Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Phobos » 31 Jan 2019, 10:35

Loving these new updates, especially the addition of Dark Magic to Enroth. I had already brought back the High Priest promotion branch for Enroth in my own game and a new Scholar class, which gets GM Light and Dark but no other magic. It's cool that other people felt similarly about the lack of Dark Magic on Enroth.

I think the permanent stat-boosting potions are best left single-use. +15 Might, -15 Intelligence indefinitely would mean that Knights and Paladins can get crazy might without losing anything important. IMO that's overpowered, so single-use is safer.

Hmm... I get an error message at launch.

Code: Select all

...y of the Destroyer\Scripts\Structs\RemoveItemsLimits.lua:1631: Wrong item index (1406 in 'Armors' at 37) in 'Complex item pictures.txt'.

stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'error'
	...y of the Destroyer\Scripts\Structs\RemoveItemsLimits.lua:1534: in function 'LoadItemPicsTable'
	...y of the Destroyer\Scripts\Structs\RemoveItemsLimits.lua:1631: in function 'SetupItemPicsHandler'
	...y of the Destroyer\Scripts\Structs\RemoveItemsLimits.lua:2818: in function 'v'
	Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:68: in function <Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:63>

local variables of 'LoadItemPicsTable':
	LineIt = (function: 0x04a79840)
	Words = (table: 0x04c5f5e0)
	CurId = 1406
	Am = nil
	IsCloak = false
	Counter = 36
	CloakCounter = 0
	NamesTable = (table: 0x04a79918)
	(for generator) = (function: builtin#6)
	(for state) = (table: 0x04a79988)
	(for control) = 1
	Ri = 1
	Rv = (table: 0x11264180)
	TLen = 17
	(for index) = 2
	(for limit) = 18
	(for step) = 1
	i = 2
	v = 1669

upvalues of 'LoadItemPicsTable':
	GenerateItemPicsTable = (function: 0x048fb080)
	ItemCoordsPtr = 66077328
	TypesCount = 6
	ComplexCount = 156
	CloaksCount = 24
	ArmorCoordsPtr = 66077328
	HelmCoordsPtr = 66078600
	ArmorCount = 53
	BeltCoordsPtr = 66079560
	HelmsCount = 40
	BootsCoordPtr = 66079992
	BeltsCount = 18
	CloakCoordsPtr = 66080496
	BootsCount = 21
	TmpArmorT = (table: 0x11264180)
	TmpHelmsT = (table: 0x112641a8)
	TmpBeltsT = (table: 0x112641d0)
	TmpBootsT = (table: 0x11264220)
	TmpCloaksT = (table: 0x112641f8)
	ComplexItems = (table: 0x112642c0)
	Hats = (table: 0x11264270)
	ComplexBelts = (table: 0x11264298)
	ComplexCollars = (table: 0x11264248)
I get another one when I try to start a new game. I can't begin to play at all.

Code: Select all

...of the Destroyer\Scripts\General\MenuChooseContinent.lua:145: attempt to index upvalue 'SlBackground' (a nil value)

stack traceback:
	...of the Destroyer\Scripts\General\MenuChooseContinent.lua: in function 'v'
	Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:68: in function <Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:63>

arguments of 'v':
	(*temporary) = (table: 0x112c80f0)

local variables of 'v':
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = true
	(*temporary) = "attempt to index upvalue 'SlBackground' (a nil value)"

upvalues of 'v':
	SelectionStarted = false
	SlChosen = (function: 0x05f913e8)
	SlBackground = nil
	SlJadam = nil
	SlEnroth = nil
	SlAntagrich = nil
When I try to reload an old game, I get this and the game won't start:

Code: Select all

...ay of the Destroyer\Scripts\General\2_OutdoorTravels.lua:252: attempt to index field 'Bolster' (a nil value)

stack traceback:
	...ay of the Destroyer\Scripts\General\2_OutdoorTravels.lua:252: in function 'MapOfContinent'
	...ay of the Destroyer\Scripts\General\2_OutdoorTravels.lua:256: in function 'v'
	Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:68: in function 'docall'
	Scripts/Core/EventsList.lua:111: in function 'call'
	...I - Day of the Destroyer\Scripts\General\ExtraEvents.lua:251: in function 'f'
	Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1879: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1877>
	[C]: in function 'pcall'
	Scripts/Core/Common.lua:102: in function 'pcall2'
	Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1653: in function <Scripts/Core/RSMem.lua:1650>

arguments of 'MapOfContinent':
	Map = "7d29.blv"

local variables of 'MapOfContinent':
	MapId = 103
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = nil
	(*temporary) = 103
	(*temporary) = 103
	(*temporary) = (table: 0x114d2840)
	(*temporary) = "7d29.blv"
	(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Bolster' (a nil value)"
Is it the new patch? I haven't edited these scripts that the game talks about (only PromotionTopics.lua for my little class experiment, but I replaced it with the new patch).
Last edited by Phobos on 31 Jan 2019, 11:03, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 31 Jan 2019, 12:41

