Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby fireprince96 » 03 Mar 2019, 00:01

I followed the instructions, and when I extract the files into the gog file it takes a few minutes to load the game. But when I get in and start everything it doesn't give me the option to start on any of the worlds it automatically takes me to jadame, and I cant add characters to my party at the beginning.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 10:07

fireprince96 wrote:I followed the instructions, and when I extract the files into the gog file it takes a few minutes to load the game. But when I get in and start everything it doesn't give me the option to start on any of the worlds it automatically takes me to jadame, and I cant add characters to my party at the beginning.
You probably didn't follow them closely enough.

"and when I extract the files into the gog file" -> what is a gog file? I hope you meant the gog installation folder...

Did you apply the GrayFace's patch first (after installing the GOG version)?

Did you copy MMExtension second?

Did you copy MMEditor as a third step?

Did you copy the "Game files" as a fourth step, rewritting existing files?

Do you have UAC turned off? Even if you do, you still mustn't install into a folder that contains the "program files" string of characters in its path. Windows protects those in such a retarded manner that it screws up some applications and A LOT of old games.

We need an all-in-one installer and an auto-patcher, this is like the 50th time... my screw ups included! :D :D :D
Last edited by Templayer on 03 Mar 2019, 12:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby Anerag » 03 Mar 2019, 11:10

Here's a list of issues/bugs/nitpicks I was writing throughout my first playthrough in no particular order. Version is whatever was the latest on february 19th. Sorry for the massive post!

Pure MM6 party skills
I started the mod in MM6, made a party of 5 and planned to stick with it. The party consisted of 2 sorcerers, a cleric, a druid and a knight. Turns out this party can't get disarm trap expert! In hindsight, one of the sorcerers should've been an archer. Also, light/dark magic grand master seem to be unavailable for sorcerers and clerics which was disappointing.

Solution? Make disarm trap, at least expert, available on some other classes. Not sure about light/dark grand master.

Hireling walking around

I once found a peasent which had the same portrait, name and profession as one of my hirelings. Interestingly enough, instead of being able to hire said peasent, I was given the option to dismiss them. Doing so would make the hireling disappear from the party.

Buggy hireling professions
Hirelings with certain professions which you can normally hire are not hireable, like duper, burglar, probably more. However this seems to only apply to peasents walking around. You're still able to hire a duper for example from a house. To make matters worse, these "unhireable house hirelings" do not give the bonuses they claim to.

Solution? Make those hirelings unhireable from houses as well to keep consistency or preferably make them hireable from outside and grant appropriate bonuses.

Menu stereo sound
Some menus like the continent menu on a new game for example, where mouse hover on option sound effect plays mostly in the right channel and sometimes in the left?

Some monsters become ridiculously strong with bolster enabled, rats in particular (MM6 ones) stuck out to me.

Playing instruments

I miss playing the flute, harp, chime, etc. Hopefully there's no technical reason why this couldn't be reimplemented.

Continent appropriate arena
Currently, entering the arena in MM6 leads to the arena from MM7. Not a big problem and honestly I do like the MM7 arena. It could be nice to have the option though if possible.

Grand temple of eep entrance
Said dungeon has the wrong text on the entrance screen.

Temple in a bottle not working (sometimes)
Using the bottle on the paperdoll didn't work and made the error sound. Worked normally on small portrait though. Now that I'm thinking back this could be related to wearing a diving suit?

Town portal in temple in a bottle

Casting town portal while in the temple opens the map for MM8, when it arguably should be the map for MM7.

MM6 potion bottles
You can still find them in the temple of the snake in a chest.

Inedible herbs
No more getting poisoned eating some poppysnaps? I want to be able to eat herbs raw!

Hole in the wall

Missing texture in the temple of the snake on the wall next to the elevator.

Emmanuel gone missing
Attempting to rescue him from the cage in the temple of the snake makes him disappear from the game. He's not in my party or the cage anymore. Quest giver says the quest is not finished.

Double charles
In charles quixote's house in garrote gorge, his portrait and name appear on whoever the second person in the house is supposed to be. Dialogue options still work normally. Happened somewhere else too but I forgot where.

