Gray Magic Expert wrote: ↑17 Jan 2024, 20:23
If I am not mistaken, Spiritslayer description says only:
"Many under the rule of Luthiner the Severe saw the existence of his spear Spiritslayer as proof of the existence of evil. The injuries caused by the spear go beyond the physical as Spiritslayer takes a strike as an opportunity to drink its target's very essence."
Does this really imply anything beyond Master Spirit Magic "Spirit Lash" spell?
It's not the effects of the enchantment that should matter, so no idea where you took the Spirit Lash think from and why do you think it's relevant. The description of the spear says that people "saw the existence of his spear Spiritslayer as proof of the existence of evil". You say it's "only" that? I don't know what possible description could drive the point home harder than this one that the spear
is evil. If that's not enough for you, take a gander at what it looks like. And if even that's not enough, the effect its enchantment has is in fact quite malevolent, drinking a target's essence/vampirism is already considered a dark power. So yeah, this is probably the single item that'd be best justified in being restricted to evil
characters. Keep in mind that the good/evil restriction was never about
physical incapability of wielding some item - it's only about
refusal to do so. Artifacts with evil histories disgust kind-hearted
characters, and artifacts associated with good make evil
characters sick. It's 100% a role-playing thing.
And there is also no Spear-wielding Evil Classes in might and magic 8 - so restricting a MM8 artifact in such a way feels wrong...
Hardly a problem in Merge. You want to wield Spiritslayer, you travel to Enroth and turn your Champion into a Black Knight. Way more fitting.
I think, Hades would make for a better new Evil-Only Item.
Hades originally comes from MM6, and MM6 has easily-accessible dark-light trainers. Also, Hades is described as a vile Relic (arguably, more vile than Spiritslayer). This is the case, where adding an Evil-only requirement will greatly enhance immersion
And yeah, that's what I did too, made Hades an evil-only sword. But again, it's not about gameplay or it being from Enroth. First of all, you can find all continents' artifacts anywhere now, so that's not even relevant. It's just that the sword's description sounded appropriately evil - just like Spiritslayer's did.
- Old Nick (Just a renoun assassin weapon. Infamous? Definitely! But not more Vile than a wand of Sharpmetal/Paralysis...)
Again, it's not about mechanics, it's about role playing. How the item looks and what it does is not as important here as the flavor text, which says that Old Nick has "killed more people than the plague". Probably referring to innocent assassination marks. So it's understandable that good
characters might want nothing to do with a weapon like this.
- Twilight Cloak (Described as a sneaky tool for Assassins and Spies. Spies are a Light class in MM7...)
- Taledon's Helmet (Just a cool hat of a dead Sun Priest. Ghoulsbane or Sun Amulets are not Good Only, despite their coonection to Sun Temple)
Yeah, these items don't feel all that justified maybe, but that's what we were given. I like to think the items I thought about adding were considered more carefully. But still, I'd be happy if what makes it into the main branch is just fixing the MM7 items, making Spiritslayer evil and Eclipse only for Sun Priests. The rest of what I made is just a showcase of what can be done with the lua script in this matter. I still like having many artifacts with alignment restrictions, and also like the wider categories of "not good" and "not evil", which exclude less classes than they include.
By penalizing evil clerics and banning them from Igraine, you will only punish quirky builds.
True min-maxers will simply make a one Dark specialist and one Self specialist.
Igraine was one of the artifacts I felt the least strong about in fact, I only made it "not evil" because the flavor text said it was made by Enrothian clerics - who are considered good. But that's probably not conclusive evidence, I wouldn't mind this one being reverted to neutral one bit. And I do see your point, dark clerics should have access to one artifact that boosts all self schools, otherwise there's even less point in making them than there is now (liches are still superior due to their range of available dark magic boosters).
And this is true for many of the suggested restrictions.
- Elsenrail/Glomenthal do not work on knights? A really cool-looking setup is disabled. But min-maxer would use Vampiric Weapons and/or Terminus/Wallace anyways for most of the fights!
- Harek's Leather is now not Good? Well, my Archmage lost a really kickass piece of fashion! Back to old, boring and reliable Alvarian Leather
of Earth/Serndine's Protection options. They are more powerful items anyways...