Rodril wrote:
Dess wrote:Ah I see, are there any in game hints to get there? I finished the Enroth world and have started both Erathia and Jadame, plus finished making hte telelocator rod, but after I finished that it seems no more quests will pop up from Verdant.
She will talk with you after finishing all of three continent stories, also you can contact her with connector gem.

Ideas about potions are great. One note, what if we'll make "Essense of <stat>" potions able to be used multiple times but will change their effect to subtract equal amount of stat that it adds, for example: Essence of might: +15 might, -15 intellect - any amount of drinks.

About Master wizard and High priest. I want to keep things as they are now (npcs that allow to choose/change your path). Master wizard can grandmaster all spell schools, and personally i am would not prefer to promote him anymore, while promoters to Archmage promote whole party at once, and even if i click promotion topic of Gavin Magnus to promote someone else, i'll loose my Master Wizard as well. Consider Dark Archmage as subclass, maybe i should rename him to Master Necromancer, because he can grandmaster all elemental spell schools + dark magic, he will be able to become lich usual way.
"Master Necromancer" crossed my mind also! That would actually be a really cool idea - someone who can GM dark, but is still not "beyond saving" so to speak, since he has yet to succumb to lichdom. Lore-friendly too. I support this rename! But yeah, I assume right now since it's a 3rd tier promotion, Antagarich Lich/Archmage promotions don't affect it? That would be the obvious thing, so maybe leaving this to the Enrothian masters is an OK idea after all.

As for your idea of "tradeoff" stat boosting potions with unlimited uses - I personally don't think they would be balanced that way, especially with a 1:1 tradeoff. Assuming stats can go into negatives (which they probably can), they would let you easily get classes not requiring Intellect or Personality to 500 in Might without losing anything valuable. Even if 0 is the lowest in a stat that a character can have - at that point they'll just be getting free, unlimited 15-point boosts to a stat. Even if used sparingly, such potions would basically redistribute your characters' stats instead of adding anything to them. I liked MM6's idea of getting a slight boost to everything after drinking all seven better, but that's why they should be limited to one drink. My initial thought was limiting the Essence potions to two drinkings per character instead of just one. But I think that with all the "Pure" potions, the Potion of the Gods, card decks, barrels and altars, even being limited to a single use would already increase stat raising opportunities for characters enough.

BTW, what do you mean Master Wizard GMs all spell schools? I thought they'd be restricted to Master in Light/Dark, as with the initial idea. Would be much fairer that way too.
Last edited by Xfing on 31 Jan 2019, 12:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Rodril » 31 Jan 2019, 13:27

Phobos wrote:Is it the new patch? I haven't edited these scripts that the game talks about (only PromotionTopics.lua for my little class experiment, but I replaced it with the new patch).
I'm starting to suspect dropbox in corrupting patch files... Could you redownload and reapply latest update?
Xfing wrote:BTW, what do you mean Master Wizard GMs all spell schools? I thought they'd be restricted to Master in Light/Dark, as with the initial idea. Would be much fairer that way too.
They can master dark and light and grandmaster elemental schools, it makes hard to swap them to necromancers.
Last edited by Rodril on 31 Jan 2019, 13:29, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 31 Jan 2019, 15:04

Rodril wrote: They can master dark and light and grandmaster elemental schools, it makes hard to swap them to necromancers.
True. They'd be forced to keep their skill levels upon swap, which is undesirable.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 31 Jan 2019, 19:42

Rodril wrote:
Phobos wrote:Is it the new patch? I haven't edited these scripts that the game talks about (only PromotionTopics.lua for my little class experiment, but I replaced it with the new patch).
I'm starting to suspect dropbox in corrupting patch files... Could you redownload and reapply latest update?
See? SEE??!? I told everyone I'm not crazy! :D
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby zealot » 31 Jan 2019, 22:47

Hello ! I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude to Rodril for this mod (and the community of course for the bug chase!).

I have found a liitle problem with the artifact from MM8 called 'Finality' - it is a two-handed sword artifact that you can find randomly in the chests.
I play a solo-paladin starting at MM6 run, my character has sword mastery at 8 level with 'Master'. When I equipe the sword, all the bonuses are gone - compared to the basic sword that I have in inventory. You can test it in the save game provided here :
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ohl2skeo3gfb ... e.dod?dl=0

Thank you !

