The Chaos Conspiracy Part 2 has been Released!

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Re: The God of Lightning

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 16 Jan 2010, 18:21

Mamma Jamma wrote:Installed TCC Part 2: everything went smoothly and the whole process didn't strike me as a particularly complicated one. Killed those pesky flies after softening them a little with some nukes (12 to be more precise). Everything so far is going "fine" (where by "fine" I mean that Part 2 seems to run smoothly...)
Glad you had no problems with the install and that the game is running smoothly.
Mamma Jamma wrote:One question though, since I've noticed the new "instructor" in the image. I left from Part 1 with two NPCs: a spell-master and an instructor (Jack is his name). Lo and behold, in Part 2 he's no longer "Jack the Instructor", but "Jack the God of Lightning". Is this just a text problem or a more serious bug?. I'm assuming that in Part 2 the 'qualification' "instructor" has been replaced by the "God of Lightning" one, but I'd like to be sure. Anyway, I can't learn anything from him; his menu is just the plain old one, so I guess it can't be a serious bug.
That's a minor bug based upon a 'sloppy' game rename. Not to worry. Our Beta Team never brought over an instructor, so it wasn't discovered until now. Shouldn't affect game play at all.

Have fun and happy exploration! Enjoy Creation's Land.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 16 Jan 2010, 18:23

vladimir-maestro wrote:great gods of creation come to life?? ;)
will baal been there too?

I'll never tell. ;)

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby Mn » 16 Jan 2010, 18:40

Big Daddy Jim wrote:Mn,

Is this what you're looking for?


Yes, of course, it's first main task how I understand. But I'l find this place (I'm sure!) anytime without haste. I complete cleaning from enemies first locations (include Rock Land), and placed beacons near every "stone" and near three teleporters. Now I very slowly explore Frozen Midlands. Thanks again.
Little question - I began part2 at 137 party level, but later I'm notice that anythere I gained five levels more (to 142). It's normal?

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Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 16 Jan 2010, 19:02

you will enter a world unknown and uncivilized: no maps, no villages, no towns
...ok, ehm, so what am i supposed to do with the loot then? or wont there be any loot except money?
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Unread postby Mn » 16 Jan 2010, 20:29

Talin_Trollbane wrote:
you will enter a world unknown and uncivilized: no maps, no villages, no towns
...ok, ehm, so what am i supposed to do with the loot then? or wont there be any loot except money?
Only loot I can obtained in the beginning - food. No money and items.

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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 16 Jan 2010, 23:24

Mn wrote:
Yes, of course, it's first main task how I understand. But I'l find this place (I'm sure!) anytime without haste. I complete cleaning from enemies first locations (include Rock Land), and placed beacons near every "stone" and near three teleporters. Now I very slowly explore Frozen Midlands. Thanks again.
The frozen lands to the north start to get a-bit 'dicey', but not too difficult. Good Luck!
Mn wrote: Little question - I began part2 at 137 party level, but later I'm notice that anythere I gained five levels more (to 142). It's normal?
That's a new one to me! It didn't happen with seven different Beta test games. I'll check my install code, however. For now, consider it both a Blessing and a Curse; a blessing because you are fighting at a higher level, a curse because you didn't get skill point for the promotion.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby koval321 » 17 Jan 2010, 07:32

I expect continue in classic style but it seem to be something like weird bonus level. Nevermind i take all, i was busy maybe today i will find time to begin play part 1

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Sorry to bother...

Unread postby Mamma Jamma » 17 Jan 2010, 09:21

but I've got two more questions (maybe not the last ones, so I'll apologize now for all the forthcoming questions...).
I've killed the mosquitoes, the wyverns and the sylphs, and I can say it wasn't that easy (I'm level 159 with 3 wizards and 1 cleric)... No problems with running the game so far. Except, maybe, I might be accused in the future of genocide (by some God still to come)... And from what I've glimpsed worse is coming around!

Now to the first question.
I've noticed that Town Portal DOES work, and it sends you to various (new) places. The TP map is however the old one, with Avalon, Elessia, etc., only that the places are now the correponding ones in Part 2 (I guess). For instance, Sutterville is now Land's Gateway, Avalon is Frozen Eastlands, etc.

