An old bug -- skipped level up skill selection

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An old bug -- skipped level up skill selection

Unread postby maltz » 25 Sep 2006, 15:15

I've seen this one numerous times but haven't seen any report of it. Sorry if I've missed it somewhere.

Many campaign stories finishes with a large battle. If you haven't hit the level cap before this battle, then it is possible that you may gain one level or two from it. However, you were often given no time (sometimes only a few seconds) to choose your level-up skills. Then, the mission finishes right here. At the beginning of the next mission, your levels were gained, but you haven't picked the skills -- and the chances are now gone.

This problem is especially prominent when the mission finishes on an enemy's turn, for example, C1M3. I was given no time at all to choose skills before I was prompted the mission accomplished window. So I had to load, use Isabel to attack the final enemy, and gain a few precious seconds to quickly choose my skills before it is too late.

I've noticed this since the original game (1.0).

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Unread postby zero_ant » 25 Sep 2006, 18:04

Wow, thanks for pointing it out. I'm sure this is pretty annoying for those who just want to finish the campaigns quickly. I'll keep it in mind whenever I play the campaign. (I haven't :baby:)

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 25 Sep 2006, 18:09

I don't know about 1.3 (I haven't actually played the game since I installed the patch last week...), but this was mighty annoying in 1.0. :disagree:
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Unread postby Sir William S Titan » 25 Sep 2006, 18:11

I've not noticed this, but I usually try to cap my level before I complete any part of a campain, even though, sometimes I can't.
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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 25 Sep 2006, 23:19

I've noticed level skill skips when there is a script trying to complete at the same time.

example: while testing mods out on one of the new custom maps, there is a script that runs when you hit level 4. if that script hits when you are gaining two levels instead of just one, it will sometimes skip one of the skill perks chosen during levelup.

It doesn't skip if you are choosing basic skills (new or increases), only feats and perks, AFAICT, and it doesn't seem to have an issue if you are only gaining one level when the script fires.

it's not even 100% consistent, but it happens a lot of the time.

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