Yurian's in-between update!
The work is currently progressing quite nicely with our map makers whipping themselves into frenzy to meet our high quality standards. Good news are to be reported from the story writing departement as well: new story bits and drafts are in the works & just waiting to be added into the overall campaign file which still bears the label 0.90 on it. Some of those seriously informative , and yet so amusingly entertaining stories and minor story bits were added into Part III when it was recently confirmed version 0.95. Our map testing departement reports reclaiming its main representative from his three week holiday less than a week ago. The same report goes on to mention that he is ready to return to active duty when the High Command gives its blessing.
The project is still on schdule despite the Team's commitments to Real Life, that fun killing, nose hitting, troublesome and jealous mistress. The Team will use the remaining 240 hours to polish the campaign for release, and to ensure that all you Heroes fans out there will receive 100% Sighisoaran quality. Or should I say Castrum Sex?
Team credits:
HeroOfPunk: Hand drawn artworks, power point demo representation, map making, world backround information, story bits and related stuff
Maygwan: Map making, additional ideas, balancing the maps
Yurian Stonebow: Map making, additional ideas, additional stories, balancing the maps, eliminating typos and errors related to English grammary, improvising, acting as an advisor to the Team Leader
Koni: Map testing, ideas for further improvement of the work done so far
Tiare: (unofficial member: Yurian's wife and source of common sense advice and also, artistic advisor on the graphical appearance of the maps)
ByteBandit: (unofficial member: trusted friend and a native English speaker who helps with eliminating remaining typos and bad grammary)
Special thanks to Team Leader HoP's girlfriend who has helped the team by inspiring HoP and staying by his side when planning Sighisoara was still all on the drawing board taking its first steps.
The release date (or the last overall testing session's deadline) for the whole campaign confirmed at July 31st. All team members shall personally test the whole campaign at least once before the general testing and/or release of the campaign here at CH.
On behalf of the group,
Don't worry if things are going badly today. They will be much worse tomorrow.