Patch 1.3 is out...

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Bonzer » 18 Sep 2006, 23:10

I am pleased to see a lot of rebalancing in this patch, it means when I finally get around to patching I can play the whole lot again!

BTW - I know that I will have to go through the patches in order, can someone advise:
Is 1.01 the same as 1.1? and 1.02 the same as 1.2?
I have the European Collectors edition.

Would anyone advise just waiting until the expansion comes out as I gather all patches to that date will be included?

I am trying to avoid the problems with non running following a patch download / install. (Yep, I am still on 1.0 - and I know I will have to have at least 1.3 to play fan maps with the correct balance).

Hope I haven't hijacked this thread, to get back on post, I like the changes as they are described, but can't say I've tried them yet.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 18 Sep 2006, 23:26

Bonzer wrote: BTW - I know that I will have to go through the patches in order, can someone advise:
Is 1.01 the same as 1.1? and 1.02 the same as 1.2?
I have the European Collectors edition.
1.01 and 1.02 are patches for the version thats been bought online,so you dont need them.And why these versions are different from the rest,and why there isnt just a single patch making them the same as the reast is beyond me.
Bonzer wrote: I am trying to avoid the problems with non running following a patch download / install. (Yep, I am still on 1.0 - and I know I will have to have at least 1.3 to play fan maps with the correct balance).
I would not call it correct balance...Better wait for the expansion,or maybe even the HV complete to have that one.

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