Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 10 Feb 2019, 13:20

Speaking of - I went to the castle of air with my old save and something broke with air elementals' bolster, it didn't work at all. Same goes for the plane of air.

Bolster is a nice idea for keeping the game challenging, but I believe damage scaling needs to be finetuned. Going inside the Pit with no buff spells up has my level 200 5-man team dead in 6-7 seconds.

Monster damage should scale in a different proportion to the HP scaling than it does now, perhaps a slightly lower multiplier or something. Monsters with damage types impossible to mitigate via resistances one-shot low-hp classes, and character armor class of 200+ doesn't seem to do them much good when it comes to dodging physical blows. But dunno, maybe it's fine - the scaling os already definitely better than when it was when first implemented.

Btw a small suggestion - adjust Shared Life effects so that they affect unconscious characters. Right now they don't seem to - not sure about the spell itself, but Souldrinker's life redistribution or these bronze rings Verdant gives you definitely don't, and it would be nice if they did.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 10 Feb 2019, 13:30

Mortis wrote:
Templayer wrote:
Daedros wrote: And Pandora's Box was unleashed, lmao. No need to stop before pumping up to 60 in a skill now. Monks with 82% Dodge Chance from 60 Unarmed Skill+22 Item Bonus (12 Unarmed Ring+Hands of the Master) is hilarious. Light Magic at 90 (60+30) produces some crazy powerful buffs. Can get Lloyd's Beacon to last up to 630 Days now.
YAAY! Sounds awesome! :D
Seriously though - at the point of being maxed out on skills, you should be godlike. 82% chance for dodge sounds like a proper percentage for a maxed out Monk. More than 90% however I would consider a bug. Overpowered? Sure. But at that point you are supposed to be.
This is hilarious the same way like monster with thousands of hp and huge damage from monster bolster, but without any additional experience bonus for killing it like it functions now. I agree with Templayer, getting max base skill level needs from you to be very advance in gaming- many hours of playing and monsters slayed.
Besides, dodge skill gives a chance to avoid only missiles, not melee attacks.
Xfing wrote:Speaking of - I went to the castle of air with my old save and something broke with air elementals' bolster, it didn't work at all. Same goes for the plane of air.

Bolster is a nice idea for keeping the game challenging, but I believe damage scaling needs to be finetuned. Going inside the Pit with no buff spells up has my level 200 5-man team dead in 6-7 seconds.

Monster damage should scale in a different proportion to the HP scaling than it does now, perhaps a slightly lower multiplier or something. Monsters with damage types impossible to mitigate via resistances one-shot low-hp classes, and character armor class of 200+ doesn't seem to do them much good when it comes to dodging physical blows. But dunno, maybe it's fine - the scaling os already definitely better than when it was when first implemented.

Btw a small suggestion - adjust Shared Life effects so that they affect unconscious characters. Right now they don't seem to - not sure about the spell itself, but Souldrinker's life redistribution or these bronze rings Verdant gives you definitely don't, and it would be nice if they did.
Added to the bug tracker (due to laziness to add some of it to the suggestions). I believe monster bolster should be bolstering experience as well. And I agree on the change proposed by Xfing for damage scaling (slightly lower multiplier + a different multiplier for non-mitigatable damage types).
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby NotABroom » 10 Feb 2019, 13:44

I'm having issues. I get the following message when starting a new game "Can't load file - anims\7intro.smk. When loading a game the graphics are totally messed up, some items seem to have non existing sprites. I followed the installation instructions as explained in the first post.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 10 Feb 2019, 14:35

NotABroom wrote:I'm having issues. I get the following message when starting a new game "Can't load file - anims\7intro.smk. When loading a game the graphics are totally messed up, some items seem to have non existing sprites. I followed the installation instructions as explained in the first post.
Your "Data" folder should look like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqgni70oanech ... r.png?dl=0 , is it?

