So ... Any Thoughts On The Big "X" On The Ubi Site

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby Spin » 26 Mar 2013, 02:37

It definitely seems like a small downloadable game, but hopefully a really good one.

I'm pretty sure they picked 2D because all of the reasons mentioned previously, as well as the fact that any 3D game would need to have modern day 3D graphics & animations etc, all of which are huge budget, while this one can get away by having a more retro feel to it.

I'm quite excited, even if it is a little might and magic, it'll do really well. 25 hours is heaps of time, even if it is small it can be a great game, expansive open world games are sometimes overrated, although most M&M games didn't waste a lot of time (except for the Barrow Downs, i hated that place).

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Unread postby hellegennes » 26 Mar 2013, 03:41

Strategy Informer reviewer, Jonah Falcon, has some details on skills, having played the demo at PAX East:

Each character has different levels of multiple skills, from a range of 0 to 25. When characters level, the player is given a few skill points to distribute amongst the skills. Levels range from unskilled to grandmaster. Do you add some points to the Block skill for your heavy melee guy, or do you invest more in his blunt weapon skills? The characters also have a very basic paper doll system for equipping items, as well as a shared inventory. ... views.html

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Unread postby GrayFace » 26 Mar 2013, 09:31

I don't believe there would be paper dolls, because paper dolls can't be "very basic".
Variol wrote:Savetera's is also tile-based from the look of it, and I think most of us are excited about that. So, what's the difference?
No difference here. If someone made a new MM6, that would be much more exciting than LoE or MMX for me.
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Unread postby tolich » 26 Mar 2013, 11:24

Not only automatic experience leveling, but skill leveling as well (I assume that next skill rank is assigned automatically when a skill has enough points).
Why do they simplify games?

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Unread postby Avonu » 26 Mar 2013, 11:42

Not really. If you look carefully at images below, you would see, that 25 point in some skills are only on Master level, not on Grandmaster.

You can also see, that there are places for two NPC next to heroes portails and Inventory looks more like in H6, then in MM6-8 - so I guess you can say good bye to real paper dolls.

Oh, and where gone Retreat button? You know, you didn't have to fight all monsters in MM games - you could run away from combat (taking damage). I really don't likegames, where all fights are must.


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Unread postby GrayFace » 26 Mar 2013, 13:07

Grand is given by a teacher. Other ranks are given automatically in the demo. A small demo obviously can't contain all intermediate teachers, so we can't tell what teachers would be present in the release.
BTW, these screen-shots are taken with low graphics quality set in Options.
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Unread postby Tress » 26 Mar 2013, 14:31

Odd that they change stat system. Well mmix already merget personality and it, but here system seems alot different(at least differently named ). Well destiny can be fancy name for luck, but I dont see agility or dexterity anywhere. Should have kept original 1-8 system, even if nothing more as tribute to old mm. Same should go for food and character age (even if both(specially age) are outdated systems after first five mm games).

Second is that they should keep inventory system as in mm6-8, that is items take more than one space. 1 inventory on party however aint bad as ones in mm6-7 basically served no purpose. There was absolutely zero difference which character held what in inventory (aside of some minor things like crystal skull) so 1 inventory or 4 is same thing just divided to 4. They should however work on some ragdolls, even if they are just 2d. Its not like it's that hard to draw 3 types of armors, and few weapons

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Unread postby Avonu » 26 Mar 2013, 18:31

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Unread postby Variol » 26 Mar 2013, 19:55

I like the picture Avonu, but can you make it smaller? Right scrolling to read is a pain.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 26 Mar 2013, 20:26

tolich wrote:Heroes 1-4 are tiled games. And King's Bounty as well. Just imagine that you see what your hero sees instead of looking from upside.
Well, HoMM4 battles were tile-based, but the tiles were super small.

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Unread postby StoneCold » 27 Mar 2013, 02:09

Where are the Barrels!!!

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Unread postby StoneCold » 27 Mar 2013, 02:14

Talin_Trollbane wrote:
GreatEmerald wrote:
Talin_Trollbane wrote:also, Sheltem was nuked int he face by Corak in the end of Darkside, doubt he could have survived, but you never know.
"Sheltem? It's you? I thought you were destroyed in the explosion on XEEN!"
"Yes, I am Sheltem. But I am a Sheltem, not the Sheltem."
that plot-twist would make it all feel very derp and also made me cringe.
can you really kill a robot?

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Unread postby Arret » 27 Mar 2013, 04:02

MM8 ending.

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Unread postby tolich » 27 Mar 2013, 05:24

GreatEmerald wrote:Well, HoMM4 battles were tile-based, but the tiles were super small.
I meant the adventure map.

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 27 Mar 2013, 07:11

tolich wrote:I meant the adventure map.
I know. I just wanted to say that the same holds in battles as well.

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