Memory Mentor

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Memory Mentor

Unread postby saugeen » 18 Jan 2008, 20:31

I am finding the memry mentor to very frustrating. I am finding that I have to restart until I get the skills and abilities I want. otherwise I am spending all my gold and still nothing. Any one else having the same problem?

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Unread postby Dacarnix_ » 18 Jan 2008, 21:51

To an extent, yeah, you're right, but it sure beats simply being stuck with whatever you have. I love to see the memory mentor on a map.

One thing that helps a little when you're trying to get specific abilities is to force the mentor to give you two ability choices from the same skill. Like a hero with:
Basic Attack -> Archery
Basic War Machines
...will have a better chance of getting the War Machine choice that you want (say Ballista) than a hero with:
Advanced Attack
Basic War Machines
...since the ability choices will be split between Attack abilities and War Machine abilities.

(Sorry if that's something you already knew and considered obvious, but it definitely helps tilt the odds in your favor.)

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