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Phobos » 01 Feb 2019, 00:32

I downloaded the files again and I get the same error messages from before. How strange... it seems I can't play now. Is it working for everybody else?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby MorrolanTV » 01 Feb 2019, 02:51

Just discovered this mod and it looks really exciting. I'd like to offer to help with the writing/grammar portion - how would I go about contributing to that?

Also, is there a FAQ/changelog/etc where I could get a sense for the specific differences that the mod introduces?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Rodril » 01 Feb 2019, 07:04

Phobos wrote:I downloaded the files again and I get the same error messages from before. How strange... it seems I can't play now. Is it working for everybody else?
Could you try to download whole game files and apply them replacing existing, or maybe complete reinstall? I can not reproduce this issue for now.

EDIT: I've downloaded and applied latest update on three different pc today with win 10 x64 and win 7 x64, issue still did not occur. Do you use GoG version of game? Do you launch it with administrative rights?
MorrolanTV wrote:Just discovered this mod and it looks really exciting. I'd like to offer to help with the writing/grammar portion - how would I go about contributing to that?
Also, is there a FAQ/changelog/etc where I could get a sense for the specific differences that the mod introduces?
There is simple changelog following patch download link, but no complete FAQ, i feel it should have been done already, but still not.
About writing, there is one task: after finishing game, player gets postcard with text about his deeds, this text still comes from MM8, need to write text based on cross continent questline.
zealot wrote: When I equipe the sword, all the bonuses are gone - compared to the basic sword that I have in inventory.
I'll check it, thank you for save game file.
Last edited by Rodril on 01 Feb 2019, 13:14, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Rodril » 02 Feb 2019, 08:41

Patch link have been updated, new potions implemented, few important bugs fixed: sometimes naked characters could get enormous armor class; sometimes debug console popped up at attempt to repair item. Update localization files, if you use them.

I agree with text changes of warlock quest, but implementing it would require to change texts in all three localizations we have, mainly that stops me. Also Warlock promoter mentioned dark and light paths as just conventionality, that why i think alowing to complete both quests would not conflict with lore too much.

To test new potions, use command in debug console (ctrl+f1 to open, ctrl+enter to execute):

Code: Select all

evt[0].Add{"Inventory", 272}
Repleace 272 with indexes 272-289 to check other potions, use indexes 751 - 768 to check message scrolls.
Last edited by Rodril on 02 Feb 2019, 08:45, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 02 Feb 2019, 18:39

Rodril wrote:Patch link have been updated, new potions implemented, few important bugs fixed: sometimes naked characters could get enormous armor class; sometimes debug console popped up at attempt to repair item. Update localization files, if you use them.

I agree with text changes of warlock quest, but implementing it would require to change texts in all three localizations we have, mainly that stops me. Also Warlock promoter mentioned dark and light paths as just conventionality, that why i think alowing to complete both quests would not conflict with lore too much.
Ok, so for now an easier solution would be good to implement - Light path Great Druids will not be promoted to Warlocks, but to Honorary Warlocks if they complete this quest before becoming Arch Druids. That way you could get the dragon, but not get the dark class.
To test new potions, use command in debug console (ctrl+f1 to open, ctrl+enter to execute):

Code: Select all

evt[0].Add{"Inventory", 272}
Repleace 272 with indexes 272-289 to check other potions, use indexes 751 - 768 to check message scrolls.
Ok, let's try this :D <excited>

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 2.02.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 02 Feb 2019, 19:26

I see you've reduced the HP of top promoted priests - nice. But the formula is probably not quite right - my level 199 priest (Frederick) has only 696 HP compared to Devlin Arcanus the Lich's 685 - meaning that their base HP is identical (Frederick only has 10 Body Building to help him). If I recall, in MM8 Clerics had somewhat more hp than Sorcerers, but still couldn't hope to match Dark Elves or Vampires. Druids should probably have the same amount of HP as Clerics, but starting out with a smaller base value. I'm sure this is not at all easy to configure properly, but maybe there is a way? BTW the High Priest class wasn't touched by this nerf, so pls make sure they are accounted for too! I assume the same is true for Master wizards :P

