DaemianLucifer wrote:
Bandobras Took wrote:A small, but hopefully reasonable interjection.
Playing H4, one of things that annoyed the dickens out of me was capturing a town only to find that there were 8 days' worth of incoming caravans to contend with. Not that they were strong, but that they were annoying.
Summon Creatures is good intermediate for troop transport -- instead of getting stronger the more castles you take (as caravans did), it gets weaker. As for getting creatures from external dwellings . . . like I said, I'd rather not have to put up with eight days' worth of piddling creature stacks arriving at the conquered town.
This can easily be avoided by making every creature that arives a slave,thus killing most of the new recruits,and making the rest change ownership to the current town ovner.Only heroes should fight.
Not that I have any idea how the Caravan worked specifically, I have a few problems with the Summon Creatures spell:
(1) It requires a fairly powerful magic-oriented hero; however, summon creatures does favor stronger creatures over weaker ones provided the per creature spell cost is the same.
(2) The problem of incompatible creatures arises because the player ends up upgrading his/her original castle (not that I like upgrades anyway).
(3) It prevents certain spell point-related mapmaking gimicks, specifically the 4th map from the Dracon campaign in AB. That map contained no mage guilds and no wells, so the player had to conserve spell points. Believe you me, I spent
a lot of that map ferrying troops around, so creature summoning would've been debilitative.
While DaemianLucifer's solution sounds somewhat fun, it seems a little unfair for a player to lose a whole bunch of badly dispatched creatures simply because the destination castle was taken. I mean, money was spent on these creatures, and it shouldn't be wasted for another player's benefit. Also, if a larger army had been sent instead of handfuls, it would make more sense for the player to have to fight it off.
For one thing, a better AI wouldn't send units piecemeal (which isn't really relevant here). Second, it wouldn't be too difficult to automatically reroute the troops to a nearer castle, hero, or elsewhere. Hopefully, it'd make sense given the map. There really isn't an elegant solution here, but generally, magic heroes shouldn't be favored based on poor design and money shouldn't be wasted on creatures.