I dont understand what is the idea behind all the whining and flame, for me its kind of... well - childish. The first heroes I played was the 2nd, I still play HoMM 3 from time to time, I've gone through heroes 1 and King's Bounty as well several years ago - just for fun and to explore the history of the game. I wasnt dissapointed by any of those great games (even by KB, which I played in 2001) because there is a tremendous amount of creativity and tons of fun assosiated with them.If you HAVE fun, don't let yourself tell you otherwise from some people who don't. On the other hand, if you don't have fun, don't let yourself tell that you should have from those who do.
The only game in the series I am not that enthusiastic about is HoMM 4 and thats because I had so HUGE expectations about it, that I guess I was really dissapointed by it. However I didn't blame the game, nor the developers (RIP 3do), but it just wasnt my game. I played through the campaigns of the original, but didnt bother buy the expansions (maybe a mistake, judging by the size of the HoMM 4 community, I dont know, but thats my way to deal with games I dont like). I am seasoned enough in the M&M universe to understand the depth and complexity of the 4th HoMM, but it was not appealing enough for me to make me want to get to the botom of it, and invest n x 100h of my free time for it.
However non of this made me complain like a spoiled brat about anything about the game (in my oppinion its conception is well thought and meaningfull, just not appealing to me). What I have I guess is RESPECT for those who made effort to entertain me, and those who are entertained by that product.
So to all who just wait for every opportunity to make fun/complain/insult/etc. anything connected with HoMM V, pleace know that you are being DISRESPECTFUL, ANNOYING, and even sometimes OFFENSIVE.
If you feel thats the way to contribue to a community, please put a second thought to it.