My first question is: the Town Portal spell works on purpose, by design, or it's just a bug, a leftover from Part 1? Should I use it or not? I'd like to use it for it saves food (not to mention travel time), and I don't know how much is available...

The second question: is the number of creatures in Part 2 affected by the level choice you made in Part 1 (Adventurer, Warrior, Meanest Freaker)? Because if it is, I'm thinking about restarting on Adventurer (I'm on Warrior now), so as to be able to get rid of the genocide accusations... :D

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Re: Sorry to bother...

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 17 Jan 2010, 10:28

Mamma Jamma wrote:but I've got two more questions (maybe not the last ones, so I'll apologize now for all the forthcoming questions...).
I've killed the mosquitoes, the wyverns and the sylphs, and I can say it wasn't that easy (I'm level 159 with 3 wizards and 1 cleric)... No problems with running the game so far. Except, maybe, I might be accused in the future of genocide (by some God still to come)... And from what I've glimpsed worse is coming around!
First of all, that's good progress thus far. Don't worry about the genocide. The more ya kill, the higher a level you'll obtain for the end-game areas. And yes, it does get more difficult as you progress through the game! :devil:

I also notice that you have chosen a might-lite/magic-heavy party composition. You should be able to complete the game with this complement, but it will be very difficult. A more balanced party of Might and Magic would have an easier time in Creation's Land; say Paladin, Archer, Cleric, Sorcerer. Good luck here!
Mamma Jamma wrote:Now to the first question.
I've noticed that Town Portal DOES work, and it sends you to various (new) places. The TP map is however the old one, with Avalon, Elessia, etc., only that the places are now the correponding ones in Part 2 (I guess). For instance, Sutterville is now Land's Gateway, Avalon is Frozen Eastlands, etc.

My first question is: the Town Portal spell works on purpose, by design, or it's just a bug, a leftover from Part 1? Should I use it or not? I'd like to use it for it saves food (not to mention travel time), and I don't know how much is available...
Town Portal works, by design, just like it's supposed to. Remember, you've entered a world unknown, and you've brought with you the only (TP) map you have ... of Nimradur. Use TP liberally! Without it you cannot complete the game! And, BTW, food sources can regrow their 'fruits' in this game.

Mamma Jamma wrote:The second question: is the number of creatures in Part 2 affected by the level choice you made in Part 1 (Adventurer, Warrior, Meanest Freaker)? Because if it is, I'm thinking about restarting on Adventurer (I'm on Warrior now), so as to be able to get rid of the genocide accusations... :D
Part 2 ignores the Part 1 difficulty selection. All player-parties are treated equally here!

Good Luck! And if I were King for a Day, I'd encourage you to pay close attention to the VOID messages. Although you can freely explore any area at any time, and will have to eventually explore them all, completing the task from the VOID messages could provide some guidance and direction while exploring.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

Mamma Jamma
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Thanks a lot!

Unread postby Mamma Jamma » 17 Jan 2010, 13:11

I really appreciate taking the time to enlighten me...

But I can't help feeling a bit frustrated by telling me it would be VERY difficult to complete the game with this party... It seems you're right though: Roc Land already seems very tough, and I very much doubt it's the toughest place around in Part 2... I should have known better. I should have brought along a Knight or a Paladin: I've played (more than a year ago) your MM7 mod (forgot the name) with a Knight Druid Cleric Sorcerer party, and the Knight came in very handy in more than one place.

Oh well, I've been able to survive so far with this party, so I'll keep going and give it a try...
Thanks again for the answers!

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Re: Thanks a lot!

Unread postby Mn » 17 Jan 2010, 14:38

Mamma Jamma wrote:I really appreciate taking the time to enlighten me...

But I can't help feeling a bit frustrated by telling me it would be VERY difficult to complete the game with this party... It seems you're right though: Roc Land already seems very tough, and I very much doubt it's the toughest place around in Part 2... I should have known better. I should have brought along a Knight or a Paladin: I've played (more than a year ago) your MM7 mod (forgot the name) with a Knight Druid Cleric Sorcerer party, and the Knight came in very handy in more than one place.

