I don't want to make the game stuck for too long in a riddle, so I'll post the answer so someone can show us a new riddle.
So, here's the explanation:
The eagle is so clever
Always watching us from high above
All creatures can do it
but that one which in dungeons live.
I ask thee, what's this about? What we can do?
This paragraph is about seeing. Troglodites cannot see, so what can we do?
It's very old
Can be very cold
It's very wise
Can be, also, unwise
Although just the first part of me
Can help you continue your path.
Ancient doesn't mean it's always wise. For the hints, I've told the first word had two syllabes and the ANCIENT was rightly "guessed". The two last lines are talking about this: AN-CIENT. The first part of it can help guessing the next word. If you stick See with AN, you have seean. I've also mentioned that it was about pronounciation and not writing at all. Which words you know that are pronounced like that?
I can go whenever I want
conquest all regions
but if I find an equal
blood and fights will happen between legions
Although I could leave anytime I wanted
I can go back and find my traces wherever I wandered
Player is free to go anywhere, fight each other and, whenever you want to leave, you can save and load a game, continuing from where you stopped, having yet what you've conquered and flagged.
Answer is:
Cyan Player.
![wink ;)](/forums/images/smilies/wink.gif)
I hope you guys enjoyed trying to figure it out.
![smile_teeth :D](/forums/images/smilies/smile_teeth.gif)