Formally Biweekly News - 8 Jan 17

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Formerly Biweekly News - 8 Jan 17

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 07 Jan 2017, 23:33

A lot happened from the holly time of Christmas and I hope that you enjoyed them quite thoroughly, here's the recap:

  • Heroes I. and Heroes II. sections at CH were cleaned. That includes fixing formatting, links and reconnecting with comments. Also part of Heroes III. And our Walkthroughs section. With that we are closing one big debt from the past, and returning the content to you, our dear readers.
  • Heroespedia, later known just as wiki returned and we are now seeking for contributors and admins as caretakers. You, who were already here, may start to contribute right away. And for newcomers, write me pm. If you have(had) an account on wikia, it may be reassociated, there's known way how to confirm your identity.
  • GrayFace updated his set of tools, the exhausive list of changes is available here. I think every modder will be happy, there wasn't a better present which you could get. Thank You GrayFace!
  • Heroes 5.5 Mod arrived with a new release. Full list of changes is available here. The game si getting new in game manual, and rebalanced Academy miniartifacts and also heap of other options. You can discuss it in our forums here with magnomagus.
  • And in order, to recall some sweet memories, I will finish with two videos from RefresherTV, these are 10 facts about Heroes III. and Heroes V., which you (may be?) didn't know about. This is in polish only, but pictures speak quite well! Image
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Re: Formerly Biweekly News - 8 Jan 17

Unread postby GreatEmerald » 20 Jan 2017, 22:56

It's great that you mentioned the wiki, but I still think it needs something to stand out from the Wikia one (something more than not having super intrusive advertisements everywhere, that is).

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