Daedros wrote:keksua wrote:Can i suggest some simple changes?
The one thing in mm7 were always disappointed me: the fact you can clear half of the locations with lvl1 team with bows..
it can be easily changed by adding some spells effect(so it cannot be dispelled) or just an alternate skill to some monsters e.g.
- Wyverns(Avlee) ancient ones can spit Acid Burst (smt. like Matrons in mm6, they are melee but not free targets)
Early on, you basically
have to take Wyverns on at range. The Ancient Wyverns have a Death effect tied to their melee attack, there's a chance that they'll instantly kill any character they hit in melee range, regardless of the char's remaining HP. The only way to protect against it, is the Protection from Magic spell at GM Body Magic skill. Preservation will also prevent the death, but it'll still knock the character out.
Greater Vampires in Shadowspire can do the same once they've drained your SP.
Speaking of draining SP, the Protection from Magic spell doesn't protect against it at all. The Devil Kings (M&M 6), Devil Captains (M&M 7), and Greater Vampires (M&M 8) are capable of performing SP Drain attacks. The SP Drain effect completely drains all of your SP in one hit, regardless how much you have. My Lich has even lost 2,000+ SP to it before.
Basically, my whole point is if we have a beautiful merge, it would be great to merge the strongest parts of all parts:
in mm6 it's balance:
- Monsters are strong, there's very few in whole game you can safely clear very few locations due to monsters magic.
- trading is not op so you always low on money until you buy all the spells you want( and complete light or dark char spellbook cost like a castle)
- magic is balanced: you have to use combat spells through all the game because there's always a ton of strong monsters and you have to use AOE until they come close and then targeting monsters to kill them faster and dark is not so op( it is as strong as in 7-8 but cost twice high for mana, so even in late game in VARN or castles you must think doest it worth 100 mana for dragon breath or use fireballs or inferno, and toxic cloud for 50 is not the best single target option, sometimes it's better to use acie burst ect. ect. in mm7- you use fireball in low lvl and other combat magic just have no usage, cause light party have way more dmg with weapons and dark magic is superior in every way)
also in mm6 you can live without light magic and if you decide so- you need to put skillpoints in ego masteries and you can cast day of gods wow! in mm7-8 i don't know any usage of mind magic.. maybe enslave just for fun.. loosing 55 skill points for gm in ming is less fun though..
- energy damage that kick your ass despite how strong you are(i miss it)
mm7 has way better roleplay, im mm6 creators wanted to make complicated rep system(i guess the plan was not to allow to be master in dark and light) and it wasn't good enough.
- most unused spells from mm6 was changed to good stuff.
- class skills restrictions( we're already have it in merge cause of mm8
- allies (also have)
mm8 have interesting mercenary system, broken but interesting. and i lowe the way it is made in merge. and races.
and a nice interface and
engine that allows this beautiful merge.
so in the end in merge we have all the benefits of 7 and 8 part but no benefits of 6, in fact some of benefits of 6 are gone now..