Telelocator fetch quest and usability
It's a huge hassle to obtain in the first place, yet when you finally get it, it's practically useless. Needless to say I was somewhat disappointed. As for usability, I wish it was case-insensitive and didn't need recharging. The charging is thankfully mitigated by savescumming. It also seems the interface kinda breaks and it doesn't work if you try to type anything with a space in it.

Cycle of life ring
If unconcious and the ring brings HP above 0, the character stays unconcious.

Ghost of balthazar stays hidden
Normally when you approach him in the lair of the wolf, he appears on the wall. Strangely enough, the ghost in the silver helm stronghold works as expected.

Oozes crashing the game
Walking towards (MM6) oozes in some areas like lair of the wolf and snergle's iron mine causes the game to inexplicably crash. I was able to avoid the crashes by not walking towards them and taking them out from far away. Walking near dead oozes didn't seem to cause any crashes.

Lair of the wolf texture issues
After purifying the marble altar in said dungeon, only the top side turns into stone bricks. Strangely enough the marble door inside the giant wolf mouth turns to bricks when it's not supposed to. The stone brick texture also appears on the floor near the ghots after purifying the altar, again not supposed to happen.

Dragonsand tent relics
Trading kegs of wine/golden pyramids for items sometimes gives you artifacts/relics, which you're not supposed to be able to get. On top of that you might get any relic from any tent, like a weapon from the armor guy for example.

Shadow guild texture issue
The blue "magic gate" texture appears on the ceiling of the room instead of the wall.

Shadow guild riddle text
The riddle text for the 4 doors gets cut off sometimes. Might be related to saving and loading then answering a riddles again.

No crystal gems
You may sometimes find gemstones by clicking crystals in MM6.

Rest menu freezing
Sometimes the rest menu will freeze for a few seconds while resting.

Skill reset
I had 3 characters with leather level 4 expert. Sometime later I noticed they were level 5 normal. Highly doubt I loaded a save before getting expert and accidentally leveled up leather on each character.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 11:59


I quoted my own post instead of editing it. -_-
Last edited by Templayer on 03 Mar 2019, 12:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 12:17

Anerag wrote:Here's a list of issues/bugs/nitpicks I was writing throughout my first playthrough in no particular order. Version is whatever was the latest on february 19th. Sorry for the massive post!

Pure MM6 party skills
I started the mod in MM6, made a party of 5 and planned to stick with it. The party consisted of 2 sorcerers, a cleric, a druid and a knight. Turns out this party can't get disarm trap expert! In hindsight, one of the sorcerers should've been an archer. Also, light/dark magic grand master seem to be unavailable for sorcerers and clerics which was disappointing.

Solution? Make disarm trap, at least expert, available on some other classes. Not sure about light/dark grand master.

Hireling walking around

I once found a peasent which had the same portrait, name and profession as one of my hirelings. Interestingly enough, instead of being able to hire said peasent, I was given the option to dismiss them. Doing so would make the hireling disappear from the party.

Buggy hireling professions
Hirelings with certain professions which you can normally hire are not hireable, like duper, burglar, probably more. However this seems to only apply to peasents walking around. You're still able to hire a duper for example from a house. To make matters worse, these "unhireable house hirelings" do not give the bonuses they claim to.

Solution? Make those hirelings unhireable from houses as well to keep consistency or preferably make them hireable from outside and grant appropriate bonuses.

Menu stereo sound
Some menus like the continent menu on a new game for example, where mouse hover on option sound effect plays mostly in the right channel and sometimes in the left?

Some monsters become ridiculously strong with bolster enabled, rats in particular (MM6 ones) stuck out to me.

Playing instruments

I miss playing the flute, harp, chime, etc. Hopefully there's no technical reason why this couldn't be reimplemented.

Continent appropriate arena
Currently, entering the arena in MM6 leads to the arena from MM7. Not a big problem and honestly I do like the MM7 arena. It could be nice to have the option though if possible.

Grand temple of eep entrance
Said dungeon has the wrong text on the entrance screen.

Temple in a bottle not working (sometimes)
Using the bottle on the paperdoll didn't work and made the error sound. Worked normally on small portrait though. Now that I'm thinking back this could be related to wearing a diving suit?

Town portal in temple in a bottle

Casting town portal while in the temple opens the map for MM8, when it arguably should be the map for MM7.

MM6 potion bottles
You can still find them in the temple of the snake in a chest.

Inedible herbs
No more getting poisoned eating some poppysnaps? I want to be able to eat herbs raw!

