I still want my Relic Wand of Astrological Excursion.GrayFace wrote:Still, it's entirely possible. Moreover, with an explosive bow you don't need to reach blaster speeds for you enemy to get pretty much stuck in an endless "hurt" animation when playing in real time.Roticet wrote:Conceptually that makes absolutely no sense, because unless you are LUDICROUSLY fast, firing a bow that quickly would be impossible.
I.e. the wing blowback effect used twice in quick succession, resulting in the enemy shooting upwards and probably ending somewhere in the atmosphere.

Added to the Bug Tracker.[/quote]tinywhitecat wrote:I tested the dragon lich ingame and found two technical problems (unrelated to the audio/visual). The dracolich gained the blaster skill in mm7 and was actually able to equip blasters, however they were invisible and nonfunctional, as well as impossible to unequip. The dracolich also could equip an invisible wetsuit which couldn't be unequipped.Templayer wrote:
...there is both a Dragon Liche and a Dragon Zombie, but they are copy pasted, with no audio and both based off on an old design (no tattered wings, etc.)
In Antagarich, I also found that the Sniper promotion pickup was missing text (Picking up the quest never told me to get the perfect bow and was instead blank).
In addition, Verdant contacted my party for completing Antagarich early. Verdant gave the victory interaction after completing "Strike at the Devils" rather than "The Final Task". It's possible that its related to the fact that I missed the "Letter for YOU", encountered Verdant randomly, and then found the letter afterwards. She also gave me 3 copies of the ring as opposed to the 1 in earlier versions of the mod, but that might have been an intentional change.
1. The wand, that sounds amazing, I keep thinking of being 1shotted by giants in Skyrim and flying up from the hit. lol
2. The wetsuit thing you are talking about, I am prolly remembering this wrong, but I think that's how Rodril fixed the wetsuits not working on Dragons. Which meant in the early days of the merge, you couldn't beat 7 normally if you had dragons. You also would have a 5th slot down cause originally you only got 4 wetsuits. Rodril changed it so you can get 5 wetsuits, among the previously mentioned change. The blaster issue seems to me like it is a left over bug from the wetsuits.
3. The rings that you are suppose to get, got no clue, I've seen people say they are suppose to get 1-3. From my understanding, it should be 1 ring gained a total of 2 times while completing certain tasks for Verdant. Not entirely sure though as I haven't been able to find enough philosopher's stones. Hoard those things btw.
4. The rest of the stuff seems like bugs, and Templayer has that tracked already.
Edit: And apparently I suck at quoting things properly, sorry about that.
Edit 2: After browsing the forums, I'm pretty sure that this topic is the most discussed topic ever. There may be some really old threads that I didn't notice, but this topic even has the TCC mod and Maestro Mod for 6 and 7 respectively beat in replies, by double. That's freaking amazing. Thanks Rodril and Greyface and everyone else. Been loving the crap out this mod.