As for bolster, i don't think experience gain should be increased too, it only will lead to faster achieve of 200 level and 60 skill cap. I've finished playthrough with characters around 50 level and 15 skill level max, usualy i don't make 200 level - powerfull parties. Going to make one and test to see what happens with bolster then.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby NotABroom » 10 Feb 2019, 14:52

Rodril wrote:
NotABroom wrote:I'm having issues. I get the following message when starting a new game "Can't load file - anims\7intro.smk. When loading a game the graphics are totally messed up, some items seem to have non existing sprites. I followed the installation instructions as explained in the first post.
Your "Data" folder should look like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqgni70oanech ... r.png?dl=0 , is it?
For some reason I was missing mm6 and mm7Bitmaps + Games. Fixed it. Thanks.
Last edited by NotABroom on 10 Feb 2019, 14:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby MagicIsMight » 10 Feb 2019, 15:16

Wow, how could I have missed such an amazing mod Rodril!

I haven't tested it out yet, just watching a let's play on YT. But it's got me thinking...

Perhaps you could have the MM7 castle in MM6 as well? With quests to upgrade it with shops and stuff. Perhaps in Mist where the altar is?

What do you all think?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Mortis » 10 Feb 2019, 15:58

Hello again Rodrilsan :)
Unfortunetly, i found another issues.
First, i guess mentioned by Xfing above, GM Dagger damage effect doesn't work. Developing dagger skill at GM level increases attack but not the damage.
Second, there is something wrong with bonus to armor class from monk's dodge skill after last update. In my old savegames monk with dodge 40(18 skill + 12 ring + 10 hands of the master) has over 6500 armor class 8| . In today's new started game 1 level monk with 1 level of dodge- armor class value 2. The same monk with ring + 12 dodge- AC almost 200

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 10 Feb 2019, 16:48

Mortis wrote:Hello again Rodrilsan :)
Unfortunetly, i found another issues.
First, i guess mentioned by Xfing above, GM Dagger damage effect doesn't work. Developing dagger skill at GM level increases attack but not the damage.
Second, there is something wrong with bonus to armor class from monk's dodge skill after last update. In my old savegames monk with dodge 40(18 skill + 12 ring + 10 hands of the master) has over 6500 armor class 8| . In today's new started game 1 level monk with 1 level of dodge- armor class value 2. The same monk with ring + 12 dodge- AC almost 200
I've made quickfix for dodging AC, reapply latest update or just "RemoveSkillBonusLimit.lua" - https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwyhn2imgfpfp ... s.lua?dl=0 - put it into "Scripts\Structs\After" folder. Also do you use latest update? I'm sure dagger damage was fixed, or you mean damage bonus of offhand dagger?
MagicIsMight wrote:Perhaps you could have the MM7 castle in MM6 as well? With quests to upgrade it with shops and stuff. Perhaps in Mist where the altar is?
Such task require more efforts than it seem, and i would like to keep games as close to original, as possible.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby MagicIsMight » 10 Feb 2019, 17:45

Such task require more efforts than it seem, and i would like to keep games as close to original, as possible.
Yeah, well I figured, but thought I'd at least ask, as you've achieved something amazing already. :applause:
And I will be looking into if I can help with the graphics porting.

And now I'm trying to install it on Linux. Original GoG game, Grayface, Editor, and all that works fine for me, but the way that Dropbox packages the files makes me have to manually extract some directories one-by-one.

For instance, /Scripts/Structs/After dir is put in /Scripts/structs/After (notice the capitalization). Linux distinguishes between capitalization unlike Windows, so it must have something to do with that.

But I think I got all the files extracted where they should be, and first error had something to do with /Data/Tables -- also a set of files I had to move there manually, as they got into /data/Tables...

Edit: and I missed the "4. Copy files from "Game files" folder to MM8 folder, replacing existing." step. Where does the "Game files" directory come from?
I only see the mod creating it...
Edit2: I see! they were in the first Dropbox directory link! I downloaded them from Grayface as I like to get stuff from their original source, lol.
But I will install them now and see!

