Siegfried wrote:Well, i think, it would be possible to beat those stacks. But you need much potion of immortality and luck.
Not really. You just need a good tactics. For example, you can simply keep shooting them while Proetho keeps them neutralized with a Song of Peace.
The effreeti attack and kill Lysander. Lysander is restored by potion. The nightmares cast terror on one of the spellcasters. The medusas then kill Lysander again.
Actually, the Efreeti won't even reach Lysander on turn 1 if you position him correctly. Nightmares won't cast Terror on Proetho because Proetho has GM Resistance, and even if he doesn't, he is hidden behind the Efreeti so the Nightmares don't have a line-of-sight on him. Medusas don't kill Lysander because with GM Combat and GM Resistance, the number of Medusae is not large enough to turn him into stone and the damage inflicted won't be nearly enough.
I regularly beat the stack even on Champion difficulty and without problems (or using unfair tactics such as restarting until PoI pops up or reloading until I get that "necessary" morale or luck), so apparently it is not dependent on luck. (In fact, I completed the whole campaign on Champion difficulty without loading once!)
But the effreeti and the nightmares are faster.
Correct me if I am wrong, but 1) neither can reach you in one turn unless your formation is incorrect, and 2) there is enough of Emeralds of Speed in the first scenario that all your heroes should be sufficiently faster than any creatures except the fastest (most of which don't appear in the campaign in any case).
Exorcism is no option since if i get the chance to cast a spell as long as Proeto and Lysander are both alive i'd cast Guardian Angel. If i do not cast it, the game is over then.
Try different spells in your spellbook. Chaos Ward would probably help you more than a Guardian Angel, as would e.g. Sanctuary. And you could look into the possibility of getting Nature or Order spells in the first scenario, too - Mass Slow would make your life much easier, as would Teleport. I am not even talking about Berserk or Hypnotize...
The problem apparently is that you selected absolutelly unsuitable set of skills in the first scenario and made it worse by casting wrong spells for the situation and using incorrect formations. My suggestion would be to forgget those nice-sounding-but-in-fact-worthless skills such as Tactics and Nobility and focus instead on Combat skills. Get some Life magic, but train one hero in either Nature (Water Elemental!) or Order (Teleport, Mass Slow, Berserk) magic. You could also give Stealth to one hero and simply steal the Sword of the Gods without bothering to fight. There are MANY ways to beat the second scenario, none of which are dependent on luck.
The fourth scenario, where you have to beat the chaos hero. He has a very mighty spell. I think, it's Desintegrate, i'm not sure. Even with good HP and Heavenly Shield he [b9nearly[/b] killed Lysander in one strike.
The merits of Resistance once again...
And i don't think that this army grows with difficulty that much as neutral armies.
Indeed. Only the neutral armies grow, unless the mapmaker decided to give the AI player a boost.
No. You can get access to that keymasters tent only with Proeto and Lysander together. But then, when you have visited that tent? For what is it good? I've never found any purple border guard. There is a blue border gurard which is essential. You only get the dwarfen hammer if you beat the orange player behind that border guard, but that border guard is blue. Where is the purple border guard? I've never found any.
It's been a long time since I played the campaign, so I may be wrong. But I think the last enemy hero, the one you can't access until the dwarf destroys the wall, is protected by the Purple gate.
Allowed is 18. In the second i got them to level 20, limit is at 25. So i get more and more behind the possibilities.
You should really focus on the most important heroes and give all available experience to them. You can upgrade the lower heroes later. If you want to bother. I don't anymore.
You keep those other until the last scenario and within that last scenario until the very last fight. So they are not just for the ride. And besides Lysander you loose the game too if Proeto is killed. And in scenario 3 you get Desette, which you don't have to loose either. And in the 5th scenario you have Sir Kentaine as well. I think you should not loose him either. So you need them all. The only theoretically expendable are the two additional heros of your choice from the first scenario, but why throw away when you urgently need them?
can keep the heroes, but you
don't have to and most certainly you
don't have to fight with them - you just need to keep them alive. If you level up Lysander and one additional hero wisely, they will be able to win every single combat in this campaign on their own. That's what I mean by saying that those extra heroes are there "just for the ride" - they don't actually need to do anything, just be there.
Why? I never lost one. And in map 4, you do not have 4, but 5 heroes (Lysander, Proeto, Your additionally choosen 2, plus Desette).
Because they will be replaced by the other carrover heroes.
These where my choices:
Lysander: Mainly Tactics branch plus Nobility branch, with a sidebranch of Combat and Life Magic.
Hero1: Mainly Combat branch plus Nobility Branch, with sidebranches in Life Magic and Scouting
Hero2: Cleric. Mainly Life Magic and Nobility, with Order Magic and Nature Magic as sidebranches (One from the beastmaster hut, the other from the seminaries of the conquered towns), good chance to make him Archmage.
Proeto: Mainly Life Magic and Combat, with sidebrahcnes in Nobility, Order and Nature Magic, again good chance for Archmage.
If you want to win the game easily and on any difficulty, consider:
Lysander - full Combat, with some skills in Life (for Heavenly Shield and similar boosters)
Proetho - keep him as he is, his skill selection is quite poor and hardly worth the upgrade
Hero 1 - Order, with some Combat (esp. Combat+Resistance)
Hero 2 - anything you like
Heavenly shield helps to survive the first round and gives some extra time
So you spend one round casting Heavenly Shield just to survive one round longer? Seems like some other spell would be more beneficial.