Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Mirondor » 12 Jun 2019, 20:31

How do i become a Lichdrago? Is it the same like Zombie-dragon??

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 12 Jun 2019, 20:38

Mirondor wrote:How do i become a Lichdrago? Is it the same like Zombie-dragon??
No. In order to get a Dracolich, you need to use both Templayer's Race Skills and Character Unlocker in MMMerge in order to make yourself either a Dragon Sorcerer (if you plan on going to Hell in Antagarich - MM7 part of the Merge) or a Dragon Necromancer.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 12 Jun 2019, 20:39

Mirondor wrote:How do i become a Lichdrago? Is it the same like Zombie-dragon??
To become a Dracolich / Dragon Lich, you have to use the Unlocker (available on the tracker in my signature under OPTIONAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE MERGE), and create a Dragon Necromancer, or a Dragon Sorcerer OR make a Dracolich right away. Then if you promote your Dragon Necromancer or Sorcerer (after his promotion that is) into a Dragon Lich, he should now have a Dragon Lich paperdoll and animated portraits. Enjoy.

To make a Ghost Dragon, either use the unlocker, or get your dragon zombified in Deyja and other evil aligned towns during resurrection.

I do not think Blood Dragons are implemented yet, but those will be Unlocker only, a form of Vampiric Dragons.

EDIT: And to be able to use Dragon Abilities and such as a Dragon Lich, use the Racial Skills mod available at the same place.

Using them is as simple as finding the same file in your Merge folder and replacing it with the modded ones.
Last edited by Templayer on 12 Jun 2019, 20:56, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 13 Jun 2019, 07:25

Templayer wrote:EDIT: I was 7-8 when I have played MM6 first. My uncle still has that 600 page long manual. And it took me 12 hours to bypass the copy protection on that goddamn MM6 hybrid data-audio CD! :D
LOL wow, talk about winning at childhood life there, as my bro basically had to use a copied CD from his school friend to play it, both MM6 and MM8. :D :D :D Funnily, MM6 was also the start of where my drawing skills really started to be trained because my bro always told me to try draw the enemies down on a sheet of paper and we´d then be just laughing at my drawn versions of those enemies ... and once Lair of the Wolf was breached, it wasn˙t just enemies that were drawn anymore, it was all impaled and brutalized and mauled corpses as well that we both called "tortures" for Ancients knows what reason. Good times! :D :D

And I still remember having a ghostly variation of a MM6 Lich (or rather a Power Lich) show up in my dreams as well due to that, who was apparently the same Lich that kidnapped me in the previous dream. Wasn´t scary after all, even if it all happened ... in Tomb of Ethric the Mad. No need to question about any validity there, first a Dragon character that was basically a mix between a Red and a Gold Dragon, now a Lich Ghost? :D :D :D
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 13 Jun 2019, 07:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Mirondor » 13 Jun 2019, 09:13

Templayer wrote:
Mirondor wrote:How do i become a Lichdrago? Is it the same like Zombie-dragon??
To become a Dracolich / Dragon Lich, you have to use the Unlocker (available on the tracker in my signature under OPTIONAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE MERGE), and create a Dragon Necromancer, or a Dragon Sorcerer OR make a Dracolich right away. Then if you promote your Dragon Necromancer or Sorcerer (after his promotion that is) into a Dragon Lich, he should now have a Dragon Lich paperdoll and animated portraits. Enjoy.

To make a Ghost Dragon, either use the unlocker, or get your dragon zombified in Deyja and other evil aligned towns during resurrection.

I do not think Blood Dragons are implemented yet, but those will be Unlocker only, a form of Vampiric Dragons.

EDIT: And to be able to use Dragon Abilities and such as a Dragon Lich, use the Racial Skills mod available at the same place.

Using them is as simple as finding the same file in your Merge folder and replacing it with the modded ones.
Wowowow! Cool! Thank you very much! This Merge rules and additional mods like yours are also VERY cool! Thank you!!

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 13 Jun 2019, 10:02

Props for the missing flesh on the mino's legs! This was definitely a good call, it looks great now.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby GrayFace » 13 Jun 2019, 11:06

Templayer wrote:Also the purpose of liching is to make the individual an enhanced undead creature. Since zombies and vampires are already undead, they just need the eyes to finish the "dark ascension". :D :P
Ah, ok, then I'm fine with it :)
Jamesx wrote:Hi!) :)
MinoZombie was updated!
That's how he looks now:
Looks great!
SpectralDragon wrote:Because we all know why was 6 rated PG 15-16 something and other 2 weren't, don't we? Lair of the Wolf. :D And to think I played MM6 since I was 12-14 ... :D I was a bizarre kid.
I was about 11-13 when I first played it successfully. It was after half a year of not having a graphics card that can do 640*480 60hz and then about a year before an older friend of mine played it and told me how to use turn-based mode and go to Castle Ironfist in order to not get killed by goblins all the time :D I think it was actually the 1st game that my parents bought for me. Which doesn't mean it wasn't pirated, as it totally was a pirate localization :D
Last edited by GrayFace on 13 Jun 2019, 11:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 13 Jun 2019, 14:14

