Sylvan Campaign Mission 5 - The Vampire Lord 5-5, 5:5 Guide

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Dark Matter
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Unread postby Dark Matter » 13 Jul 2006, 07:47

Gaidal Cain wrote:You should have a Hut of the Magi in your starting area. Visiting it should reveal all spectral dragon stacks.
Thanks. I will give it a try. :)
Is there a cut sequence when all dragons are dead e.g. the sun comes out or something...
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Gaidal Cain
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 13 Jul 2006, 08:03

Yes, there's a cutscene at the end. There's scenes when you've only killed a couple of them as well though.
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Unread postby Ari » 13 Jul 2006, 16:26

There's a scene when you kill the first group, and then another when you kill the 3rd (and another when they're all dead). Pity they don't actually formally give this as a quest though initially.

As an aside, I love the concept of night on the map. I hope this is accessable to modders. The thought of modding, say, a campfire to be a light source on a nighttime map is a nice thing for the modder in me to aspire to :)

As an aside to the aside, if you look carefully at the reflection of the ocean on this map, you can see a huuuuuge full moon overhead. Sweet.

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Unread postby maltz » 18 Jul 2006, 19:50

Pitsu wrote: I am not sure if it is so in every game, but the first stack of spectral dragons should guard sandro's cloak artifact.
I was lucky to get it, too. However, when I went back and restart this mission a couple of dozens times later, many different artifacts pop up. It seems to me that those 2 artifacts are always classified as "Relic".

Here is a list of artifects that I've seen:

Sandro's Cloak (Negates mind affect immunity)
Lion Crown (morale, luck both +2)
Armor of the Forgotten Hero (+2 to all stats, 20% magic resistance)
Ring of Sar-Issus (1/2 mana cost)
Robe of Sar-Issus (adds 6 spellpower)
Crown of Sar-Issus (adds 6 knowledge)
Sandles of the Blessed (+1 to all stats)
Pendant of Conflux (Hero gains 1 mana for every 2 mana used by enemy)
Staff of Sar-Issus (Negates magic resistance)
Shackles of the Last Man (prevents heroes fleeing)

There might be another ring as I remember seeing 2 rings together once...

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Unread postby jaq » 02 Aug 2006, 16:46

The way I've done it on hard level with 1.2 patch was quite quircky. When I've descended to underground, I've came across necromonger with 8k shooters, 20 hydras, 10 black dragons and fight was a masacre, but I won. After reloading saved game and repeating this fight, I lost only 200 sprites - Dirael with expert light and summoning magic and ultimate luck was a way better than Findan with no magical skills. Just behind the first necro was second, but I chickened out - to my sufferings later - because of low mana. Vladimir had only 4k shooters, but other troops were better than in first necro army. But then...

After conquering undergrouds, I've stumbled across Vladimir with 9k archers and 1k zombies. Ouch. He used mirror image, so he was unbeatable. The way I won, was to go to artifact merchant for speedy boots just after going up from underneath and running circles around Vlad. I was spitting in my own beard because I hadn't given four dwarven artifacts to the mystic, so I had to run in vincity of Vlad while killing three stacks of evil dragons, and then facing Nicolai who had... 50 death knights and 400 demons.
Isn't HV dark elven history Polish-driven?

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Unread postby halaiku » 07 Aug 2006, 15:16

After three moths of battles against neutrals and four necromancer heroes (I captured 3 necropolis - one from surface and both from underground), I entered in Nicolai teritory through teleporter T4. In the Necropolis castle near the teleporter was a hero with just one zombie and I attacked it. I realized when the final cut scene started that I killed Nicolai (fortunately I had those 5 phoenix from the quest with me).
Did anybody encountered the same situation in patch 1.2? :|

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Unread postby Kildor » 08 Aug 2006, 11:34

In my case the scenario seemed bugged.´

I collected the artifacts, handed them in for the Phoenixes AND killed the dragons, but no matter how often I defeated Nicolai in battle, he always respawned. After 4th respawn I decided to skip the map :(
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Unread postby darkm12 » 09 Aug 2006, 10:14

It bugged out on me also. First off, I've been using one of the heroes I saved in a previous mission. He started out with maxed out skills including the ultimate and light magic. So he pretty much kicks the hell out of Findan in battles. Every creature in my army always gets a critical hit!

Anyways, I did the Pheonix quest and had those in my party. I had a huge army and defeated Nicolai. I then got two cutscenes. One was the one about the night and this told me I needed to finish off the spectral dragons. Then right after that the 2nd cutscene was Nicolai with 2 vampires with him. I wasn't sure what that meant.

After that I'm sure I saw that Nicolai had respawned on the map, but I had my attention on Vladamir who came out of nowhere with another giant army chasing me. I managed to finish off the spectral dragons while avoiding Vladamir. It became nice and bright out. Then I went and took on Vladamir and destroyed his army. It seemed like the daytime rendered his army worthless. None of his units could move more than 4 squares at a time. I might not of won otherwise.

So then I look for Nicolai on the map and he has completely disappeared. I thought he might be hiding in one of the remaining undead towns so I took them all out. Nicolai was nowhere to be found and now I'm stuck with no way to complete the map.

My best guess is that killing Nicolai the 1st time using Talanar rather than Findan might of bugged out the map. Now I'm off to see if I have a savegame to salvage this. I've only spent a mere 10 hours on this map I bet!

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Unread postby stiff_bg » 19 Aug 2006, 09:25

I killed nikolay 5 times and he always respawns. I havent got any other quests.

Why is he respawning. I got all hist armies but he always respawns with 300 skel arch, 150 zombz .....

How do I stop him from respawning?

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Unread postby Odolwa » 19 Aug 2006, 12:37

stiff_bg wrote:How do I stop him from respawning?
Have you even read the guide?

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Unread postby stiff_bg » 19 Aug 2006, 13:16

I read the guide and I didn't find the answer to my question.

I see other people complaining about nikolay respawning.

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Unread postby maltz » 21 Aug 2006, 16:51

stiff_bg wrote:I read the guide and I didn't find the answer to my question.

I see other people complaining about nikolay respawning.
Which "guide"?
Did you try the walkthrough of this site? Let me know if it isn't stated clear because I happen to be the author of this mission's walkthrough.

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