Hello. Patch link have been updated. There is just one important fix, which should prevent destruction of mercenaries' inventories. If you currently have character with broken inventory, only way to repair him - through console.
1. Open his inventory screen.
2. Drop or move to other inventories items you need.
3. Execute code (ctrl+f1 to open, ctrl+enter to execute):
Code: Select all
Char = Party[Game.CurrentPlayer]
for i,v in Char.Inventory do
Char.Inventory[i] = 0
for i,v in Char.EquippedItems do
Char.EquippedItems[i] = 0
for i,v in Char.Items do
v.Number = 0
Inventory will be cleared out of all items he had (i.e. corrupted ones), new items will be added correctly.
Speaking of racial skill.
Must say, I won't overhaul any existing class, I want to keep them as close to original games as possible, and it means I want to keep all their cheaty "features" as well, even if they considered as something what developers have not finished. But I like ideas mentioned above and want to make instruments, which would allow to easily implement these suggestions, if someone will try to rebalance classes in future. So there are two new things in today's update:
1. "Race skills.txt" table in "Data\Tables" folder. It works in similar way as "Class skills.txt", but takes in account player's race instead of class. Example: race - minotaur, class - druid, "Class skills.txt" is not changed, in "Race skills.txt" axe skill have been set to M for minotaur race.
Minotaur druid will be able to learn Axe up to Master level. At least some compensation, considering minotaur can not use boots and helms.
2. "Character portraits.txt" now allows to set different special attacks for melee and range distances. Dragons still have breath for both, but now it is possible to disable only melee. (I was surprised, dragons actually have different face animations for melee attacks).
I suggest to set expert meditation skill in "Race skills.txt" for any race that have SP-consuming abilities.
I've only briefly checked armor subtiers file. I think it is fine, thank you.
I get the list of all thirteen taverns, won everywhere (I excluded the tavern from the the list after i won), but can't finish the quest. (MM7)
Arcomage wins are mentioned in "Misc" section of autonotes now, compare your
list with notes there, please. I'll recheck quest.