Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 26 Oct 2018, 16:27

Anubis wrote:My Dad's been playing this merge and he's written down a couple of bugs that I'll post on here for him:

- Some artifacts/relics simply don't work as intended or have a graphics error. For example, Seven League Boots, Odin, Twilight, Atlas, Pendragon, Hermes' Sandals, etc. I'll try to get a more comprehensive list later on this if you need, Rodril.

Also, the second monk promotion quest in Antagrich (Given by Barty Hume in Harmondale -- tells you to slay the High Priest of Baa and return to him) doesn't work. My Dad killed the High Priest of Baa, looted him, and tries to turn in the quest, to which Hume says he still needs to slay the High Priest of Baa. The quest still shows up in his 'Quests' journal too.

Also, @Templayer, @Grayface, and others, I've noticed what you've been doing here to contribute to this merge, and I appreciate you taking the time to help the community out with that bug tracker and repainted items, respectively. Thanks!

Also, the reputation system is out of control. It definitely isn't working as intended. Sometimes my Dad has a status of "-10 Friendly" and then later on, a reputation of "38 Hated". I think I heard him say he read some posts where the reputation system should be thrown out, but I disagree. The reputation system helps -- The more reputable you are, the effects given to you when you donate at temples improve, as well as lower shop prices.
"Some artifacts/relics simply don't work as intended or have a graphics error. For example, Seven League Boots, Odin, Twilight, Atlas, Pendragon, Hermes' Sandals, etc. I'll try to get a more comprehensive list later on this if you need, Rodril." - These artefacts should not spawn since they have not yet been repainted for the new paperdolls. We need a list of which one have you found and WHERE / HOW have you found them. We do know which items are missing graphics, that is not the problem, the problem is removing them from the game until we do have graphics to make them work.

"Also, the second monk promotion quest in Antagrich (Given by Barty Hume in Harmondale -- tells you to slay the High Priest of Baa and return to him) doesn't work. My Dad killed the High Priest of Baa, looted him, and tries to turn in the quest, to which Hume says he still needs to slay the High Priest of Baa. The quest still shows up in his 'Quests' journal too." - That has been mentioned in this thread a few times - he is supposed to contact you on your way out. Try exiting normally (I presume you have used some quicker option). I think.

The reputation system has already been reported several times, and is already in the bug tracker.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Anubis » 27 Oct 2018, 08:19

Templayer wrote:We need a list of which one have you found and WHERE / HOW have you found them.
Found them all at one point or another. Any artifact/relic that's ever been in MM6/MM7/MM8's been found, usually off looting dragons and such in Dragonsand, as well as the circus pyramid trade-in.
Templayer wrote:That has been mentioned in this thread a few times - he is supposed to contact you on your way out. Try exiting normally
In the original MM7, Hume never contacted you for that quest. He does contact you telepathically for the first promotion quest as soon as you drink from the fountain in the Dwarven Barrows Tomb. That one works fine. In the second promotion quest, you're supposed to just kill the High Priest of Baa and return to Hume's house to turn it in. I've tried everything, even leaving the Temple of Baa normally. Still a no-go.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 27 Oct 2018, 11:42

Anubis wrote:
Templayer wrote:We need a list of which one have you found and WHERE / HOW have you found them.
Found them all at one point or another. Any artifact/relic that's ever been in MM6/MM7/MM8's been found, usually off looting dragons and such in Dragonsand, as well as the circus pyramid trade-in.
Templayer wrote:That has been mentioned in this thread a few times - he is supposed to contact you on your way out. Try exiting normally
In the original MM7, Hume never contacted you for that quest. He does contact you telepathically for the first promotion quest as soon as you drink from the fountain in the Dwarven Barrows Tomb. That one works fine. In the second promotion quest, you're supposed to just kill the High Priest of Baa and return to Hume's house to turn it in. I've tried everything, even leaving the Temple of Baa normally. Still a no-go.
"looting dragons and such in Dragonsand, as well as the circus pyramid trade-in" - that's the information Rodril needs! :P

So for the second thing, I'm going to add it to the bug tracker then.

Be sure to check the tracker and look on some stuff the community did, the leather armours from MM7 repaint looks fabulous!
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Maslyonok » 27 Oct 2018, 12:56

I got the quest about the Runaway Chaos.... And I totally don't understand how to get to the Breach. Nor the Lloyd's Beakon, nor the town portal can help me. Where can i find the Breach?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Rodril » 27 Oct 2018, 15:29

Hello, patch link have been updated. There are empty chests in Breach now, reputation topics have been corrected, dodge by unarmed skill will work correctly now.
Maslyonok wrote:I got the quest about the Runaway Chaos.... And I totally don't understand how to get to the Breach. Nor the Lloyd's Beakon, nor the town portal can help me. Where can i find the Breach?
Like Verdant said, use town portal spell on ruins of Escaton's Crystal.
Maslyonok wrote: Maslyonok wrote: Well, i got the telelocator. And what i should do next? Telelocator don't want to search anything. Is this the end?
Anybody here? Help, please!
Yes, quest has ended.

