Few fixes: magic pedestals; reagents checks for "black potion" quests; sudden friendly monsters in dungeons and their relations; misspells. Thanks.
nortonex wrote:I've started to play mm678 (04.12.2017 patch) a few days ago on Antagarich. Here are some minor flaws, that I encountered:
Guild's memebership listed in auotonotes - miscellaneous section. Did not touch musical instruments and mercenary inventories for now.
ryugasen wrote:One other thing I'm noticing is that savescumming outside shops no longer works.
Spellshops are a bit diffrent: assortments still generated when you enter shop, but generation goes for all other kinds of guilds with same quality of spellbooks (i.e. when you entering any paramount guild, assortment will be generated for all paramount guilds, not just one you've entered now).
ryugasen wrote:I'll save dark promotion for my 3 sorcerers
Sorcerers can be freely promoted to wizards at Enroth. Wizards are elighible for both third level counterparts (lich - Shadowspire and The Pit, Archmage - Celeste), same as all other second level promotions.
Echo wrote:Actually, a thought stroke me. About "unfitting" classes such as vampire paladin.
It is possible and does not require any high efforts, all settings stored in "Character selection.txt" table in "..Data\Tables" folder, so it is mostly personal question. I'm afraid to add such wide options because game does not provide any instruments to work with backstory of players (we have biography for each character but that's it). Though vampire-paladin can exist in theory (i'd call it exception rather than norm), in current state noone will react to such gimmick. When you'll enter Castle Ironfist, Nicolay won't hide behind throne because of your outfit, peasants of Harmondale won't grab forks and torchs to cleanse their lands from that "Lord", despite his enlightened thoughts. These are relation conflicts which i expect to endure during gameplay as vampire-paladin, but nothing of it will happen, just because these texts have not been written and screenplays were not directed, what, personaly for me will lead to feel of world's emptyness, that why i'd like to expand continent's rosters by default
characters. Only minotaurs are in all rosters due to their high presence in Heroes of Might and Magic (as dungeon lords in homm III).