Hole in the wall

Missing texture in the temple of the snake on the wall next to the elevator.

Emmanuel gone missing
Attempting to rescue him from the cage in the temple of the snake makes him disappear from the game. He's not in my party or the cage anymore. Quest giver says the quest is not finished.

Double charles
In charles quixote's house in garrote gorge, his portrait and name appear on whoever the second person in the house is supposed to be. Dialogue options still work normally. Happened somewhere else too but I forgot where.

Telelocator fetch quest and usability
It's a huge hassle to obtain in the first place, yet when you finally get it, it's practically useless. Needless to say I was somewhat disappointed. As for usability, I wish it was case-insensitive and didn't need recharging. The charging is thankfully mitigated by savescumming. It also seems the interface kinda breaks and it doesn't work if you try to type anything with a space in it.

Cycle of life ring
If unconcious and the ring brings HP above 0, the character stays unconcious.

Ghost of balthazar stays hidden
Normally when you approach him in the lair of the wolf, he appears on the wall. Strangely enough, the ghost in the silver helm stronghold works as expected.

Oozes crashing the game
Walking towards (MM6) oozes in some areas like lair of the wolf and snergle's iron mine causes the game to inexplicably crash. I was able to avoid the crashes by not walking towards them and taking them out from far away. Walking near dead oozes didn't seem to cause any crashes.

Lair of the wolf texture issues
After purifying the marble altar in said dungeon, only the top side turns into stone bricks. Strangely enough the marble door inside the giant wolf mouth turns to bricks when it's not supposed to. The stone brick texture also appears on the floor near the ghots after purifying the altar, again not supposed to happen.

Dragonsand tent relics
Trading kegs of wine/golden pyramids for items sometimes gives you artifacts/relics, which you're not supposed to be able to get. On top of that you might get any relic from any tent, like a weapon from the armor guy for example.

Shadow guild texture issue
The blue "magic gate" texture appears on the ceiling of the room instead of the wall.

Shadow guild riddle text
The riddle text for the 4 doors gets cut off sometimes. Might be related to saving and loading then answering a riddles again.

No crystal gems
You may sometimes find gemstones by clicking crystals in MM6.

Rest menu freezing
Sometimes the rest menu will freeze for a few seconds while resting.

Skill reset
I had 3 characters with leather level 4 expert. Sometime later I noticed they were level 5 normal. Highly doubt I loaded a save before getting expert and accidentally leveled up leather on each character.
I'm going to add bugs into the Bug Tracker, feel free to add your suggestions to the suggestion tracker.

Like the first thing. Taking two Sorcerers and then being pissy about your party not being able to disarm traps at expert is the fault of the person who built the party, not the game's.
"Solution? Make disarm trap, at least expert, available on some other classes. " <- or just take a class that can disarm traps instead of having dual sorcerers. Giving another class expert disarm trap is not a solution in this case. If you really wish to have it on such a party setup, feel free to edit the game, it is in a txt file in a table (what class can have what expertise in skills). It's really easy to edit. Or take an utility class. It's an lesser version of someone taking four knights and then whining about not having magic, asking the mod maker to add magic to knights. -_-

I checked on all the other stuff and I pretty much agree on those points / those are bugs.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby Anerag » 03 Mar 2019, 13:13

Templayer wrote:Like the first thing. Taking two Sorcerers and then being pissy about your party not being able to disarm traps at expert is the fault of the person who built the party, not the game's.
"Solution? Make disarm trap, at least expert, available on some other classes. " <- or just take a class that can disarm traps instead of having dual sorcerers. Giving another class expert disarm trap is not a solution in this case. If you really wish to have it on such a party setup, feel free to edit the game, it is in a txt file in a table (what class can have what expertise in skills). It's really easy to edit. Or take an utility class. It's an lesser version of someone taking four knights and then whining about not having magic, asking the mod maker to add magic to knights. -_-
I do agree that there was some poor planning on my part but let's not forget archer also needs to be promoted to reach expert. It doesn't help that the archer's first promotion is arguably the hardest out of the 6 classes.

Maybe I'm just too used to MM6 where you can learn/master everything on everyone.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 14:11

Anerag wrote: Maybe I'm just too used to MM6 where you can learn/master everything on everyone.
That is probably it.
And nobody said that you should've used an archer. You can use a thief. OR a Dark Elf. This is a MERGE afterall.