These fixed:

Code: Select all

Reported by Strobe: 
- Heroic Sword (Two-Handed) right hand texture is buggy (which doesn't hold the sword)
- No wind and gate master hirelings (or maybe very-very rare)
- Hirelings are too cheap to hire (all of them were only 200 gold, but im sure its just a placeholder value)

Reported by Mommyiamnotacow:
I play Merge with challenge "dead is dead" when i dismiss killed party members. And at some point (treveling to next mm part) i got a bug, 80% peasants have broken inventory. Thay dont have base loot, and the main problem they cant handl the items. With empty inventiry the character says "inventory is full". How can i fix this? Is there a console script to generate hired peasant to test?
(I have a game with 30.09 update. The game was fully reinstalled with first start script compilied, not just patched.)

Reported by: Vetrinus » Oct 14 2018, 23:16
Found this funny little thing that happens now:
Instead of the usual "You feel a high magical presence" message that appears at the intercontinental teleportation points, I am now getting "This is an unregistered copy of Might and Magic VIII. Please" :P

reported by: Kliff » Oct 22 2018, 13:05
I'm not sure if it's been fixed in more recent releases, but I've been getting a bug with Enroth peasants, where none of them at all want to talk to me and every single one has all of their reputation wildcards on full display as opposed to the wildcards being replaced by the correct values.

reported by: Anubis' dad » Oct 27 2018, 8:19
Also, the second monk promotion quest in Antagrich (Given by Barty Hume in Harmondale -- tells you to slay the High Priest of Baa and return to him) doesn't work. My Dad killed the High Priest of Baa, looted him, and tries to turn in the quest, to which Hume says he still needs to slay the High Priest of Baa. The quest still shows up in his 'Quests' journal too. In the original MM7, Hume never contacted you for that quest. He does contact you telepathically for the first promotion quest as soon as you drink from the fountain in the Dwarven Barrows Tomb. That one works fine. In the second promotion quest, you're supposed to just kill the High Priest of Baa and return to Hume's house to turn it in. I've tried everything, even leaving the Temple of Baa normally. Still a no-go.
I think this one should not be tracked anymore, because racial bonuses are in line with orginal games, I don't want to invent something here, some instruments have been added.

Code: Select all

Reported by Strobe: 
- Racial bonuses seem to be uncompleted
This one seem to appear because uncorrect installation, I have not got response, looks like problem already solved.

Code: Select all

reported by: fr3aksh0w » Oct 16 2018, 8:56
I'm dying to try out the merge but I can't seem to launch the game. I get the debug console with following information: ...estroyer\Scripts\Structs\After\LocalizationAndQuests.lua:564: use of unknown global variable "TakeItemFromParty" after _KNOWNGLOBALS_F declaration
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'error'
    Scripts/Core/RSNoGlobals.lua:602: in function 'dofile'
    Scripts\Core\main.lua:484: in main chunk
arguments of 'dofile':
    fname = "C:\\GOG Games\\Might and Magic VIII - Day of the Destroyer\\Scripts\\Structs\\After\\LocalizationAndQuests.lua"
local variables of 'dofile':
    f = nil
    err = "...estroyer\\Scripts\\Structs\\After\\LocalizationAndQuests.lua:564: use of unknown global variable \"TakeItemFromParty\" after _KNOWNGLOBALS_F declaration"
upvalues of 'dofile':
    loadfile = (function: 0x003d56d0)
    error = (function: builtin#19)
I know nothing of code, so I'm lost :/
Last edited by Rodril on 27 Oct 2018, 15:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 27 Oct 2018, 16:24

Rodril wrote:*Listed bug tracker's fixed bugs*
Fixed bugs removed from the bug tracker. Excellence, like always! Thanks Rodril!
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Kliff » 27 Oct 2018, 19:36

Awesome - time to test Enroth right away and then see if I can give the .txt files a little once-over to open up more classes for the other races without breaking anything.

ETA: So far it's working! Everyone who refuses to talk to me is basically just saying I'm nobody, and others actually will talk without begging.
Last edited by Kliff on 27 Oct 2018, 19:49, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 27 Oct 2018, 20:48

Kliff wrote:Awesome - time to test Enroth right away and then see if I can give the .txt files a little once-over to open up more classes for the other races without breaking anything.

ETA: So far it's working! Everyone who refuses to talk to me is basically just saying I'm nobody, and others actually will talk without begging.
The race / class limitations during character creation are not there because some classes / races on a certain continent would break things, they are there due to the subjective opinion of Rodril.
For example some races would probably get killed in Enroth immediately.

I have given some thought to this and found an elegant solution - an option during installation for enabling non-racist selection of races and classes. Which would unlock all the non-promoted classes and all races, including technical races (zombies and skeletons! :P).

Or even better, four options (besides Rodril's current) - All non-promoted classes, all classes, all non-technical races, all races.