- Dagger Grand on my Vampire doesn't seem to be working - she only has 26-30 dmg with Foulfang, even though she's got GM Dagger at 40 and heaps of Might.
- The new potions' flavor text should omit "single use" - as that is not written in the Pure Might (and others) potions' flavor texts, for consistency.
- The Rejuvenation potion now doesn't work for some reason!
- Timed effect white and black potions use worded, not enumerated effects, for example "Increases temporary might by three times the potion's strength for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion", rather than the mathematical formula the new potions have now in their descriptions.
- Mixing two white potions for one of the new recipes (say, Water Resistance + Divine Cure) without Grandmaster results in automatic eradication, as if one of the potions mixed were black.
- "+ 10 Hit points restored south west of the main Sewer chamber" - appears in the Potion Recipes section of the notes rather than the Well section
- The recipe for Divine Boost suggests that "any attribute boost" potion will do, and therefore it doesn't acknowledge mixing Luck Boost with Cure Paralysis as a new recipe.
- The Essence of Luck recipe only lists the first recipe you uncover and not the alternative ones (like the other recipes you've added to the book). To be fair - keeping with the original game, every formula should be listed as a separate entry, even though they lead to the same potion. These are then sorted so that the alternative formulae of any potion are always next to each other I know it's probably more work to code, but it would give the player the chance to keep track of the potion recipes discovered in the most reliable manner.
- Promotion from Master Necromancer to Lich doesn't consume a Lich Jar.

- Change all the potion recipes' item type (both the old and new ones) to just "Potion recipe". Currently every potion recipe is identified by default and its type is the same as its name, for example the Fire Resistance Recipe's type is "Fire Resistance Recipe". Since these recipes tell what they are on the inside, they could all require just a single point in ID Item to identify, but come unidentified in random loot, to make them feel more naturally like items. Thinking about it - it would be even better to fix pricing inconsistencies by creating two item types: "White Potion Recipes" and "Black Potion Recipes". All the white potion recipes could be priced at 750, and all the Black potion recipes at 1000. Currently there seems to be some sort of inconsistency in the game where some cost 750 and some 1000, regardless of whether they're white or black.
- Decks of Fate should be findable as random loot in more locations throughout all 3 continents. It's really hard to find them nowadays - since they've replaced the functionality of Genie Lamps (which were easily findable in Antagarich at preset locations), the way to get their boosts is now less reliable than it once was. Also, unlike genie lamps they don't display what kind of boost they give, would be nice to have it added.
- It only now occurrs to me - Vampires have only basic Unarmed skill, while both the MM7 and the MM8 vampires go at you with their bare hands and do rather significant damage. I believe they should receive at least Expert for taht reason, if not Master :P That way people could role-play their vamps as unarmed clawing machines, though most would still stick to the Dagger for obvious reasons.

Now on to the potions themselves:

- Essence potions: The reducing part doesn't work right with some of them. My results listed below:
- Essence of Might - works OK
- Essence of Intellect - works OK
- Essence of Personality - works OK
- Essence of Endurance - reduces Accuracy by 5 instead of every other stat by 1
- Essence of Accuracy - reduces Endurance by 5 instead of Luck
- Essence of Speed - works OK
- Essence of Luck - Reduces every stat by 2 instead of reducing ACC by 5
- Those that work reduce the opposing stat by 5 like we agreed we'd be keeping, but the description text still suggests 15. Endurance doesn't work as intended right now, but it says 2 from every stat, and I assume we're intending 1 like in MM6. 2*6 is 12, as opposed to the 15 gained, so there is not much of a net benefit from drinking this potion (currently Luck).
- I realize that Luck, being the "odd one out" attribute as far as alchemy is concerned, but MM6 actually had the Endurance potion subtract from the other stats, not Luck. If we want to keep things as vanilla as can be, I'd opt for keeping faithful on this one.
- These potions get refused on second drink, but make the character go briefly through a "Poisoned" portrait, complete with a voice reaction. Weird, huh? :P

- Potion of Doom: the HP, MP and AC components do not work. Everything else works beautifully.
- Divine Boost - Works nice
- Divine Protection - Works nice
- Divine Transcendence - Works nice. Could use a timer when the level is right-clicked, like the Condition label does (think it was added with Grayface's patch)
- Pure Resitance potions:
- Work nice, but don't prevent the character from drinking them. The "poison" sequence still executes when drunk a second time.

So that's it for now, next I'll test if the recipes work as intended :D
Last edited by Xfing on 03 Feb 2019, 00:27, edited 18 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 2.02.2019]

Unread postby lightbringer23 » 02 Feb 2019, 19:58

I've noticed another oddity. I'm wrapping up Jadame (after starting on Enroth for 15 levels, and jotting over to Antagarich for Unarmed and Dodge training). I altered mapstats.txt to cause all maps except the dragon caves to respawn every 6 months -- except ones that are set to not respawn, etc.

