Unread postby Fnord » 11 Aug 2005, 22:49
Absolutely, Sir Charles, you summarize it very well. So far, I like almost all the decisions I've seen them confirm about H5. Indeed, H3 is still the most popular game and if they're taking many features from H3 but improving on the game as a whole, I think it will end up being excellent.
Most of the H4 features they rejected are ones I didn't like either. The daily growth sounded like a neat idea and I thought it would be great, but after I tried it I found myself missing the weekly growth that provided a framework for strategic planning and more importantly a better sense of time--all the days blurred into one another in H4 with very few start or end-of-week considerations. Similarly, the windmills and water wheels acting as a type of special mine really bugged me. Mines are fine but we already had them..these were special structures where you could get extra resources *if* you made the effort each week to go out and get them. In H4, you didn't even get a weekly report of the new resources (that might have helped a little).
As for the Haven lineup being virtually identical to the H3 Castle, well so what? It was a good lineup so why throw out what worked? And upgrades for all troops--well, it might have been interesting to have a mixed upgrade system again (like H2) but in the interests of balancing it, it was probably better to go with the H3 system. Besides which, it's nice to have the variety that similar but slightly-different troop types bring to the game, especially for custom map-making (consdering also that the design time is probably a lot shorter for a variation than for completely different creatures). As for the name "Haven" (taken from H4), it's an okay name although and I can see how it could fit in a lot of situations, although a new one might have been a nice change too. The problem with "Castle" as a town type is that every town has a castles which sometimes leads to a bit of confusion.
The one criticism here I do agree with is that "Succubus Favorite" as a name for the upgraded Succubus. It just sounds silly so I really hope they can come up with a replacement. Even something corny like "Succubus Queen" or "Succubus Duchess" would sound better.
But seriously, for either the upgraded or downgraded versions, how about Succubus Nymph or Succubus Mistress?
- Fnord