Edit3: It works fine now! I just installed the Game files! So I removed the error messages from this post, as they are only relevant for dumbasses like me XD

So everything works fine now, though first it was windowed, I had to use the setup utility, and then start the game, whereupon it crashed, but then it all working.
Except getting these kinds of messages when opening shops/houses:

Code: Select all

Exception Exception in module mm8.exe at 000651FA.
Can't load roomrch2.smk in file: D:\mm7Src\MM8\MMVIII\Code\Video.cpp at line number: 935.
Okay, that was yet another capitalization error due to Linux making a different copy of a file with a different capitalization. In this case it didn't overwrite the original mightdod.vid, as the new file was Mightdod.vid, lol.

So it's a bit harder to install it on Linux. But now EVERYTHING works! (I hope)...

Edit6: Yes, everything works smoothly! But why did you remove the "sword through the earth" easter egg in Castle Ironfist? ^^
At least that's my understanding of that anomalous spike in the terrain is. Or an artifact left from testing the game.

Anyways, it would be nice if you could provide a manually generated zip file, as Dropbox does something strange with capitalization.

Edit7: (man...)
Or perhaps I can write an installation script for Linux, yes, that would be pretty easy. It could even download all the parts and install them in the right sequence!
Last edited by MagicIsMight on 10 Feb 2019, 19:50, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Mortis » 10 Feb 2019, 19:29

Rodril wrote:
Mortis wrote:Hello again Rodrilsan :)
Unfortunetly, i found another issues.
First, i guess mentioned by Xfing above, GM Dagger damage effect doesn't work. Developing dagger skill at GM level increases attack but not the damage.
Second, there is something wrong with bonus to armor class from monk's dodge skill after last update. In my old savegames monk with dodge 40(18 skill + 12 ring + 10 hands of the master) has over 6500 armor class 8| . In today's new started game 1 level monk with 1 level of dodge- armor class value 2. The same monk with ring + 12 dodge- AC almost 200
I've made quickfix for dodging AC, reapply latest update or just "RemoveSkillBonusLimit.lua" - https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwyhn2imgfpfp ... s.lua?dl=0 - put it into "Scripts\Structs\After" folder. Also do you use latest update? I'm sure dagger damage was fixed, or you mean damage bonus of offhand dagger?
MagicIsMight wrote:Perhaps you could have the MM7 castle in MM6 as well? With quests to upgrade it with shops and stuff. Perhaps in Mist where the altar is?
Such task require more efforts than it seem, and i would like to keep games as close to original, as possible.
Quickfix for monk is working, thanks.
I applied the latest update and i am not 100% sure about daggers, but about maces and spears yes. Expert effect of those skills(damage bonus) doesnt work at all. Not only after reaching expert level, but also later increasing skill points- at least in Antagrich- i didnt chceck this in Jadame or Enroth. I have deleted all my previous savegames, so I play completely new game with latest update.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Rodril » 10 Feb 2019, 20:37

Mortis wrote:I applied the latest update and i am not 100% sure about daggers, but about maces and spears yes. Expert effect of those skills(damage bonus) doesnt work at all. Not only after reaching expert level, but also later increasing skill points- at least in Antagrich- i didnt chceck this in Jadame or Enroth. I have deleted all my previous savegames, so I play completely new game with latest update.
Thank you for noticing, i've found issue, reapply "RemoveSkillBonusLimits.lua" same way as before ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwyhn2imgfpfp ... s.lua?dl=0 ).
MagicIsMight wrote:Or perhaps I can write an installation script for Linux, yes, that would be pretty easy. It could even download all the parts and install them in the right sequence!
I'll experiment with zipfiles in dropbox, if it will allow to view content of archive, i'll put files in archives manually.
Last edited by Rodril on 10 Feb 2019, 20:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Mortis » 10 Feb 2019, 20:43