I'm finding that chests in Jadame that once gave a guaranteed artifact now do not grant an artifact. I open every chest repeatedly until nothing else appears, ala Greyface fixchests. I have not yet collected every MM8 artifact. In my most recent round of resets, I did receive artifacts from the hidden chests in Alvar and Ravenshore. Immediately following, I opened the hidden chest in Ironsand and the standard chest in the Lava Tunnel. No artifacts in either -- let alone the 2 that are supposed to be in the Lava Tunnel chest. I also found none in the Ravage Roaming crate in the Ogre Fortress outside.

I am also currently save scumming a Ruby Dragon in Ravage Roaming (Echo's maps). Oddly, I am receiving exclusively MM6 artifacts from it (artifacts being found at the normal rate). I did not expect to see MM6 artifacts until I had exhausted the supply of both MM8 and MM7 artifacts. I have not altered Monsters.txt. Rnditems.txt shows a 1 for T6 for all MM6, 7, and 8 artifacts that are in the merge. I received 4 or 5 MM6 artifacts from this Ruby Dragon, while no MM7 or 8, so it doesn't seem to be RNG oddities.

Do I not understand how the artifact award system works? Is it tied to the continent, or is it sequential? Have I somehow encountered a MM8 cap? I have not yet installed the newest patch, so please tell me if something in it addresses this. If so, I'll update (I'm slow to do so to preserve my own alterations)

Edit: Oddly, I just received a MM6 Blaster Rifle from the Ruby Dragon :O

Edit2: Ok, so I just received an MM7 artifact from that Ruby Dragon. Maybe it is just RNG -- though a 6or7 to 1 ratio seems odd. Them's the dice, I guess. Still don't know what's happening to those chests ...
Last edited by lightbringer23 on 02 Feb 2019, 20:23, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 2.02.2019]

Unread postby Xfing » 02 Feb 2019, 21:10

lightbringer23 wrote: Edit2: Ok, so I just received an MM7 artifact from that Ruby Dragon. Maybe it is just RNG -- though a 6or7 to 1 ratio seems odd. Them's the dice, I guess. Still don't know what's happening to those chests ...
Yeah, I've also noticed something of a bias in regards to MM6 artifacts dropping more readily once you've found your share of MM7 and MM8 artifacts. I also have no idea what determines this. But as long as you can find every single unique item in the game, I'm happy I guess? I would only prefer that there be some sort of flag that once you possess one copy of the item, it can never spawn again. Of course if you sold it or threw it into the water thereby removing its instance from the game, it could start appearing again, after some time flag was passed (6 months for example). I wonder if something like that would be codable, it would be really fun to have it like this.

BTW: I've tested the potion mixing recipes and they all work as intended! Huge thanks for this, Rodril!

I've thought of another white potion now: I've updated the recipe file on Dropbox, so you can consult that. But I'll paste the specifics here too for your convenience.

Potion: Protection from Magic
Tier: White (750 gold)
Purpose: Spell potion for Protection from Magic (much like Haste, Heroism and the other Layered ones). Master-level spell, so no protection from death or eradication.
Effect: Grants Protection from Magic (as a spell) for 30 minutes per point of potion strength.
Remove Fear + Preservation (RBRY + RYB = 3 red, 2 yellow, 2 blue)
Remove Curse + Water Breathing (BRBY + RBY = 3 blue, 2 yellow, 2 red)
Cure Insanity + Bless (YBYR + BYR = 3 yellow, 2 red, 2 blue)

(The above recipes have been tested in pre-mod MM8 and they all lead to explosions, meaning they’re viable slots for new, added potion formulae.)

Additional actions: Make available in item pool (random loot, shops able to carry White Potions); add recipe scrolls; ensure they behave like other white potions (mixable with catalysts, explosion when mixing them improperly, working recipes to obtain catalysts/simple potions from them if applicable, etc);

I suggest the following flavor text: The Protection from Magic potion grants the drinker the effect of the spell for a duration dependent on potion strength. This potion requires seven reagents to mix: two of each type plus the seventh, which can be of any color. This means the potion can be obtained in three distinct ways.”

BTW - the Enrothian priest promoter flavor text still says Priest of Light rather than High Priest. I assume the same must be true with the Wizard promoter's text.
Last edited by Xfing on 02 Feb 2019, 21:45, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 2.02.2019]

Unread postby lightbringer23 » 03 Feb 2019, 08:04

lightbringer23 wrote:I've noticed another oddity. I'm wrapping up Jadame (after starting on Enroth for 15 levels, and jotting over to Antagarich for Unarmed and Dodge training). I altered mapstats.txt to cause all maps except the dragon caves to respawn every 6 months -- except ones that are set to not respawn, etc.