Thieving should've been in MM6, it is as an unused skill. So it is not bad to presume that so was the Thief class.

As far as vanilla versions go:

MM7 Disarming:
Initiates and masters
Archers, warrior mages, master archers, and snipers
Rangers, hunters, ranger lords, and bounty hunters
Thieves and rogues
Spies and assassins

MM8 Disarming:
Knights and Vampires can learn expert disarm trap, Minotaurs and Dark elves can learn master disarm trap, and Patriarchs can learn grandmaster disarm trap.

Feel free to edit the skill level availability table. Feel free to google up and get Rodril's TxtEdit (which is quite useful for editing TXT tables!) and open up Class Skills.txt in Data\Tables
There it is quite self-explanatory. B means Base. (I would use N for Normal personally, so that is the only non-self-explanatory thing there for me)
If you wish, you can even make class skills work the same way they do in MM6 (i.e. if a class can learn it, it can master it)
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 14:43

So, I just, once again (I do it like once a month) tried to install the merge. Didn't work.
Basically from some version onwards, it is impossible to run it on my computer.
I do have an old version of the Merge working. Now that the patch in question that screws up everything for me is in the base files, I cannot run it at all. Unless I restore the old version of the merge, that is.

1. Clean installation. WORKS.
2. GrayFace's patch. WORKS.
3. MMExtension. WORKS. Generates tables upon launch.
4. MMEditor. WORKS.
5. The moment I rewrite files in my installation folder with those from the "game files" on the DropBox and launch, I get this:

Code: Select all

...f Enroth\Scripts\Structs\After\LocalizationAndQuests.lua:564: use of unknown global variable "TakeItemFromParty" after _KNOWNGLOBALS_F declaration

stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'error'
	Scripts/Core/RSNoGlobals.lua:602: in function 'dofile'
	Scripts\Core\main.lua:484: in main chunk

arguments of 'dofile':
	fname = "H:\\Might and Magic MERGE - The World of Enroth\\Scripts\\Structs\\After\\LocalizationAndQuests.lua"

local variables of 'dofile':
	f = nil
	err = "...f Enroth\\Scripts\\Structs\\After\\LocalizationAndQuests.lua:564: use of unknown global variable \"TakeItemFromParty\" after _KNOWNGLOBALS_F declaration"

upvalues of 'dofile':
	loadfile = (function: 0x02a35a08)
	error = (function: builtin#19)
LocalizationAndQuests seems to be the problem. Is there any detection for system language? Keyboard layout? I'm Czech, but I am not using a Czech localization of course (because that would be crap anyways), I hope it isn't searching for one... because that would be retarded.

So because I AM REALLY PIS*ED OFF AT THIS POINT, I did some checking myself - here's the problematic method:

Code: Select all

function Quest(t)
	t.Name = t.Name or t[1]
	if Quests[t.Name] then
		error(("Quest called %q already exists"):format(t.Name), 2)
	t.NPC = t.NPC or QuestNPC
	t.Slot = t.Slot or t.Event
	t.Slot = SlotLiterals[t.Slot] or t.Slot
	RegisterQuest(t)  -- assign free slot automatically is it's nil
	if not t.Name then
		t.Name = ("NPC = %d, %sSlot = %s"):format(t.NPC, t.Branch and "Branch = '"..t.Branch.."', " or "", t.Slot)
		while Quests[t.Name] do
			t.Name = t.Name.." +"
	Quests[t.Name] = t
	vars.Quests = vars.Quests or {}
	t.BaseName = t.BaseName or t.Name
	t.GivenState = t.GivenState or "Given"
	t.DoneState = t.DoneState or "Done"

	t.IsGiven = t.IsGiven or function(t)
		return vars.Quests[t.BaseName] == t.GivenState
	if t.Quest == true then
		t.Quest = assert(NewQuestNumber(), 'no free quest indeces left. Free indeces are those with "0" set as Quest Note Text in quests.txt')
		Party.QBits[t.Quest] = t:IsGiven()

