Unread postby Muszka » 20 Nov 2007, 02:41
I've got curious. I made some tests today.
1) Firstly I tried the 'one on one' or/and 'many vs. many'.
I've only involved Centaur Captains, Halberdiers, and Sprites.
I worked with lvl 1 heroes, without seconday stats, with and without primary stats too, neutral-cursed ground.
I tried many variations and I got some big surprises.
1.1.1)Sprites vs. Centaur Captain with equal numbers.
Fight formula was wait with Sprites and than strike twice, than CCs strike, Sprites retaliate, Sprites strike, and so one.
The numbers were the follows: 1 Sprite vs. 1 CC, then 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000.
Obviously the CCs won; with some unrelevant numbers CCs remained in 25 to 50%. No partial fight was won by Sprites.
1.1.2) Sprites vs. Halberdiers.
I haven't make the one with equal numbers, because the -3 speed doesn't count as Srites still strike twice, and so the +2 defense will make the losses even smaller.
1.1.3) Centaur Captains vs. Halberdiers
Here I tried two different ways.
(Same numbers 1,5,10,50,100,500,1000)
A) Fight formula: Wait with CCs, let Haldberdiers[Hs] come closer, than strike, (Hs retaliate), strike again (Hs retaliate), Hs strike, CCs retaliate, and so one.
Up to 30% of the CCs stacks survived.
I have to mention, that sometime in the 1 vs. 1 and 5 vs. 5 fight Hs won.
B) I simulated a rush-fight.(eg. with Haste)
Fight formula follows, CCs strike, Hs retal., Hs strike, CCs retal., and so on.
It seems this were the evenest fights of al. Mostly Hs won. Up to 20% of stacks survived, with an average of 10-15%.
Here I have to mention that in the 20% of fights CCs could win, but only in the cases of the stacks below of 100 creatures
1.2.1) Sprites vs. CCs, counting in the Growt.
(28/50 base growt means that if 28 is 100%, 50 is somewhere 178.5%), so resulted, 1 CC was fighting 2 Sprite, 5 vs. 9, 10 vs. 18, 50 vs. 90, 100 vs. 180, 500 vs. 900, 1000 vs. 1800.
I also tried two kind of fights.
A) Fight formula: the logical wait, wait, strike mode.
Between 60 and 80% of Sprite stacks survived.
B) The rush strike mode.
Fight formula: strike, enemy strike, and so.
The Sprite stacks survived in around 30%
Mention: the smaller partial fights (1 CC vs. 2 Sp and 5 CC vs. 9 Sp) may be winnable by CCs.
1.2.1) Sprite. vs Halberdies calculateing the growt in (same numbers as with CCs)
The results were much the same in both type of fights, only the losses of Sprites were greater with from 5 to 15%.
2) I played a map concentrating especially on Sprites usefulness and durability.
(I played WoG on Impossible difficulty. With Brissa, M sized map, Grail on)
I must say that (As Jolly Joker said) you can survive only with Sprites till the Firebirds/Phoenix/Sacred Phoenixes are ready, and not only.
I could flag all mines, and get to some other buildings. I hesitated only with some shooters , because I had no mass haste.
I survived the First two weeks with no losses, around 300 Sprites and 8 Firebirds (nothing else used).
I've won the map at the middle of second month with no problems, and with about 1200 Sprites in my army.
Notes and Mentions:
a)Sprites double-no retalialiaton strike is devastating because of their number.
b)mass haste, can reach almost anything even without brissa.
c) IF taken care of them, they can have a mediocre->excelent killing potential from begining till end.
=> their usefulness is maybe the best among lvl1 units.
d)from the mid game, when the mediocre and big fights begin to occur, the Sprites will be disapper without Resurrection. In all mid->big fights I would have lost half->all my Sprites if not for the Resurrection.
e)They may survive longer if you don't use them.
f)They don't like sieges.
=>their durability is the lowest of all troops without resurrection.
At end I must admit, that I'm surprized, I never thought that they can kill Centaur Captains and/or Halberdiers face to face even with their growt. So their growt trully makes them strong, but without ressurection, they cannot be used effectively after mid game.
So my conclusion is that Jolly Joker was right in some more points.
"Rage against the system, the system, what kills the
human spirit."