GrayFace wrote:Looks great!
I wonder if Rodril knows about the Implementation Queue that Templayer's Tracker has now ... ;) ^^; Just curious.
GrayFace wrote:I was about 11-13 when I first played it successfully. It was after half a year of not having a graphics card that can do 640*480 60hz and then about a year before an older friend of mine played it and told me how to use turn-based mode and go to Castle Ironfist in order to not get killed by goblins all the time :D I think it was actually the 1st game that my parents bought for me. Which doesn't mean it wasn't pirated, as it totally was a pirate localization :D
LOL nice. Good times, I can imagine ... and speaking of localization, in my case, both me and brother were basically forced into using English, as our home country's localization wasn't there at all. No boy, I can still remember how troublesome End The Winter quest was because neither myself not my brother knew wth was it referring about (it was 1st time seeing English being used to talk about fantasy and whatnot, thus we relied on visuals more. :D), thus in the end it was sheer dumb luck (and lots of exploration - both me and brother are kind of OCD when it comes to having fully revealed maps in games :D :D) that we managed to find the Hermit.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Roticet » 13 Jun 2019, 14:34

Jamesx wrote:Hi!) :)
MinoZombie was updated!
That's how he looks now:
the link from previous post was updated too
I really enjoy how that turned out. I really like that green tint on the bottom of the horns. Plus how pronounced the horns look compared to the original, mmmwah, perfect touch. Thats exactly what i was asking about before. Thats really good.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Mirondor » 13 Jun 2019, 15:40

Zombie conditions now have drawbacks only, right?
Except cool looking you gain nothig. May be you should change it?...

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 13 Jun 2019, 16:24

Mirondor wrote:Zombie conditions now have drawbacks only, right?
Except cool looking you gain nothig. May be you should change it?...
Yeah, but that should be done to the base merge, I think.
Rigor Mortis would make them physically stronger and have better endurance.

What I would prefer would be disabling the condition of Zombie on chars created at Character Creation, so that zombies can get less of an attribute hit AND it would also make it customizable. I know where to find the table with Character Creation attributes, and anyone could edit that to their liking, whileas currently they are limited due to the Zombie status attribute modifiers being forced on them ON TOP of the character creator once the game starts. :(
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 13 Jun 2019, 17:39

Templayer wrote:What I would prefer would be disabling the condition of Zombie on chars created at Character Creation, so that zombies can get less of an attribute hit AND it would also make it customizable. I know where to find the table with Character Creation attributes, and anyone could edit that to their liking, whileas currently they are limited due to the Zombie status attribute modifiers being forced on them ON TOP of the character creator once the game starts. :(
All of my yes.
Rodril wrote:Pal, you have something extra to do aside "Zombie Dragon" to "Ghost Dragon" change and implementation of voices as well as Zombie Minos. *pokepokepokepoke*
Apologies for pokes, Rodril. ^^;
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 13 Jun 2019, 17:41, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 13 Jun 2019, 22:22

Mirondor wrote:Zombie conditions now have drawbacks only, right?
Except cool looking you gain nothig. May be you should change it?...
That's the point of the zombie condition in mm7 though. You're supposed to avoid it like the plague and not want to have it on your chars. Unlocker aside, it should probably stay that way in the base game. I do recall my feeling of dread and revulsion when first finding out zombies were a thing in MM7 years ago. Like something is horribly wrong and needs to be fixed ASAP. In fact, the MM games have always done a better job of creeping me the fuck out than even stuff like the famous Oblivion Dark Brotherhood quest.

And I'm getting the exact same kind of vibes from the new zombie paperdolls, which means they were done properly :D

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 13 Jun 2019, 22:39

Xfing wrote:That's the point of the zombie condition in mm7 though. You're supposed to avoid it like the plague and not want to have it on your chars. Unlocker aside, it should probably stay that way in the base game. I do recall my feeling of dread and revulsion when first finding out zombies were a thing in MM7 years ago. Like something is horribly wrong and needs to be fixed ASAP. In fact, the MM games have always done a better job of creeping me the **** out than even stuff like the famous Oblivion Dark Brotherhood quest.