I'm finding that chests in Jadame that once gave a guaranteed artifact now do not grant an artifact. I open every chest repeatedly until nothing else appears, ala Greyface fixchests. I have not yet collected every MM8 artifact. In my most recent round of resets, I did receive artifacts from the hidden chests in Alvar and Ravenshore. Immediately following, I opened the hidden chest in Ironsand and the standard chest in the Lava Tunnel. No artifacts in either -- let alone the 2 that are supposed to be in the Lava Tunnel chest. I also found none in the Ravage Roaming crate in the Ogre Fortress outside.

I am also currently save scumming a Ruby Dragon in Ravage Roaming (Echo's maps). Oddly, I am receiving exclusively MM6 artifacts from it (artifacts being found at the normal rate). I did not expect to see MM6 artifacts until I had exhausted the supply of both MM8 and MM7 artifacts. I have not altered Monsters.txt. Rnditems.txt shows a 1 for T6 for all MM6, 7, and 8 artifacts that are in the merge. I received 4 or 5 MM6 artifacts from this Ruby Dragon, while no MM7 or 8, so it doesn't seem to be RNG oddities.

Do I not understand how the artifact award system works? Is it tied to the continent, or is it sequential? Have I somehow encountered a MM8 cap? I have not yet installed the newest patch, so please tell me if something in it addresses this. If so, I'll update (I'm slow to do so to preserve my own alterations)

Edit: Oddly, I just received a MM6 Blaster Rifle from the Ruby Dragon :O

Edit2: Ok, so I just received an MM7 artifact from that Ruby Dragon. Maybe it is just RNG -- though a 6or7 to 1 ratio seems odd. Them's the dice, I guess. Still don't know what's happening to those chests ...
I can confirm it's just RNG -- Except for the chests with guaranteed artifacts. Those are still misbehaving. At this point in my game, I'm not worried about it, as I've just about exhausted the MM8 artifacts from going Dragon hunting and clearing Escaton's Crystal. The chest behavior is odd, though. I did find a Noblebone Bow in a chest in Yaardrake's Cave, but I think that was specifically placed.

Currently, T6 artifact drops are favoring the few remaining MM8 artifacts I had left. Previous to that, they heavily favored MM7 artifacts. Significant statistical clustering, but completely doable.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 2.02.2019]

Unread postby Phobos » 03 Feb 2019, 08:56

Great, now the game is working again! A reinstall helped.

Something I noticed: Hirelings that help you travel should have stackable bonuses like the original games. Now hiring an Explorer (1-day reduction to all travel) and a Sailor (2-day reduction to boat travel) results in only the higher bonus taking effect when traveling by boat.

Have Navigator hirelings been added? I haven't been able to find one, so I can't speed up boat travel by very much with the current selection.
Last edited by Phobos on 03 Feb 2019, 09:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Feb 2019, 10:54

zealot wrote: I have found a liitle problem with the artifact from MM8 called 'Finality' - it is a two-handed sword artifact that you can find randomly in the chests.
I play a solo-paladin starting at MM6 run, my character has sword mastery at 8 level with 'Master'. When I equipe the sword, all the bonuses are gone - compared to the basic sword that I have in inventory. You can test it in the save game provided here :
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ohl2skeo3gfb ... e.dod?dl=0
Added to the bug tracker. Or will be, after the 90+ pages long online document finishes loading for me. :D
MorrolanTV wrote:Just discovered this mod and it looks really exciting. I'd like to offer to help with the writing/grammar portion - how would I go about contributing to that?
Also, is there a FAQ/changelog/etc where I could get a sense for the specific differences that the mod introduces?
Just put any grammar fixes in a post here and I will add it to the Typo Tracker.
A FAQ / Features of this mod is something that has been missing for a long time and perhaps is a reason why the mod didn't get to as many people as it could get.