This is what I mean by "Boring". Removing funny options does not make the game deeper!
I really fail to see your point here. Some players wanted "funny" and I think in the community branch you could even have Minotaurs wear headwear. Helmets with holes made for their horns and all that. Isn't that "funny"? Sure as hell is. But it's not very realistic.
As for Elsenrail and Glomenthal, my reasoning was that good
characters might be repulsed by the element of darkness and vice versa, while neutrals such as dark elves wouldn't mind either. But I guess that might be a little bit of a reach, since the swords themselves are meant to represent balance, not good or evil. While that still supports my point that neutral classes should have the biggest affinity for both, I don't feel all that strongly about them being restricted. Hareck's leather, on the other hand, was made "not good" simply because Hareck was a prick. But that in and of itself might not be a deal-breaker for good
characters either. So yeah, I don't insist on this one either. My proposals were just ideas, it just takes a few small edits in the text files to roll them back.
Same is true for many Race restrictions. Penalizing armmaster on elves, for example, would make them pathetic knights. They are unoptimal, but funny and playable knights right now. But they will become unplayable without GM armmaster. Same goes for, say, penalizing maces on elven paladins. Or penalizing Bows on dwarven Archers. Or penalizing magic skills on goblins.
Skill penalties may reduce class variety instead of improving it!
Well that depends - from a mechanical perspective races don't really make a difference in the long run, especially in the late game. Giving them boosts to skills has already largely addressed that issue, it's just that having some penalty would let us make the boosts more significant, but in such a way that it remains fair. If dwarves had a penalty to the bow skill but you really, really want to make that dwarf archer, you're just being picky. Most RPG games of that era had restrictions to races that made only certain race-class combos viable.
Currently there are no plans to implement pentalties to skills based on race, but if there were - maybe a good compromise would be avoiding magic and weapon-based skills and sticking to miscellaneous ones and possibly armor. Like, Goblins could take a penalty to Merchant (not naturally known to be very charming), but get something really cool like +Armsmaster in exchange. Magic boosts to single magic schools would be pretty cool (f.ex. Dwarves and earth magic or something along these lines), but it'd have to be considered carefully.
But even if you don't like the idea of skill penalties of any kind, I think what we at least could consider is guaranteeing different skillcaps for branched good/evil promotions, much in the vein of Master/Ninja in MM7. Masters get expert level self magic while Ninjas get master disarm - both of which are meaningful advantages. It might not always be easy to come up with proper differences, but for example Ranger Lords could get better Alchemy and Merchant while Bounty Hunters get better Stealing/Disarm or something. Of course when changing alignment at Enroth light/dark teachers, whatever extra skillcap the current class has would have to be rolled back when they change paths, to prevent abusing the path change mechanic (so for example expert alchemy ranger lord returns to basic alchemy when switching to bounty hunter).
Oh, and if we went further with these good/evil artifact restrictions and you really find them that bothersome, there might be a solution: make all Enroth-based promotions "neutral". There's unfortunately no room at the moment to do so with the 3 extra classes that joined in mm7, but that would still let you have a fully promoted knight that can wield Elsenrail/Glomenthal at least. Or any combo of "not good" and "not evil" artifacts that may ever be introduced in the future. So for instance:
Cavalier -> Knight Errant/Mercenary Knight
Crusader -> Zealot/Fanatic (gets neither basic dark or light magic but some other improved skill caps in return)
Battle Mage -> Warrior Mage (restore MM6's progression for naming these classes, behaves the same as Zealot in terms of skillcaps)
Great Druid -> Augur/Shaman/Occultist/Hierophant (take your pick)
And just for the lulz, while impossible, here would be my ideas for the remaining classes' neutral promo names:
Hunter -> Wanderer/Vagabond/Adventurer
Initiate -> Pugilist/Martial Artist
Rogue -> Master Thief/Catburglar/Marauder
These last 3 would require coding in extra quests for them, which is somewhat difficult - but even with only the 6 Enroth-based classes having neutral versions, a lot of restricted artifacts could open up for use.