	t.SetTexts = t.SetTexts or function(t1, texts)
		t.Texts = LocalizeAll.Quests[t.Name](texts or t1)
		if t.Texts.Quest then
			Game.QuestsTxt[t.Quest] = t.Texts.Quest
		return t
	LocalizeAll.Quests[t.Name]({}, "update")
	t:SetTexts(t.Texts or {})
	t.TakeQuestOperation = t.TakeQuestOperation or TakeQuestOperation or "Add"

	t.GetGreeting = t.GetGreeting or function(t, seen)
		if not seen then
			return t.Texts.FirstGreet
		local topic = t.Texts["Greet"..(vars.Quests[t.BaseName] or "")]
		if topic then
			return topic
		elseif topic == nil then
			return t.Texts.Greet
	if t.Slot < 0 then
	t.GetTopic = t.GetTopic or function(t)
		local s = vars.Quests[t.BaseName] or ""
		local topic = t["StdTopic"..s] or t.Texts["Topic"..s]
		if topic then
			return topic
		elseif topic == nil then
			return t.StdTopic or t.Texts.Topic
	t.Execute = t.Execute or function(t)
		local state = vars.Quests[t.BaseName]
		local q = t.Quest or Quests[t.BaseName].Quest
		local ev
		if state == nil and not t.NeverGiven then
			if (t.CheckGive == nil and (t.Give or t.Texts.Give or t.Quest)) or t.CheckGive and t.CheckGive(t) then
				if q and t.TakeQuestOperation then
					evt[t.TakeQuestOperation]("QBits", q)
				vars.Quests[t.BaseName] = t.GivenState
				if t.GivenItem then
					evt.Add("Inventory", t.GivenItem)
				ev = "Give"
				ev = "Ungive"
		elseif state == nil or t:IsGiven() then
			if ((t.CheckDone == nil) or t.CheckDone and t.CheckDone(t)) and
					Party.Gold >= (t.QuestGold or 0) and
					(t.QuestItem == nil or TakeItemFromParty(t.QuestItem, t.KeepQuestItem)) then
				if not t.NeverDone then
					if q then
						evt.Sub("QBits", q)
					vars.Quests[t.BaseName] = t.DoneState
				AddGoldExp((t.Gold or 0) - (t.QuestGold or 0), t.Experience or t.Exp)
				if t.RewardItem then
					evt.Add("Inventory", t.RewardItem)
				if t.Awards then
					evt.Add("Awards", t.Awards)
				ev = "Done"
				ev = "Undone"
		elseif state == t.DoneState then
			ev = "After"
			ev = state
		if t.Texts[ev] then
		if t[ev] then
	return t
And here is the problematic line:
(t.QuestItem == nil or TakeItemFromParty(t.QuestItem, t.KeepQuestItem)) then

It thinks that TakeItemFromParty doesn't exist.

the method TakeItemFromParty exists in Functions.lua

Code: Select all

-- 'id' can also be a table or a table of tables. See "Quest Alchemy.lua" from quest examples
function TakeItemFromParty(id, keep)
	if type(id) ~= "table" then  -- take 1 item

		for i = 0, Party.Count - 1 do
			if evt[i].Cmp("Inventory", id) then
				if not keep then
					-- Rod: seems evt[] does not have field "Sub", set it to "Subtract" instead.
					--evt[i].Sub("Inventory", id)
					evt[i].Subtract("Inventory", id)
					-- Rod.
				return true

	elseif id.Count or id.count then  -- count all items from the list and remove in given order

		local n = id.Count or id.count
		if Party.CountItems(id) < n then
		if not keep then
			local i = 1
			for _ = 1, n do
				while not TakeItemFromParty(id[i]) do
					i = i + 1
		return true

	else  -- iterate individual items or tables with items

		for _, v in ipairs(id) do
			if not TakeItemFromParty(v, true) then
		if not keep then
			for _, v in ipairs(id) do
		return true
So I have NO CLUE why it isn't working!

EDIT: A guy here has the same problem. https://mail.celestialheavens.com/forum ... ?start=520
Unfortunately no-one did help him either.

EDIT2: Another guy had the very same thing happening: https://www.reddit.com/r/MightAndMagic/ ... m8_engine/
He "fixed it" by "replacing" the file (with god knows what), then got a library crash and eventually got more script crashes.


