Patch link updated. Original sp regen repaired, few fixes in mm6 and mm7 maps and transitions, resistances of mm6 monsters have been changed. I've reproduced UI issue by immediate interrupting rest, but could not figure out how to fix it for now, waiting one-two seconds before interrupt should prevent it.
Phobos wrote:I found dialogues and topics in NPCTopic and NPCText, so is it enough to edit just those?
Yes, it is enough, correct class names would be more convenient, i'll fix them in next patch.
Vinevi wrote:Rodril, do you plan on allowing games to be played as stand-alone but on MM8 engine? (Without merging) Would be neat, much easier to patch and mod in future, I guess.
No, i don't. On one hand - less assets in each game, on other - there will be four forks, i won't handle it.
Vinevi wrote:Also sky looks kind of strange, did they use different approach in 6 and 7? Loved how it looked there, especially in software mode, but now it looks much different.
I think approach is almost same, but textures are diffrent. MM7 colors were strongly greyed out in
engine, so original skies in mm8 looks toxic-blue. Sky sets defined in Weather.lua at lines 84-86 (just names of sky textures).