custom scenerio-Battle Cry Freedom

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custom scenerio-Battle Cry Freedom

Unread postby saugeen » 02 Mar 2008, 17:19

I've seized the 2 Academy castles( a mission quest) which change into a barbarian castle. The next mission is to battle with Haven Armies which are impossibly large. Don't get much of a chance to build up more troops. Has anyone played this map? Could use a suggestion or two. I started playing this map on normal but switched easy. Didn't much difference.

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Unread postby Odish » 02 Mar 2008, 23:24

Oh I've played that map. It was pretty hard. The academy towns already had very big armys and right after you defeat them red comes with orlando and a very big renegade army if I remember correctly.
I was extremley proud of my self that I've managed to beat him at the end, and was very sorry I forgot to save the replay.
There is a prison with a barbararian hero with absolute rage (500 RP at start)- I havn't used him for main battles but he can be helpful I asssume.
Other then that try to avoid red and gather more troops.

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Unread postby wimfrits » 03 Mar 2008, 06:39

Another tactic that might work for you:

After taking the second Academy castle, head back to your first (built up) Stronghold castle. Orlando will follow you all the way back.
When he attacks, destroy the catapult immediately. Either with your stack of centaurs (if it is large enough) or through the powerful blow bug. That leaves 4 out of 7 units to worry about.

You can take out the crossbowmen easily enough,
will have a longer struggle with the monks,
can lure the battle griffins inside the walls with a fodder stack and take it out with melee units.
I was afraid the angels would hit me with divine vengeance and used Kunyak to fear them around until he ran out of mana and then still lost half my centaur stack to divine vengeance. But no losses other than that.
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby Odish » 03 Mar 2008, 09:14

also, don't lose your entire army when fighting Orlando. yopu will need to take his castle also and there is a hero with moderate army there too.

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Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 23 Aug 2009, 17:24

I had the same problem as the original poster my first try. It didn't help that I was playing on hard and lost a week because I sent Kunyak out before learning summon vessel. He spent a week on that middle island waitng for my gofer to bring him a boat!

When I took the second academy city, Omram, in the NE, near the end of month 3, Lorenzo set sail, appearing the next turn with 53 Seraphs, 79 Champions, 118 Zealots, 243 Battle Griffins, 401 Vindicators, 477 Crossbowmen and 990 Brutes. It looked pretty hopeless. After one failed attempt to challenge him at sea I backed up and tried the suggested plan of retreating all the way back to Kukali where I had a castle. I had been lazy about upgrading the creature dwellings because of the hill fort and because ore was insufficient for my needs. I traded for enough ore to upgrade the last creature dwelling the turn before Lorenzo attacked. It would have been a shame to have creatures I couldn't buy because all the creatures in my army were upgraded.

I had to try this battle twice. The first time I hit the catapult first, then the shooters. The crossbowmen hurt me badly and when the seraphs and battle griffens attacked, I couldn't handle it.

The second time I hit the crossbowmen with the first shot from my nomad centuars and the catapult with the second (they were pretty much gone after that). I used Telzek to lead so his ballista was a great help. I knocked out the ammo cart early so the zealots only got five shots. After a couple of shots at the zealots I went to work on the seraphs using the 9 remaining untamed cyclops, the ballista and Horde's Anger. The melee troops were placed to make it difficult to find a good entry point for the seraphs. I had witch doctors trying to disrupt Lorenzo and earth daughters casting slow to distract him (after putting haste on the untamed cyclops).

When the seraphs came over the wall this time, they were quickly dispatched and the battle griffins didn't last much longer. Lorenzo found himself with no shooters or flyers against an intact wall, three castle turrets, 9 untamed cyclops, a double shot ballista and a couple more horde's anger spells. He ran.

A couple of things I could have done better. Sky daughters using chain lightning would have been an improvement and I could have dodged the battle rush of the battle griffens instead of moving my executionors into the path!

I still haven't finished but the "best hero" for red now is no challenge for my main army so it seems to be all downhill now.

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