You are one seriouse hottie! (Even if you don't have dark hair.) And your wife is totally adorable! The two of you make for one VERY good looking couple. You should have some killer cute kids.
Ok- Pic of me and my son at the Midnight 'sneak peek' of Pirates 2. Not a flattering shot of me, but a good pic of my son - the up and coming hottie.

(Hey look! I can post a reply to myself and not have it listed as an "edit". When did that start working?)
Aha! (to Cain's explination - below) And apparently when I tried to go back and "Edit" this post to include another picture, Cain had already posted... I got this wierd "You can only Edit your own Posts" error message. Strange, very strange.
ANYWAY - I'll try again.
This is my older son hugging one of our Costume Shop Regular Shoppers and my handsome husband on the same night.