Oh well, I've been able to survive so far with this party, so I'll keep going and give it a try...
Thanks again for the answers!
My partry (start group - Pal-Cle-Arc-Arc) pretty easy cleaned Rock Land. And I at last found stone of translation! (After several much tought battles as Rock Land cleaning) With my first money (2 mln in the Bank)?) I obtained several hints from stones and "flame"-rocks. It seems I'm in right way... I KNOW now my next actions!

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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 17 Jan 2010, 16:50

A Special Request to the TCC Part 2 Player Community.

Part 2 of The Chaos Conspiracy is indeed a game of Discovery and of Exploration. Because of the nature of this game, I would ask the player community not to post SPOILERS on locations and such. Trust me. If you already know where everything is, it seriously diminishes the challenge and the fun of the game!

So please, No Spoilers.


Big Daddy Jim
"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Well, I made it this far!

Unread postby Mamma Jamma » 18 Jan 2010, 19:27

That is, cleared Frozen Eastlands, Frozen Midlands, Rocland, Sylphland, Wyverns, Land's Gate, Uncharted Seas and Valley of Stones. It wasn't easy, but I did it...

Almost cleared Ash - only the biggest dactyls remain, but I think I'll let them live. I could kill them, I know how, but I am thinking about something else right now.

Ran like crazy in Frozen Highlands- some big ugly hairy snowmen with 7000 HP (each!) chased me, but I didn't dare (yet!) to tackle them. I still drew breath when I left, but only barely... Good thing that they don't seem to like each other very much...

After finding something very, VERY nice in the Valley of Stones, I got very, VERY disappointed after a while... Oh boy, BDJ: you're the Meanest Programmer in the Valley...

Right now I'm frustrated: I can learn 57 levels, up to level 212 or so, but I haven't got any money and I haven't found that dratted God of Lightning either!

Also, I'm supposed to find a tree, and I haven't got a clue where it is or how it looks like! And I've searched almost everywhere! I'll keep looking though...

Well, I can only hope I'll survive in the future too; those 57 levels would sure help!

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Re: Well, I made it this far!

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 19 Jan 2010, 10:20

Mamma Jamma wrote:
Also, I'm supposed to find a tree, and I haven't got a clue where it is or how it looks like! And I've searched almost everywhere! I'll keep looking though...
The Tree is in an area that has no other trees. And based on your description, you've already been to that area.

PM me if ya need more of a hint.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Re: Well, I made it this far!

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 19 Jan 2010, 12:15

Mamma Jamma wrote:
Ran like crazy in Frozen Highlands- some big ugly hairy snowmen with 7000 HP (each!) chased me, but I didn't dare (yet!) to tackle them. I still drew breath when I left, but only barely... Good thing that they don't seem to like each other very much...
Yeah, that's how I handled this area. BTW ... the game 'rules' change when ya can't fly, don't they? :D :D
Mamma Jamma wrote: After finding something very, VERY nice in the Valley of Stones, I got very, VERY disappointed after a while... Oh boy, BDJ: you're the Meanest Programmer in the Valley...
He! He! Nothin' seems to last forever in this land, does it?

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
Mamma Jamma wrote: Right now I'm frustrated: I can learn 57 levels, up to level 212 or so, but I haven't got any money and I haven't found that dratted God of Lightning either!
In time, you'll find the training facility. But then you'll have to find some gold to pay the trainer!

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Have fun!

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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I've been progressing!

Unread postby Mamma Jamma » 19 Jan 2010, 19:29

Found the tree; it was the only place where I didn't look carefully. So after looking everywhere I finally found it. In fact I had a Beacon not far off: I should've noticed it earlier, but it's hard to notice something when death comes from everywhere...

I've killed five snowmen (two of which had 7000 HP), but this is all that I'm prepared to do: they run very fast. I was fighting two of them on some mountain ridge: one of them got frightened and darted off like Usain Bolt; couldn't catch it. And if I trouble more than two at a time, I'm in big trouble. Sometimes even two may prove too much!

Arrived at Baal's Garden fully prepared (both in- and out-game...) for a tough battle: it was much, much easier than I expected! :D

Found the pyramid and the God of Lightning, but no money... :(

Entered the pyramid: the hell with the Lights, I need money! I found THE Light, but I'm not prepared to leave the pyramid without my money! And I need A LOT: the lowest XP I have is about 29M which, if my calculations are OK, means level 240, or 85 levels to learn.