Rodril wrote:
Mortis wrote:I applied the latest update and i am not 100% sure about daggers, but about maces and spears yes. Expert effect of those skills(damage bonus) doesnt work at all. Not only after reaching expert level, but also later increasing skill points- at least in Antagrich- i didnt chceck this in Jadame or Enroth. I have deleted all my previous savegames, so I play completely new game with latest update.
Thank you for noticing, i've found issue, reapply "RemoveSkillBonusLimits.lua" same way as before ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwyhn2imgfpfp ... s.lua?dl=0 ).
Fixed :)

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Dohor » 10 Feb 2019, 21:27

Hello guys, after few years I wanted to give my favorite series another try (I played MM6, MM7, MM8, MM9 many many times) and this project looks like a great starting point.
I think I made a mistake during install and I have some issues in game, so I am trying to reinstall it. I hope it works. In the meantime I thought I would introduce myself.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Daedros » 11 Feb 2019, 01:49

Mortis wrote: This is hilarious the same way like monster with thousands of hp and huge damage from monster bolster, but without any additional experience bonus for killing it like it functions now. I agree with Templayer, getting max base skill level needs from you to be very advance in gaming- many hours of playing and monsters slayed.
Besides, dodge skill gives a chance to avoid only missiles, not melee attacks.
Due to her dodging, my Lvl 225 Ninja with 2,377 Health/257 AC/600+ Resists/77 total Unarmed, can outlast my Lvl 225 Great Wyrm with 4,270 Health/632 AC/700+ Resists, lol. Dodge works against melee strikes as well. Going from 60% Dodge Chance, to 82%, means you get hit less than half as often as before.
But yeah, if you want to use the skill points to pump a skill all the way up to 60, then you deserve the power. Still funny watching my Ninja's portrait bob up and down constantly when fighting.
Last edited by Daedros on 11 Feb 2019, 01:50, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Daedros » 11 Feb 2019, 02:59

Not exactly a bug, but something that should be addressed. When sneaking into Eofol with a low level party, as soon as you enter Eofol, Archibald will talk to you and give you a Blaster Pistol, even if you're not on the correct quest. Ideally, that dialogue/pistol should only pop up if you're on the correct quest.

Also, now that Artifacts will respawn if you sell/lose the Artifact, any chance at Artifact Wands being added? They should contain spells that don't normally appear on Wands, such as an artifact Wand with 30-50 Power Cure Charges, or Wands of Armageddon/Resurrection with just 5 Charges, Wand of Dragon Breath with 10 Charges, Wand of Enchant Item with 20 or so charges, or Wands of Invisibility, Fly, Summon Wisp, and Sunray.
Last edited by Daedros on 11 Feb 2019, 03:06, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby MagicIsMight » 11 Feb 2019, 10:40

Some problems I've found so far in MM6:
*Obsidian ground sounds like wetland.
*Archers in tower in Blackshire are hostile. Pretty funny how you have to move around and take cover when you're in town ^^
*Wands and clubs on bottom level in magic shops blocks rings on upper level.

I'm still getting blown away as I visit new places. It's fun to just walk around in town with the improved graphics ^^

I'm imagining this mod being a great hub for graphical overhauls to all of the games :)
Last edited by MagicIsMight on 11 Feb 2019, 10:42, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby van Schevikhoven » 11 Feb 2019, 14:14

Hi everyone!

I just started over mm7 and by coincidence, found this merge which is just simply awesome! Thank you so much all of you contributors!

I tried to read through the current 84 pages of discussion, so please excuse me if these have been discussed earlier on. I got some questions / ideas on my mind, and i'm so excited about this, that i just have to get them off my chest =)

1.) Bolstering enemies and keeping the game challenging for all three continents is a big challenge, that's true. Now the bolster option is great, and works. I'm a big fan of coming back to dungeons and kicking the sh*t out of the monsters who gave me a hard time earlier. This is one of the rewards of leveling, getting better gear and training skills.

I have two ideas of bolstering:
1A.) Now instead of having a bolster where low level enemies are raised to your level, could monster level be adjusted at a steeper slope, so that high level monsters become very tough, and low level monsters stay low level. Essentially, as a function of the monster level. Perhaps as an option besides bolstering and level matching?