EDIT3: If I delete the file for lols, I get another error (I just wanted to see what the connection is and what is the common denominator)

Code: Select all

... - The World of Enroth\Scripts\General\NPCNewsTopics.lua:21: attempt to index field 'Bolster' (a nil value)

stack traceback:
	... - The World of Enroth\Scripts\General\NPCNewsTopics.lua:21: in function 'dofile'
	Scripts\Core\main.lua:479: in function 'dofile'
	Scripts\Core\main.lua:499: in main chunk

local variables of 'dofile':
	NPCNames = (table: 0x03bf4520)
	ProfNames = (table: 0x03bf45d0)
	ContinentNews = (table: 0x03bf45f8)
	ProfNews = (table: 0x03bf4620)
	MapNews = (table: 0x03bf4648)
	UsedPics = (table: 0x03bf4670)
	FreeTopics = (table: 0x047c7e68)
	FreeNPCs = (table: 0x03bf4698)
	(*temporary) = (table: 0x047c7eb8)
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = 14968
	(*temporary) = 14967
	(*temporary) = ""
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = (table: 0x02cb4f40)
	(*temporary) = -1
	(*temporary) = -1
	(*temporary) = 1
	(*temporary) = nan
	(*temporary) = (function: 0x030f5968)
	(*temporary) = -1
	(*temporary) = (table: 0x0397a6b8)
	(*temporary) = (table: 0x03961478)
	(*temporary) = (function: 0x039fa4d0)
	(*temporary) = (table: 0x039fa470)
	(*temporary) = (table: 0x0397a6b8)
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = 58785906
	(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Bolster' (a nil value)"
Last edited by Templayer on 03 Mar 2019, 15:23, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 15:59

So, Rodril...

I might have found the culprit, at least partially.
When I select "Direct Download" on dropbox, it compresses the files into a zip file, which it then offers as a download.

The problem is, the compression isn't really lossless. It removes some empty rows from the files!

I've tried comparing the Functions.lua from the compressed archive (after extracting it to the installation folder) with the raw file on DropBox.
It is missing the first two lines at the start, and one line at the end of the file.

This is quite disturbing. If it is removing lines like that, it might be doing MORE than that somewhere else.

Could you try packaging the files and putting them somewhere where you know they won't get modified (i.e. not DropBox...)?

Left side is the file sitting in my installation folder, the right file is the raw file from dropbox. It has additional empty lines. (the raw file on dropbox)
Last edited by Templayer on 03 Mar 2019, 16:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby fireprince96 » 03 Mar 2019, 17:12

I did all you said in that exact order I installed the gog version and put it inside a separate folder on my desktop and then I put the grayface patch inside its own folder and installed it, afterwards I extracted the MMExtension then the MMEditor. my problem is where do I copy the game files where does it go am I supposed to be installed and extracting the grayface patch inside the mm8 folder? I am also unsure of what this UAC is I haven't seen anything like that.
Last edited by fireprince96 on 03 Mar 2019, 17:15, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 03.03.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 03 Mar 2019, 17:31

I've shrinked installation instruction and share files alltogether now. Could you try new clean installation and tell me results afterwards?
If it won't work, i'll put files into zip archive myself, so dropbox won't violate them.

Other than that, patch link have been updated. Game now supports custom interfaces. Inspect "Additional UI.txt" in "...Data\Tables" folder. Use debug console and command "Game.LoadUI(1)" to test them (replace 1 with 2 or 3: 2 is rough mm7 interface example, 3 - mm6 interface by Vinevi). No controls or auto switch for now.
"Race skills.txt" table now accept negative numrical values and works in a bit different way: instead of setting skill mastery to minimal available, it adds valuse from table to class' max value.

MMEditor and MMExtension should be extracted into root game folder, MMPatch hould be installed into game folder aswell. If possible, you can redownload game files from first post and just extract them into game folder without any additional steps.
Last edited by Rodril on 03 Mar 2019, 17:43, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 24.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 18:21

fireprince96 wrote:I did all you said in that exact order I installed the gog version and put it inside a separate folder on my desktop and then I put the grayface patch inside its own folder and installed it, afterwards I extracted the MMExtension then the MMEditor. my problem is where do I copy the game files where does it go am I supposed to be installed and extracting the grayface patch inside the mm8 folder? I am also unsure of what this UAC is I haven't seen anything like that.
You are supposed to install the GrayFace's patch into the installation folder of the game.
Also do not put your game on your desktop, that is even worse than putting it into Program Files.
For UAC - google it up.
For the rest - see Rodril's reply to you.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 03.03.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 18:28