And I'm getting the exact same kind of vibes from the new zombie paperdolls, which means they were done properly :D
Shame Zombie Dragons aren't really existing in MM or even Heroes of MM's lore, thus Ghost Dragon thingy. ^^;
Good Ancients, don't remind me of the bloody Zombie Tax event again, that was a legit jumpscare right there. Put me off travelling roads of Deyja for many many playthrus even if they were just rotten corpses, bit still ... and don't remind me of the Wine Cellar as well, I got instakilled by Dragon Breath the 1st time I entered it by accident because I didn't know there was a Queen of the Dead hiding near the entrance. OoO

As for Zombies, my initial reaction was the same, but once I've heard their quotes, yeah, both me and my brother started experimenting on these like nothing before. :D :D It's how we've discovered "Permanent Zombie" bug in the 1st place ... and frankly we basically made it into a feature because we were basically competing on who's gonna win the game with a Lich and a (Perma) Zombie in the party first. XDD

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Roticet » 14 Jun 2019, 05:34

SpectralDragon wrote:
Xfing wrote:That's the point of the zombie condition in mm7 though. You're supposed to avoid it like the plague and not want to have it on your chars. Unlocker aside, it should probably stay that way in the base game. I do recall my feeling of dread and revulsion when first finding out zombies were a thing in MM7 years ago. Like something is horribly wrong and needs to be fixed ASAP. In fact, the MM games have always done a better job of creeping me the **** out than even stuff like the famous Oblivion Dark Brotherhood quest.

And I'm getting the exact same kind of vibes from the new zombie paperdolls, which means they were done properly :D
Shame Zombie Dragons aren't really existing in MM or even Heroes of MM's lore, thus Ghost Dragon thingy. ^^;
Good Ancients, don't remind me of the bloody Zombie Tax event again, that was a legit jumpscare right there. Put me off travelling roads of Deyja for many many playthrus even if they were just rotten corpses, bit still ... and don't remind me of the Wine Cellar as well, I got instakilled by Dragon Breath the 1st time I entered it by accident because I didn't know there was a Queen of the Dead hiding near the entrance. OoO

As for Zombies, my initial reaction was the same, but once I've heard their quotes, yeah, both me and my brother started experimenting on these like nothing before. :D :D It's how we've discovered "Permanent Zombie" bug in the 1st place ... and frankly we basically made it into a feature because we were basically competing on who's gonna win the game with a Lich and a (Perma) Zombie in the party first. XDD

Speaking of scary shit. I remember the first time my brother and i found the titans stronghold in mm7 and damn near shit ourselves with all the titans and dragons. Personally i found the heighth of everything scary and then there are these giant monsters (pun intended)? Nopenopenopenope. And then we made it a point to work through the place and overcome it and our fears. So many good memories with these games. Lol

Also i remember when we first discovered a recruitable dragon in 8, and were super excited. And now i can start with 5 because of this mod? Yes please!

Oh, is it possible to add sections to the stat screen? Cause im using the merge, character unlock and racial skill unlock mods. My dragon party only shows weapon damage, but not the damage done by the dragon skill for them. Could we get that added somehow?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 14 Jun 2019, 09:02

Xfing wrote:
Mirondor wrote:Zombie conditions now have drawbacks only, right?
Except cool looking you gain nothig. May be you should change it?...
That's the point of the zombie condition in mm7 though. You're supposed to avoid it like the plague and not want to have it on your chars. Unlocker aside, it should probably stay that way in the base game. I do recall my feeling of dread and revulsion when first finding out zombies were a thing in MM7 years ago. Like something is horribly wrong and needs to be fixed ASAP. In fact, the MM games have always done a better job of creeping me the **** out than even stuff like the famous Oblivion Dark Brotherhood quest.

And I'm getting the exact same kind of vibes from the new zombie paperdolls, which means they were done properly :D
Yeah. I always saw them as a form of a challenge (thus the "Zombie Paladin Run"). Now that Rodril also added the Peasant class, I wonder who will finish the game first as a SOLO LVL 1 ZOMBIE PEASANT. :D
SpectralDragon wrote: Shame Zombie Dragons aren't really existing in MM or even Heroes of MM's lore, thus Ghost Dragon thingy. ^^;
Good Ancients, don't remind me of the bloody Zombie Tax event again, that was a legit jumpscare right there. Put me off travelling roads of Deyja for many many playthrus even if they were just rotten corpses, bit still ... and don't remind me of the Wine Cellar as well, I got instakilled by Dragon Breath the 1st time I entered it by accident because I didn't know there was a Queen of the Dead hiding near the entrance. OoO