- Levelling is rewarding
- Increases challenge for high level parties
- Forces cross-continent questing and levelling
- Forces cross-continent questing and levelling
- Perhaps not that straight forward for the storyline, as this could block certain areas.
- Not very well suited for playing per continent.

1B.) A continent based slope, where monster level on the first continent is mLvl*1, second mLvl*2 and the final continent mLvl*3. Either by selecting the order, or using stored(?) data on the order the continents are visited.
- Leveling is still rewarding
- Increased challenge for the second and third continent
- Doesn't force, but keeps the motivation for cross-continent exploration
- Doesn't scale very well for players who like to criss-cross between continents.

The functions and math above is kept simple. The mathematical formula is not what i'm asking, it's the concept in general.

2.) Continent-based items in shops / drops.
A purist is a purist, and somehow it seems off to find stuff at MM7 start, that used to be on the MM8 start. Dragonflies are the mm7 starting enemy, and it would be odd to find Lizardmen there. The same goes for items, but that is simply my opinion.

I don't know if this would hurt gameplay a lot, but i'm just thinking aloud.

It seems items are stored in a table. I could be mistaken however, just took a quick glance at the interesting functions and files. In case there is some certain logic to the numbering of items, so their initial continent can be known by their id or some other tag, the functions which generate items for fallen enemies, could be modified to allow this behaviour.

So in the lua scripts in the town portal files, there is a getContinent() -function which returns 1,2,3 based on which continent the player is on. Could the item drop and shop randomness be updated so that they take into account the continent as well?

Perhaps this could be toggled with a flag in settings/ini, so it doesnt break other peoples games, or force this on someone who doesn't think this is the way to go.

- Provides authenticity for places, and adds to the "vanilla" feel when visiting ol' good places =)
- Perhaps hard to implement in case i'm mistaken about the way items are actually numbered in the tables.

Like in the start, thank you so much for making such a great project, and investing a ton of time and effort into this. The above is by no means meant as arrogance or a know-it-all attitude, just first thoughts and ideas.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 11 Feb 2019, 15:04

Daedros wrote:Not exactly a bug, but something that should be addressed. When sneaking into Eofol with a low level party, as soon as you enter Eofol, Archibald will talk to you and give you a Blaster Pistol, even if you're not on the correct quest. Ideally, that dialogue/pistol should only pop up if you're on the correct quest.
Interesting idea, but since that conversation gets triggered when exiting the Eeofol tunels, you wouldn't get the chance to trigger it later, because you would be using the shrine to get there from Harmondale the second and subsequent times. The flag could be changed for the conversation to trigger only when Strike the Devils is active, and also when entering the Land of Giants via the Harmondale shrine or Lloyds Beacon. Then yeah, it could potentially work, and good suggestion overall!
Also, now that Artifacts will respawn if you sell/lose the Artifact, any chance at Artifact Wands being added? They should contain spells that don't normally appear on Wands, such as an artifact Wand with 30-50 Power Cure Charges, or Wands of Armageddon/Resurrection with just 5 Charges, Wand of Dragon Breath with 10 Charges, Wand of Enchant Item with 20 or so charges, or Wands of Invisibility, Fly, Summon Wisp, and Sunray.
Adding artifact wands would necessitate generating lore for them, which is too much work. We had better stick to the wands that we know, which there is plenty of as it is, and just stratify them like we have all the remaining pieces of equipment! There is no need to change cost or item tiers, but since there are now 15 wands, with 3 of each type doing exactly the same thing as the other 2, maybe it would be a nice idea to spread their spells around, so there is less redundancy?

Of note though is the fact that all the wands that were ever in all the 3 games never carried party effects, so stuff like Power Cure or Lloyds Beacon would have to be out the picture if we want to preserve the original feel and function of the wands. Only monster effects were ever on the wands - which of course still gives us room to introduce some nice new spells.