Rodril wrote: "Race skills.txt" table now accept negative numrical values and works in a bit different way: instead of setting skill mastery to minimal available, it adds valuse from table to class' max value.
Wait. What happens if the class max value is nothing? Can I still make a Vampire Cleric that will have Vampire Abilities and Regeneration?
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 03.03.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 03 Mar 2019, 18:30

Templayer wrote:Wait. What happens if the class max value is nothing? Can I still make a Vampire Cleric that will have Vampire Abilities and Regeneration?
You will. If class max value is 0, and race additional value is 1, result value is 1.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 03.03.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 18:32

Rodril wrote:
Templayer wrote:Wait. What happens if the class max value is nothing? Can I still make a Vampire Cleric that will have Vampire Abilities and Regeneration?
You will. If class max value is 0, and race additional value is 1, result value is 1.
You've almost given me an heart attack, man. :D :D :D
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 03.03.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 18:41

Rodril wrote:@Templayer
I've shrinked installation instruction and share files alltogether now. Could you try new clean installation and tell me results afterwards?
If it won't work, i'll put files into zip archive myself, so dropbox won't violate them.
I got myself a new error!

Code: Select all

...he World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua:454: struct expected, got nil

stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'error'
	Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1044: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1036>
	...he World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua:454: in function <...he World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua:452>
	[C]: in function 'pcall'
	Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
	Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1006: in function '__index'
	...he World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua:488: in function <...he World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua:481>
	[C]: in function 'pcall'
	Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
	Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1006: in function '__index'
	...RGE - The World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\00 structs.lua:27: in function 'OldGame'
	...E - The World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\RacialSkills.lua:5: in function <...E - The World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\RacialSkills.lua:3>
	[C]: in function 'pcall'
	Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
	Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1006: in function '__index'
	...he World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua:11: in function <...he World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua:10>

arguments of '...he World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua:454':
	define = (table: 0x0350ec60)

upvalues of '...he World of Enroth\Scripts\Structs\01 common structs.lua:454':
	mmver = 8
	mmv = (function: 0x03a063d0)
This is not a completely clean install, but using it on a copied folder with GOG MM8 with GrayFace's 2.1 patch (which was working beforehand).
I'll try a full clean install next.

EDIT: Just tried a clean GOG install, and then put your new compilation of stuff into it, rewritting files.
The same result as above - the very same error.
Last edited by Templayer on 03 Mar 2019, 18:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 03.03.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 03 Mar 2019, 19:05

I've uploaded zip file, try it, please. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjvbmtu1oa84v ... d.zip?dl=0

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 03.03.2019]

Unread postby Vinevi » 03 Mar 2019, 19:50

A little update of the UI:
Top bar, bottom bar corrections, updated the rest screen.
2 more screenshots
Download v0.52 04.03.19
To install add files from "Icons" folder to Icons.lod and from "EnglishD" folder to EnglishD.lod with MMArchive
Last edited by Vinevi on 03 Mar 2019, 21:30, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 03.03.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Mar 2019, 21:23

Vinevi wrote:A little update of the UI:
Top bar, bottom bar corrections, updated the rest screen.
2 more screenshots
Download v0.51 03.03.19
To install add files from "Icons" folder to Icons.lod and from "EnglishD" folder to EnglishD.lod with MMArchive
Awesome! For others: Vinevi actually only linked two more screenshots, so be sure to use the link to see them as well.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 03.03.2019]

Unread postby Vinevi » 03 Mar 2019, 21:34

Quick update(s), removed some of the UI elements such as Yes/No buttons for conversations and entering/exiting locations (the link is still the same (v0.52 is the new one).
At the moment I've got no solution on how to make them look good and they almost have no real use in the game, since space/escape or just clicking on the FMVs does the same. They are also somehow all over the place and feel misplaced, maybe it only feels like after all the changes made. Some of the buttons were also removed earlier such as everything on the top bar, I probably should bring those back, although anyone can just look up the bound keys in the settings. Overall the amount of clickable things on the UI in 8 feels really unnecessary, especially nowadays, so I am not really hesitating when removing such things for the sake of simplicity and minimalism.
Last edited by Vinevi on 03 Mar 2019, 21:35, edited 1 time in total.

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