[H4]Favourite level 3 pair

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

Whats your favourite level 3 unit?

Vampire/Venom Spawn
Cyclops/Ogre Mage
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Unread postby Paulus1 » 05 May 2006, 20:38

Voted Vampire/Venom Spawn (playing without Equi)

Even though Genies and Cyclopses are both great units, Nagas and Ogres pulls down the pairs.

In the case of Vampire/venom spawn, efreet/nightmare and monk/crusader both units in the pair are useful, and in normal game hard to choose between.

Vampire/venom spawn are just both much stronger units than the other lvl 3 pairs. Either of them are only matched IMO by genies or cyclopses.

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Unread postby Metathron » 05 May 2006, 20:46

Paulus1 wrote: Vampire/venom spawn are just both much stronger units than the other lvl 3 pairs. Either of them are only matched IMO by genies or cyclopses.
That's why you only get three of them per week I guess. But actually, I don't see why the venom spawn should be deemed mightier than, say, the nightmare.

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Unread postby Paulus1 » 05 May 2006, 20:54

Metathron wrote:
Paulus1 wrote: Vampire/venom spawn are just both much stronger units than the other lvl 3 pairs. Either of them are only matched IMO by genies or cyclopses.
That's why you only get three of them per week I guess. But actually, I don't see why the venom spawn should be deemed mightier than, say, the nightmare.
Except slightly higher HP (110 vs 100), Venom Spawns are superior on every stat. And they are shooting, while Nightmares are ground pounders. And of course the special ability of the Venom Spawns kicks while still having normal attack, where the Nightmare need to use a turn for their special ability (though it's a very nice special ability).

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Unread postby Metathron » 05 May 2006, 21:09

Paulus1 wrote: Except slightly higher HP (110 vs 100), Venom Spawns are superior on every stat. And they are shooting, while Nightmares are ground pounders. And of course the special ability of the Venom Spawns kicks while still having normal attack, where the Nightmare need to use a turn for their special ability (though it's a very nice special ability).
I agree with most of what you say. Do you think, though, the nightmare would defeat the spawn in one on one combat? I would secretly be rooting for the horsey. :D

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Unread postby Paulus1 » 05 May 2006, 21:22

Metathron wrote:
Paulus1 wrote: Except slightly higher HP (110 vs 100), Venom Spawns are superior on every stat. And they are shooting, while Nightmares are ground pounders. And of course the special ability of the Venom Spawns kicks while still having normal attack, where the Nightmare need to use a turn for their special ability (though it's a very nice special ability).
I agree with most of what you say. Do you think, though, the nightmare would defeat the spawn in one on one combat? I would secretly be rooting for the horsey. :D
In one on one combat, I'd guess Nightmare wins. Since they act first, they cast terror immediately. The nightmares should reach Venom Spawns before they can take down enough Nightmares (if any at all). Even though Poison still kicks in, Venom Spawns low melee attack will be deciding.

Only exception might be on slow terrain like dessert. If Venom spawn can get 2 shots before Nightmares reach, that might tip the scales.

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 05 May 2006, 21:59

Metathron wrote:I agree with most of what you say. Do you think, though, the nightmare would defeat the spawn in one on one combat?
Does it matter? How often are you going to do 1 on 1 fights like that?
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Unread postby kitcat0 » 05 May 2006, 22:54

About venom spawns and nightmares. Actually it would be interesting to test it. I guess best tactics for venom spawn is to hit "defend" button all the time and hope that poison and retal together make more damage than nightmares attack. Somebody interested in testing it? I have never made a testmap in Heroes IV, so I'd rather not mess with it.

About vampies versus venom spawns. If I had to go against neutral stack of venom spawns or vampies, I would choose to go against vampies. But on the other hand - In my own army I would probably also want vampies. lol

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Unread postby Metathron » 05 May 2006, 23:15

I tried it out, though the amount of each wasn't the same, since their growth essentially isn't the same, and if we tried to make their number equal we'd probably end up comparing apples and oranges.

So we have 10 nightmares versus 8 spawns. Since the spawns were divided into 3 groups, I naturally divided the nightmares into the same number as well. End result: Nightmares win with 3 survivors.

