SpectralDragon wrote:[
LOL! Even more evidence that nothing is what it seems when comparing Heroes games and MM games much? That aside, I love this because this opens a whole new slew of possibilities, even if they shatter themselves, he he he!

Even in the Enroth era, the MM and HoMM games were made by separate teams with rather restricted communication between them. Lore inconsistencies were inevitable. But they did keep some things consistent at least, such as the portrayal of the lich
I was looking at MM lore for that one, as we don't know about any demiliches in there. In D&D lore, I managed to go as far as going even past demilich and right into Akalich territory, which is basically like a shade of a Lich with only soul gems remaining ... and they're almost omnipresently powerful as a result of that. Creepy stuff! O.O
I think the early, DOS-era games had what could be called "demiliches", as in liches depicted as large floating skulls with no bodies.
Point taken. I'm arguing stuff for both Unlocker and base game though, so yeah. ^^;
It's great you're on a roll and eager to do more stuff. In this case, might I suggest you try repainting one of the armors or cloaks or equipment overall? I think that's stuff that everyone wants to see, regardless of whether or not they want to play with the unlocker. Hell, I'd do it myself if I was any good at it, so anxious am I to see this stuff in the game already >_>
Speaking of helping - I've noticed that Rodril hasn't gotten around to changing redundant item flavor text and some of the names yet. Where is this data stored? Can this be accessed via MMArchive? I would be happy to make those changes myself.