The darkness isn't helping me much: one of my wizards died three times in a row in 5 minutes. Those pesky horned beasts... I don't know why is he so "appealing": he died or been knocked senseless the most (he has the lowest experience), got aged by 7 years, etc. And all my Wizards seem the same (to me)!

I'll keep looking for the money! I hope it's there somewhere!

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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 19 Jan 2010, 21:55

Updated Files Posted!!

After a third and final play of TCC part 2, I have updated the files

and .

I would encourage all who downloaded the earlier files and have not yet started Part 2 to delete the original download and download these two new files.

For those of you who currently have a game-in-progress, download and then PM me so that I can send you a special install that will not disturb your SAVED Game in-progress.

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Re: I've been progressing!

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 19 Jan 2010, 22:04

Mamma Jamma wrote:Found the tree; it was the only place where I didn't look carefully. So after looking everywhere I finally found it. In fact I had a Beacon not far off: I should've noticed it earlier, but it's hard to notice something when death comes from everywhere...

Mamma Jamma wrote: Arrived at Baal's Garden fully prepared (both in- and out-game...) for a tough battle: it was much, much easier than I expected! :D

Found the pyramid and the God of Lightning, but no money... :(

Entered the pyramid: the hell with the Lights, I need money! I found THE Light, but I'm not prepared to leave the pyramid without my money! And I need A LOT: the lowest XP I have is about 29M which, if my calculations are OK, means level 240, or 85 levels to learn.

The darkness isn't helping me much: one of my wizards died three times in a row in 5 minutes. Those pesky horned beasts... I don't know why is he so "appealing": he died or been knocked senseless the most (he has the lowest experience), got aged by 7 years, etc. And all my Wizards seem the same (to me)!

I'll keep looking for the money! I hope it's there somewhere!
Congratulations! You've just entered into the last 1/4 of the game! Now things start to get a-bit more challenging!

Now, onto the gold. Since you payed close attention to your Revelation Messages, you know where to look. And yes, there is a stash of gold in excess of 15, 000, 000.

That is, if you can survive long enough to find it.

Have fun!

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

Mamma Jamma
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Boy, oh boy...

Unread postby Mamma Jamma » 20 Jan 2010, 13:56

Installed the latest files following BDJ's instructions and files, and it seems everything works fine. My saved games seem OK anyway.

I almost cleared the pyramid; there are still some red dots around but not more than two or three. I think I'll let them live even if there is more money around: I'm not greedy, what I have is enough. Here is the learning screen:


Went to the Land that Time Forgot... Boy, oh boy, oh boy... Had to reload 5 times; finally I used a quite unusual strategy (to me) to make it (alive) to the water, where at least I knew the snakes: they seemed to me the least dangerous beasts around... Finally found a quieter spot and managed to clear enough of the path to make it where I had business.

And then I left the site. I left it for good, that is... Don't know how to do it next: I've got to think about it; maybe I can figure out something...

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Re: Boy, oh boy...

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 20 Jan 2010, 16:07

Mamma Jamma wrote:Installed the latest files following BDJ's instructions and files, and it seems everything works fine. My saved games seem OK anyway.
Glad the 'new' installation worked out for you!
Mamma Jamma wrote: I almost cleared the pyramid; there are still some red dots around but not more than two or three. I think I'll let them live even if there is more money around: I'm not greedy, what I have is enough. Here is the learning screen:

Level 245? Quite impressive!!!! Yeah!
Mamma Jamma wrote: Went to the Land that Time Forgot... Boy, oh boy, oh boy... Had to reload 5 times; finally I used a quite unusual strategy (to me) to make it (alive) to the water, where at least I knew the snakes: they seemed to me the least dangerous beasts around... Finally found a quieter spot and managed to clear enough of the path to make it where I had business.

And then I left the site. I left it for good, that is... Don't know how to do it next: I've got to think about it; maybe I can figure out something...
Yeah, this area can be challenging to any party! The terrain, itself, is challenging and the Creatures can be somewhat overwhelming!

Now, were you able to obtain that which you were seeking? Or do you have to return to get it?

Great Progress!

And trust me ... the Best (or worst??) is yet to come!! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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