Maybe I could make a FAQ section in the Tracker, and the whole community could add lines of features of what the mod provides, etc.
After it is finished, Rodril could copy paste it to the first post. Sounds like a plan?
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 2.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Feb 2019, 11:11

Xfing wrote:I see you've reduced the HP of top promoted priests - nice. But the formula is probably not quite right - my level 199 priest (Frederick) has only 696 HP compared to Devlin Arcanus the Lich's 685 - meaning that their base HP is identical (Frederick only has 10 Body Building to help him). If I recall, in MM8 Clerics had somewhat more hp than Sorcerers, but still couldn't hope to match Dark Elves or Vampires. Druids should probably have the same amount of HP as Clerics, but starting out with a smaller base value. I'm sure this is not at all easy to configure properly, but maybe there is a way? BTW the High Priest class wasn't touched by this nerf, so pls make sure they are accounted for too! I assume the same is true for Master wizards :P

- Dagger Grand on my Vampire doesn't seem to be working - she only has 26-30 dmg with Foulfang, even though she's got GM Dagger at 40 and heaps of Might.
- The new potions' flavor text should omit "single use" - as that is not written in the Pure Might (and others) potions' flavor texts, for consistency.
- The Rejuvenation potion now doesn't work for some reason!
- Timed effect white and black potions use worded, not enumerated effects, for example "Increases temporary might by three times the potion's strength for 30 minutes per point of strength of the potion", rather than the mathematical formula the new potions have now in their descriptions.
- Mixing two white potions for one of the new recipes (say, Water Resistance + Divine Cure) without Grandmaster results in automatic eradication, as if one of the potions mixed were black.
- "+ 10 Hit points restored south west of the main Sewer chamber" - appears in the Potion Recipes section of the notes rather than the Well section
- The recipe for Divine Boost suggests that "any attribute boost" potion will do, and therefore it doesn't acknowledge mixing Luck Boost with Cure Paralysis as a new recipe.
- The Essence of Luck recipe only lists the first recipe you uncover and not the alternative ones (like the other recipes you've added to the book). To be fair - keeping with the original game, every formula should be listed as a separate entry, even though they lead to the same potion. These are then sorted so that the alternative formulae of any potion are always next to each other I know it's probably more work to code, but it would give the player the chance to keep track of the potion recipes discovered in the most reliable manner.
- Promotion from Master Necromancer to Lich doesn't consume a Lich Jar.

Now on to the potions themselves:

- Essence potions: The reducing part doesn't work right with some of them. My results listed below:
- Essence of Might - works OK
- Essence of Intellect - works OK
- Essence of Personality - works OK
- Essence of Endurance - reduces Accuracy by 5 instead of every other stat by 1
- Essence of Accuracy - reduces Endurance by 5 instead of Luck
- Essence of Speed - works OK
- Essence of Luck - Reduces every stat by 2 instead of reducing ACC by 5
- Those that work reduce the opposing stat by 5 like we agreed we'd be keeping, but the description text still suggests 15. Endurance doesn't work as intended right now, but it says 2 from every stat, and I assume we're intending 1 like in MM6. 2*6 is 12, as opposed to the 15 gained, so there is not much of a net benefit from drinking this potion (currently Luck).
- I realize that Luck, being the "odd one out" attribute as far as alchemy is concerned, but MM6 actually had the Endurance potion subtract from the other stats, not Luck. If we want to keep things as vanilla as can be, I'd opt for keeping faithful on this one.
- These potions get refused on second drink, but make the character go briefly through a "Poisoned" portrait, complete with a voice reaction. Weird, huh? :P

- Potion of Doom: the HP, MP and AC components do not work. Everything else works beautifully.
- Divine Boost - Works nice
- Divine Protection - Works nice
- Divine Transcendence - Works nice. Could use a timer when the level is right-clicked, like the Condition label does (think it was added with Grayface's patch)
- Pure Resitance potions:
- Work nice, but don't prevent the character from drinking them. The "poison" sequence still executes when drunk a second time.

So that's it for now, next I'll test if the recipes work as intended :D
Added to the Bug Tracker.
lightbringer23 wrote:I've noticed another oddity. I'm wrapping up Jadame (after starting on Enroth for 15 levels, and jotting over to Antagarich for Unarmed and Dodge training). I altered mapstats.txt to cause all maps except the dragon caves to respawn every 6 months -- except ones that are set to not respawn, etc.

I'm finding that chests in Jadame that once gave a guaranteed artifact now do not grant an artifact. I open every chest repeatedly until nothing else appears, ala Greyface fixchests. I have not yet collected every MM8 artifact. In my most recent round of resets, I did receive artifacts from the hidden chests in Alvar and Ravenshore. Immediately following, I opened the hidden chest in Ironsand and the standard chest in the Lava Tunnel. No artifacts in either -- let alone the 2 that are supposed to be in the Lava Tunnel chest. I also found none in the Ravage Roaming crate in the Ogre Fortress outside.

I am also currently save scumming a Ruby Dragon in Ravage Roaming (Echo's maps). Oddly, I am receiving exclusively MM6 artifacts from it (artifacts being found at the normal rate). I did not expect to see MM6 artifacts until I had exhausted the supply of both MM8 and MM7 artifacts. I have not altered Monsters.txt. Rnditems.txt shows a 1 for T6 for all MM6, 7, and 8 artifacts that are in the merge. I received 4 or 5 MM6 artifacts from this Ruby Dragon, while no MM7 or 8, so it doesn't seem to be RNG oddities.

