer's room and running another workshop on make up....

Then the Masquerade! Whoo Hoo! I was very impressed with the Quality of costumes that turned out. For many years, the Costume Contests at all conventions have been going 'down hill' quickly. There were Three of us who were in VERY nice, hand made outfits. Two more were in commercially available mascot style costumes. Even the 'also rans' looked pretty darned good.

Most of us were interviewed for the News - but I don't know if any of us actually got on TV because we were all at the show and not watching the news. ;)

Then off to the 'Consuite' to pose for pictures and socialize some more. Got my feet rubbed by the cute little husband of one of my friends. Normally, this guy's overly forward advances toward me right in front of his wife make me uncomfortable... but when offered to rub my aching feet, I let him! Oh Damn! Small man, VERY strong hands. Let me tell you, that "Hurt so Good".

Sadly, in the middle of my enjoyment, hubby and our other friends were complaining that they were starving and we had to go order some food. We worked our way to a friend's room through all the parties and got out the phone book to order Pizza. When we got to the room, I asked our host if he had a T-Shirt I could wear because my costume was pretty itchy. He complied. The shirt was SO big that it came down to my knees. I happily took off everything except undies and the shirt. Still wearing my masquerade make up, bare foot and with my hair in a messy braid, I walked down the hall to a party to get a Diet Coke. I laughed "Do you think I'm with the convention wearing nothing but Goth make up and a StarGate T-Shirt for a dress?" No one complained.

It was after midnight and all the Pizza places had shut down. We called a place called "City Cafe". They said they had everything EXCEPT pizza... so we ordered sandwiches that cost $10 EACH! I was a bit pissed at that, but we were starving and there was nothing else. Then the food came! GEES! Those really WERE $10 sandwiches! There must have been a full pound of meat on each one! FAB! After being fed, Donna and I were quite happy to curl up and sleep so our husbands drove us home and put us to bed.

Sunday was just sitting around the consuit drinking coffee and saying 'Good Bye' to all our friends. Most of these people we only see once a year, but they are family. We spend most of our time just 'catching up' with each other and what has been happening to everyone during the year. May not actually sound like a great time to you guys, but - you sort of had to be there.

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 30 Jan 2007, 14:45

Nothing better than gathering people we like around us every now and then, is there? :-D I'm quite amused reading about the parties you had and find out quite fun you saying: "I'm vertical." :D That's something I've never heard, so, yes, I laughed.

I, on the other hand, will have quite an expedition to gather all people I want. You see, I live at South, family at North, Northeast, Center-west. Most of my REAL friends are spread all over the country, and really far from each other. I feel alone sometimes and even frustated since I have no power to unite all of us again and make a big party like yours, big sister.

That's mainly why I want, someday, to visit you and go out, just for the fun of it, even if I have to drink half a beer which will make me highcough all night, or make me somewhat between vertical and horizontal.

These are important moments in life, unique. But I'm working on my social enlaces. I met many people last year, and now I'm way much better. I'll start going out a bit too - although I must admit that I should be getting a driver's license: I'm fret about being in a car where a friend of mine can barely distinguish a mountain from a scarecrow, so I should drive instead. But I'm even more dangerous at a steering wheel by now. :D

Oh, thinking on that 10 bucks burguer, I just recalled something: When my step-mother was here, we where in a place called Lagoa da Conceição. There, full of tourists mainly from Argentina and Europe, things are rather expensive. So, my sister headed to an ice-cream parlor of Parmalat. I was hungry, but my teeth was aching at that time, so I went easy on it. I took 3 balls of ice-cream and a cone. My sister and step-mother got one each of them. We were eating happily, taking photos, etc, then we got the bill... 8|

I cannot understand why. Even God cannot understand why in His way. Maybe even the one-armed-man knows why. But that cost R$ 25,00 for 5 small ice-cream balls. It would mean almost 10 dollars. But you see, we are used to pay R$ 3,00 to R$ 5,00 for the same amount of ice-cream on VERY GOOD places, even better ones. All this despair for money because of a name. Sounds even unfair, doesn't it? I believe it keeps opened and going on because many unadviced and naive people (like me :baby: ) goes there once in their lives, and that's enough to build money. Three costumes will pay the phone bill. :D

I almost considered the idea to puke all the ice-cream back to the pot to eat again and make my money worth a bit, pretending that I got twice as much as I got. :rolleyes: But now I learned the lesson.
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 01 Feb 2007, 02:32

The forum is back. Yahoo!
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby winterfate » 01 Feb 2007, 03:52

The forum is back. Yahoo!

The forum is back. Yeah!

Let me go revive my Love Thread (I've got some whining to do :devil:).
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Unread postby asandir » 01 Feb 2007, 05:44

sounds like a great time was had Scarlett, even if you did let some alcohol back out ;)
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Unread postby Mytical » 01 Feb 2007, 06:14

Well, me and Karen have went our seperate ways, but I am very proud of her. She finally went and filled charges for assult, and actually went through with it at court. Afterward she said goodbye to me, and though it hurt I fully understand. She is strong enough, she will do fine. Some it takes a long time, some a short. Charish what you get when you get it.
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Unread postby asandir » 01 Feb 2007, 06:25

well, I'm happy for her, it does take courage to come back from that, especially if you are going to relive it in a court and have some lawyer try and twist and turn it around on ya .... good luck to her
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 01 Feb 2007, 17:51

Man, today i pend more time in school then during school days... and yet i wouldn't have cared even if i hadn't passed. And this without any extras. Damn that's weird...
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Unread postby Veldrynus » 11 Feb 2007, 16:30

It's good to be back. :D




Oh, yeah.
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