Templayer wrote:
Yeah, don't worry, we do not want you to burn yourself out. Also more modifications do cause more bugs, but yours pretty much won't (unless someone mismatches an index or something rather trivial like that), because you are using code that is already in there. Code-wise, you are not adding anything new, you are only adding graphics that would be "copypasted" otherwise. Now if you were actually to create a whole new race or class, that would require coding and would cause bugs.
Also for the Blood Dragon as a Vampire I can see both perspectives - he is made of bones, like a Lich would, so maybe making him the Dragon Vampire Lich variation (the specific one, while other Racial Vampires would instead turn to their racial variant of a Liche) would work, while a Vampire Dragon would still need to be done. You should have the flesh and skin dragons once I upload the resources. On the other hand, I can see him being just a vampire too - his bones are soaked in blood and instead of ingesting blood, he needs to keep his bones soaked in blood to survive and have vampiric abilities. And he is supposed to pretty much be a one or two of a kind experiment type, so that makes sense in my head as well.
Indeed and I thank you all for it as well, as altering paperdolls and expressions accordingly isn't an easy job at all ... and now I have tonnes more respects for all people that did all this work on the game before you, Rodril and GrayFace came because dang! O.O No wonder games take this long in the 1st place now. And speaking of adding new races or classes, now I'm wondering how much altering will it take to get a brown Mino into his Lichy self ... hmmmmm.
Ditto as well, honestly, when it comes to bony Vampire Dragon version, thus I liked the WoG variant very much, as it obviously has blood red bones and even in WoG mod, they're supposed to be super rare successful attempts at giving Vampire Lord's abilities onto a Bone/Ghost Dragon as well, thus yeah, I'm for the bony version all the same (aside the fact that Lifedrain spell looks more like an energy drain rather than blood drain, which is the basis for the huge ball of white energy I put into its ribcage) ... and to be completely honest, seeing how different Dragons are compared to others duue to being their own caste I can easily imagine that their Vampire versions aren't just copy-paste of humanoid ones (Trolls, Minos ...). The other variant would be the one with blackened bones that is mainly based off Levitate/Mistform ability, which would also make it easy for me to make its chest and belly fleshy, but yeah, each has their own set of problems ... and even then there's also Charm spell, which, in my headcanon, makes the said bony Vampire Dragon look like a living dragon.
We do have someone in Shadowspire that is versed in illusion magic very much to the point he could recreate flesh: Sandro, like his 2nd Heroes III portrait that shows him having bony arms, yet fleshy head.
EDIT: And before I forget, Blood Dragon in MM8 is supposed to be spawned by Zanthora. Yaknow,
MAD Necromancer. Of course it'd look as messed up as you can imagine, Daedros!