Do I not understand how the artifact award system works? Is it tied to the continent, or is it sequential? Have I somehow encountered a MM8 cap? I have not yet installed the newest patch, so please tell me if something in it addresses this. If so, I'll update (I'm slow to do so to preserve my own alterations)

Edit: Oddly, I just received a MM6 Blaster Rifle from the Ruby Dragon :O

Edit2: Ok, so I just received an MM7 artifact from that Ruby Dragon. Maybe it is just RNG -- though a 6or7 to 1 ratio seems odd. Them's the dice, I guess. Still don't know what's happening to those chests ...
Added to the bug tracker.
Xfing wrote: Yeah, I've also noticed something of a bias in regards to MM6 artifacts dropping more readily once you've found your share of MM7 and MM8 artifacts. I also have no idea what determines this. But as long as you can find every single unique item in the game, I'm happy I guess? I would only prefer that there be some sort of flag that once you possess one copy of the item, it can never spawn again. Of course if you sold it or threw it into the water thereby removing its instance from the game, it could start appearing again, after some time flag was passed (6 months for example). I wonder if something like that would be codable, it would be really fun to have it like this.
BTW - the Enrothian priest promoter flavor text still says Priest of Light rather than High Priest. I assume the same must be true with the Wizard promoter's text.
Added to the bug tracker.
lightbringer23 wrote: I can confirm it's just RNG -- Except for the chests with guaranteed artifacts. Those are still misbehaving. At this point in my game, I'm not worried about it, as I've just about exhausted the MM8 artifacts from going Dragon hunting and clearing Escaton's Crystal. The chest behavior is odd, though. I did find a Noblebone Bow in a chest in Yaardrake's Cave, but I think that was specifically placed.
Currently, T6 artifact drops are favoring the few remaining MM8 artifacts I had left. Previous to that, they heavily favored MM7 artifacts. Significant statistical clustering, but completely doable.
Added as an addition to the original report in the bug tracker.
Phobos wrote: Something I noticed: Hirelings that help you travel should have stackable bonuses like the original games. Now hiring an Explorer (1-day reduction to all travel) and a Sailor (2-day reduction to boat travel) results in only the higher bonus taking effect when traveling by boat.
Have Navigator hirelings been added? I haven't been able to find one, so I can't speed up boat travel by very much with the current selection.
Added to the bug tracker.

Also I've added the whole potion thing into the suggestion tracker. Or I am currently in the process of adding it.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 2.02.2019]

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Feb 2019, 11:14

Also @Rodril if you have some spare time, could you run through the Suggestions section in the tracker and tell me what was fully implemented / partially implemented / refused / etc.?
Might help in the FAQ creation eventually as a source of community requested changes.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 03 Feb 2019, 11:36

Dess wrote:Is there a way to add armsmaster trainers in Enroth somewhere? Similar to how Diplomacy got replaced by alchemy. The same is true to a lesser extent when it comes to ID monster, but it doesnt have as much impact on the viability of a class the way armsmaster is for knights. Maybe the Berserkers fury or Buccaneers, since most skills are learned from shops and temples instead.
Added to the Suggestions Tracker.

Could we rename Armsmaster to something that makes more sense? Since if you are for example an master of sword, then you are an armsmaster with a sword. Maybe armsmaster should be renamed to Knowledge of Arms or something like that, that would make more sense.
Xfing wrote: Decks of Fate should be findable as random loot in more locations throughout all 3 continents. It's really hard to find them nowadays - since they've replaced the functionality of Genie Lamps (which were easily findable in Antagarich at preset locations), the way to get their boosts is now less reliable than it once was. Also, unlike genie lamps they don't display what kind of boost they give, would be nice to have it added.
It only now occurrs to me - Vampires have only basic Unarmed skill, while both the MM7 and the MM8 vampires go at you with their bare hands and do rather significant damage. I believe they should receive at least Expert for taht reason, if not Master :P That way people could role-play their vamps as unarmed clawing machines, though most would still stick to the Dagger for obvious reasons.
Both added to the suggestion tracker.
For the second: Agreed. I would love some synergy between it and the Vampire abilities though. Like at some level of expertise (probably not very much), it adding to the Unarmed and Dodge stats. That would be kinda nice.

Managing the tracker can be quite hard now that Rodril has returned and the thread is quite alive! xD
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