Let's take a look:

Tier 1 wands: Wand (MM6), Wand (MM7), Witch Wand (MM8). - 35 base charges, 1000 gold
Spells: Stun, Poison Spray, Firebolt, Harm, Sparks
Suggested spread:
Wand (MM6): Sparks, Firebolt
Wand (MM7): Stun, Fate (new, added spell so that every wand has 2 - casts Fate on a target monster)
Witch Wand (MM8): Harm, Poison Spray

Tier 2 wands:
Fairy Wand (MM6), Fairy Wand (MM7), Shaman Wand (MM8). - 30 base charges, 1500 gold
Spells: Ice Bolt, Mind Blast, Spirit Lash, Light Bolt, Deadly Swarm
Suggested spread:
Fairy Wand (MM6): Mind Blast, Slow (added spell, enchantment name would be "Of Slowing")
Fairy Wand (MM7): Light Bolt, Ice Bolt
Shaman Wand (MM8): Spirit Lash, Deadly Swarm

Tier 3 wands:
Alacorn Wand (MM6), Alacorn Wand (MM7), Wizard Wand (MM8). - 25 base charges - 2000 gold
Spells: Fireball, Acid Burst, Lightning Bolt, Blades, Berserk
Suggested spread:
Alacorn Wand (MM6): Blades, Berserk
Alacorn Wand (MM7): Acid Burst, Blind (added spell - the Dark Elf ability of Blind. Enchant name "of blinding")
Wizard Wand (MM8): Fireball, Lightning Bolt

Tier 4 wands:
Arcane Wand (MM6), Arcane Wand (MM7), Serpent Wand (MM8). - 20 base charges, 2500 gold
Spells: Ice Blast, Flying Fist, Paralyze, Rock Blast, Toxic Cloud
Suggested spread:
Arcane Wand (MM6): Rock Blast, Paralyze
Arcane Wand (MM7): Ice Blast, Inferno (added spell)
Serpent Wand (MM8): Flying Fist, Toxic Cloud - note that in MM8 a Serpent Wand carrying Toxic Cloud will still be called "Arcane Wand of Clouds" - which is probably an oversight from development days and should be changed back to "Serpent Wand"!

Tier 5 wands:
Mystic Wand (MM6), Necrotic Wand (MM8). - 15 base charges, 3000 gold
Spells: Implosion, Incinerate, Shrinking, Shrapmetal, Mass Distortion
Suggested spread:
Mystic Wand (MM6): Shrinking, Mass Distortion, Incinerate
Necrotic Wand (MM8): Implosion, Shrapmetal, Dark Grasp (added spell, "of the Dark Grasp" enchantment name).

Tier 6 wand (this baby looks the nicest of all them wands, why not have it carry the best spells on it?). These would have a base cap of 10 charges, compared to tier 5's base 15 charges, and a value of 4000 gold as opposed to tier 5's 3000, also only appear in tier 6 treasure hoards, therefore unavailable from stores.):
Mystic Wand (MM7): Sunray (of Sun Rays), Dragon Breath, Armageddon, Darkfire, Souldrinker (of Soul Drinking)

No idea how to rename these wands so they're all different from each other by name, and I don't think it's even necessary, even though they have differing flavor text. But maybe for the sake of it, we should. Tier 6 could use a rename at the very least - something like "Ultimate Wand" would perhaps be nice.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 11 Feb 2019, 15:21

van Schevikhoven wrote: 2.) Continent-based items in shops / drops.
A purist is a purist, and somehow it seems off to find stuff at MM7 start, that used to be on the MM8 start. Dragonflies are the mm7 starting enemy, and it would be odd to find Lizardmen there. The same goes for items, but that is simply my opinion.

I don't know if this would hurt gameplay a lot, but i'm just thinking aloud.

It seems items are stored in a table. I could be mistaken however, just took a quick glance at the interesting functions and files. In case there is some certain logic to the numbering of items, so their initial continent can be known by their id or some other tag, the functions which generate items for fallen enemies, could be modified to allow this behaviour.