The other way around, attacking with the spawns. This time around there were 12 nightmares versus 9 spawns, the nightmares win again with 5 survivors.

Just for curiosity's sake, I tried it with equal numbers (10 of each). Attacking with spawns, I won with only 3 casualties. Attacking with nightmares, I won with 5 casualties.

In each instance, both parties were divided into three stacks (4+3+3).

So I guess in isolation, the nightmare might be better by the narrowest of margins, though in more realistic battle make-ups that may not be the case. For example, the nightmare probably wouldn't rush head on towards the spawn if the spawn was accompanied by some other troops.

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Unread postby Angrilmor » 06 May 2006, 08:22

Genie\Naga a crushing duo.
I like the two girls play too if only for not being allowed to it no more B-)

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Unread postby Le_Faucheur » 07 May 2006, 17:09

voted venom spawn/vampire
the vampire is nearly unbeatable when you play against IA,but I prefer the venom spawn because it does very high damages!

also love the nightmare,divided in a few stacks,their power is extremly powerful!

the efreet are great but too weak,and their power is less interesting than the griffin's one(but the griffin is weaker...)

the naga is also a killer.

ogre magi are also useful as they are the unique caster of this castle.

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Unread postby Shhejtan » 03 Jun 2006, 02:27

I voted cyclops/magi. I consider the cyclops a honorary 4th lvl creature, and me and my girlfrien even have a special song about them called "The Best Shot". If I have two Might towns, I ussually build both in equilibris and I build the thunderbirds in both cities. The Ogres are mage killers in two stacks, they keep "the best shot" alive and they even make the tunderbird a serious lvl 4. unit. It's not that they're weak, just that the cyclops is so strong!

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I tried a somewhat scientific study on this matter...

Unread postby Osmin » 13 Feb 2010, 16:26

The ones I like best, are the Order pair, with the Death pair as a relatively close second. However, I decided I should find a less subjective way to decide which pair is the best.

I created a map in the editor, and did 15 "cage fights" between two-stack armies consisting of the weekly population of both recruitable level 3 creatures from each alignment, as following:

1: 3 cyclopses + 6 ogre magi vs 4 nagas + 6 genies
2: 3 cyclopses + 6 ogre magi vs 4 griffins + 5 unicorns
3: 3 cyclopses + 6 ogre magi vs 4 efreeti + 4 nightmares
4: 3 cyclopses + 6 ogre magi vs 5 crusaders + 6 monks
5: 3 cyclopses + 6 ogre magi vs 3 vampires + 3 venom spawns
6: 4 nagas + 6 genies vs 4 griffins + 5 unicorns
7: 4 nagas + 6 genies vs 4 efreeti + 4 nightmares
8: 4 nagas + 6 genies vs 5 crusaders + 6 monks
9: 4 nagas + 6 genies vs 3 vampires + 3 venom spawns
10: 4 griffins + 5 unicorns vs 4 efreeti + 4 nightmares
11: 4 griffins + 5 unicorns vs 5 crusaders + 6 monks
12: 4 griffins + 5 unicorns vs 3 vampires + 3 venom spawns
13: 4 efreeti + 4 nightmares vs 5 crusaders + 6 monks
14: 4 efreeti + 4 nightmares vs 3 vampires + 3 venom spawns
15: 5 crusaders + 6 monks vs 3 vampires + 3 venom spawns

The victorious pairs of each battle:

1: Order
2: Might
3: Chaos
4: Might
5: Death
6: Order
7: Order
8: Order
9: Order
10: Chaos
11: Life
12: Death
13: Chaos
14: Death
15: Life

1. place: Order (5 victories)
2. place: tied between Death and Chaos (3 victories each)
4. place: tied between Might and Life (2 victories each)
Last place: Nature (no victories)

Both my gut feeling and the statistics gives Order the edge, and therefore, my vote goes to the legless ladies. B-)

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 26 Feb 2010, 15:05

Voted Monk/Crusader. I've always been "a Castle lover" so this was a no-brainer. The Crusaders got better in Equilibris, so why not cast your vote for the Life pair?

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