As for Zombies, my initial reaction was the same, but once I've heard their quotes, yeah, both me and my brother started experimenting on these like nothing before. :D :D It's how we've discovered "Permanent Zombie" bug in the 1st place ... and frankly we basically made it into a feature because we were basically competing on who's gonna win the game with a Lich and a (Perma) Zombie in the party first. XDD
And now you won't have "just" a Lich and a perma-zombie, you can have a whole party of undead. ^_^
Roticet wrote: Oh, is it possible to add sections to the stat screen? Cause im using the merge, character unlock and racial skill unlock mods. My dragon party only shows weapon damage, but not the damage done by the dragon skill for them. Could we get that added somehow?
Possible? I think it is. Since we are able to create whole new buttons with new functionality, I would have thought adding something like that is possible. You will have to convince Rodril or GrayFace to do it, though. I would like to have a more detailed look at numbers too, especially if it was in a form of a right click (right click opening a context of how the number was calculated with the source of the numbers). This would have made checking for magical surpluses easier, as I had to remove all magical items that add to attributes from all party members each time I wanted to use barrels, and later on in the game, when that became unbearable, I made a sheet with their base numbers that I had to write on each time I drank from a barrel. Also dividing the "Magic" skill box to Magical Skills and Racial skills would nice. (if a character can have a racial skill provided by either his/hers race or class, the Magic skills section should be divided). And adding scrollbars to the various skill sections so that if the amount of skills overflows, you are not screwed. Maybe Rodril already implemented some of this, I do not remember, but I do remember discussing this with him. (and as much time I am investing into the Merge, I have yet to play it :( )
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 14 Jun 2019, 09:24

Templayer wrote:
Roticet wrote: Oh, is it possible to add sections to the stat screen? Cause im using the merge, character unlock and racial skill unlock mods. My dragon party only shows weapon damage, but not the damage done by the dragon skill for them. Could we get that added somehow?
Possible? I think it is. Since we are able to create whole new buttons with new functionality, I would have thought adding something like that is possible. You will have to convince Rodril or GrayFace to do it, though. I would like to have a more detailed look at numbers too, especially if it was in a form of a right click (right click opening a context of how the number was calculated with the source of the numbers). This would have made checking for magical surpluses easier, as I had to remove all magical items that add to attributes from all party members each time I wanted to use barrels, and later on in the game, when that became unbearable, I made a sheet with their base numbers that I had to write on each time I drank from a barrel. Also dividing the "Magic" skill box to Magical Skills and Racial skills would nice. (if a character can have a racial skill provided by either his/hers race or class, the Magic skills section should be divided). And adding scrollbars to the various skill sections so that if the amount of skills overflows, you are not screwed. Maybe Rodril already implemented some of this, I do not remember, but I do remember discussing this with him. (and as much time I am investing into the Merge, I have yet to play it :( )
Added to both the Bug Tracker and the Suggestion Tracker.
Probably caused by the character not having Dragon as a class. Maybe Rodril could fix it?
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby Daedros » 14 Jun 2019, 09:50

Templayer wrote:
GrayFace wrote: So, ahead are lich zombie dragons, lich zombie minotaurs, dwarves and trolls? Following this trajectory I'd love to have minotaur trolls at some point :D
I got one step further ahead of you. Thus I present to you... a Minotaur Troll Zombie. :D :D :D


EDIT: This could be made into an easter egg. Playing as a race = minotaur and class = troll and getting zombified would result in this. And every portrait would just be a trollface. :D
This should be his voice files too.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 14 Jun 2019, 10:39

Say hello to more wonky-ass anatomy, people! :D :D :D

Thank the Ancients even dev-made classic Liches have the iffiest of anatomies, thus I can get away with stuff like this. X,DD

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 10.06.2019]

Unread postby SpectralDragon » 14 Jun 2019, 10:45

Roticet wrote:Speaking of scary ****. I remember the first time my brother and i found the titans stronghold in mm7 and damn near **** ourselves with all the titans and dragons. Personally i found the heighth of everything scary and then there are these giant monsters (pun intended)? Nopenopenopenope. And then we made it a point to work through the place and overcome it and our fears. So many good memories with these games. Lol

Also i remember when we first discovered a recruitable dragon in 8, and were super excited. And now i can start with 5 because of this mod? Yes please!
Reminds me of the first Titan-related "OH SH**!" moment, which was an insta-Death trigger from a Supreme Titan back in MM6 ... which reminds me, why the HELL don˙t we have Supreme Titans in MM7??? Their armor was just so goshdarn good! 8| Hmmmm, maybe that´s something to ponder, making a Supreme Titan out of a MM7 Titan sprite.
When it comes to Titan´s Stronghold, I had one glitch into the wall. I was facepalming hard. XDD
Templayer wrote:And now you won't have "just" a Lich and a perma-zombie, you can have a whole party of undead. ^_^
Hehe. Just as long as they have appropriate voices, that is. ;) ;)
Last edited by SpectralDragon on 14 Jun 2019, 10:46, edited 1 time in total.

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