So in the lua scripts in the town portal files, there is a getContinent() -function which returns 1,2,3 based on which continent the player is on. Could the item drop and shop randomness be updated so that they take into account the continent as well?

Perhaps this could be toggled with a flag in settings/ini, so it doesnt break other peoples games, or force this on someone who doesn't think this is the way to go.

- Provides authenticity for places, and adds to the "vanilla" feel when visiting ol' good places =)
- Perhaps hard to implement in case i'm mistaken about the way items are actually numbered in the tables.
I disagree wholeheartedly with this. One of the biggest selling points of the merge is having all the items from the 3 games intermingled. Not only does it boost cohesion, but is justifiable by lore too. For example, MM8's "Dragon Hunter's Shields" are said to originate from Kriegspire, Enroth. In MM7 you find many artifacts from Regna, which appears as a location in MM8. There are many more examples like that and you don't even need to look very hard for them.

BTW having items pooled together is nothing like having monsters from the 3 games appearing next to each other - I don't think these can be compared. Though I'm not saying I would be averse to that particular idea either, (though keeping it optional at least would be desirable). Also, going back to separating the items by continent would be a bit hard to pull off now, considering the items have been tiered - every item is now different than others of its type, so for example every MM7 longsword will be different than both its MM6 and MM8 equivalents in terms of value and damage.

EDIT: Bug report:
- Bolster doesn't work in certain places still. Last time I reported the Plane of Air, today I noticed it's the same in the Lincoln.
- I found another Ring of Fusion and Staff of Elements just today, even though the artifacts/relics were supposed to be one-only until you no longer possess them. Perhaps a flag needs to be added to consider the items to be in your possession when they're in the inventories of characters in the Adventurer's Guild? I don't seem to have this sort of problem with MM6 or MM7 artifacts though - whenever I find artifacts from these games, they always seem to be ones that I'm still missing. The issue appears to only touch MM8 artifacts/relics.
EDIT 2: Scratch the above - I also found a Valeria, which I already had too, and it's from MM6.
- With the new Essence potions (and perhaps Potion of the Gods/Pure Resistance potions), when trying to drink the potion a second time, there is a prompt saying "Potion cannot be used that way", while with trying to drink the previous potions there is no such prompt - the character refuses to drink such a potion and the smiling animation is displayed. It would be nice to have these reactions uniform for all the potions, old and new.
- The Essence of Luck recipe in the notes only includes Haste + Heroism (or just the first recipe you use to mix it), and doesn't add the other two on successful mixes.
Last edited by Xfing on 11 Feb 2019, 18:06, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 9.02.2019]

Unread postby NotABroom » 11 Feb 2019, 21:34

So, I hope I am not listing bugs that have already been reported. If so, I apologise for not reading properly.

My minotaur cleric regenerates spell points without having any item that would do that for him since I started the game. With increasing level it seems to get more. It is almost as effective as regeneration spell for health. It's quite convinient, but I don't suppose it's meant to be that way. ^^

In the abandoned temple the red line which shows the path through the room with 4 chests doesn't show. The one on the roof does, but there is supposed to be one on the floor as soon as you opened one of the chests (I think it is the third one) and that one is not there.

I have a party of one priest and four knights, but when I click "promote necromancers", the activated character gets turned into a lich (even though he is a knight). I mean, I always wanted to play a lich knight, but it actually even changes my characters class to "lich" as well. And at that point I did not even bring the Book of Khel (only the jars).

The spear skill does not exactly what the description says. It says attack damage is added at expert, but it does that only from master level on.

There is a spot in the garrot gorge dragon cave where you can fall through the ground into the part of the cave below. It is on the left wall in the first large "room" after you entered the forbidden part of the cave. I can go back there and make a screenshot or a video if helpful.

I also just had some flying cactuses (or is it cacti?) in the arena. They have 180 hp and don't seem to be very dangerous. I have a video incase anyone would like to see that. Yes, flying cactuses.
Last edited by NotABroom on 11 Feb 2019, 21:35, edited 2 times in total.

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