And later down the pipeline, maybe do the same with racial skills!

Giving people options is the way to go! And both of these shouldn't be able to break the game. EDIT: Actually Zombies would, because the guy that repainted most of the MM7 paperdolls forgot about them. :S
Last edited by Templayer on 27 Oct 2018, 20:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Kliff » 27 Oct 2018, 22:22

Well, that's not quite what I meant about breaking everything, I meant more causing crashes because I screwed with the formatting of the file.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 28 Oct 2018, 09:31

Kliff wrote:Well, that's not quite what I meant about breaking everything, I meant more causing crashes because I screwed with the formatting of the file.
Oh. :D
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Daedros » 28 Oct 2018, 09:47

Rodril wrote:There are empty chests in Breach now,
I just checked the Breach, and could not find any empty chests, where are they? Does this only apply to new save games?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Kliff » 28 Oct 2018, 13:29

Anyway, here's an idea, Templayer - for now, why not give us a few versions of the .txts that support the starts you'd like? Zip 'em up, toss them up on Dropbox, and provide documentation and all? I kinda broke things a little myself and went back to fresh or I'd try it myself.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Maslyonok » 28 Oct 2018, 13:49

Rodril wrote: Like Verdant said, use town portal spell on ruins of Escaton's Crystal.
Thank you

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 28 Oct 2018, 14:20

Could someone link Grayface's repainting guide on Youtube again? Can't find it.

Also, thanks for the latest patch, Rodril. Some things you've fixed but haven't mentioned are the sword sprites, and lowering Knights' bodybuilding to Master. Letting sorcerers have GM in ID Item is probably a good call too, since Dragons are only available on Jadame. I still think Knights don't need master in Leather, but oh well. Oh, and Ullyses the bow's damage value still looks broken.

I think i"ll take a crack at some repaints. I might be terrible at it, but as long as there's nothing I need to actually add on my own, but only edit, distort and put effects on the original assets, I might get somewhere. That's why I asked for the guide. Saw it on Youtube once, but haven't been able to find it since.
Last edited by Xfing on 28 Oct 2018, 14:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 28 Oct 2018, 15:06

Xfing wrote:Some things you've fixed but haven't mentioned are the sword sprites. Oh, and Ullyses the bow's damage value still looks broken.
Added to the bug tracker. Should've done that sooner, sorry.
Kliff wrote:Anyway, here's an idea, Templayer - for now, why not give us a few versions of the .txts that support the starts you'd like? Zip 'em up, toss them up on Dropbox, and provide documentation and all? I kinda broke things a little myself and went back to fresh or I'd try it myself.
The problem with that is that I have not actually even looked into the txt files, nor do I have the mod installed. I should be able to edit them without a hitch, though.
The reason why I do not have it installed is that I won't play it until it is fully finished, and if I were to install it now, I would have to reinstall it a few years later, and I will not have the time to play for a few years now... :(
However if you wish, send me the txt file in question (through PM), I will try to modify it, send it back and you can test it. I'm actually a professional programmer (only 1+ year though), so if I screw it up, it will be quite embarrassing for me. :D
Also I would like to be able to create a Lich and Zombie race at character creation, but only Lich will be available (I hope). Because the Zombie race would break things due to no paperdoll graphics. I've finished MM8 as a Skeleton Knight once. (Race: Lich, class: Knight) Having a Lich with plate and sword looked quite nice! :D

Do you wish for me to modify the racial skills mod with your name (the version that is supposed to complement race classes, while mine's target is to replace them) further? Or are you okey with it?

Can you select a difference race and class when creating a party for Jadame? If not, an unlock option for that would be really nice.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Rodril » 28 Oct 2018, 15:15

Xfing wrote:Could someone link Grayface's repainting guide on Youtube again? Can't find it.
I don't remember his repainting instructions except this one: https://www.celestialheavens.com/forum/ ... 60#p373293
Maybe video you mentioning is one from first post: https://youtu.be/lipriutf3SI
Templayer wrote:@Rodril
Do you wish for me to modify the racial skills mod with your name (the version that is supposed to complement race classes, while mine's target is to replace them) further? Or are you okey with it?
I don't think this table should be tracked, i would not modify any classes that much, feel free to do whatever you want with it.
Templayer wrote:@all
Can you select a difference race and class when creating a party for Jadame? If not, an unlock option for that would be really nice.
Partially. But these values are not hardcoded, they could be easily changed via "Character selection.txt" in "Data\Tables" folder.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 28 Oct 2018, 15:23

Thanks, Rodril!

I can't help but think mix-and-matching parts of current MM8 armors with repainting won't do for the waist and leg sections of the armors, be it for feminine or any other sprites. Best case scenario would of course be for someone really talented like Jamesx to repaint the armors, like he did with the MM6 paperdolls (if he's available and willing) But anyway, having logical and cohesive armor sprites would definitely be a great thing.

Oh, and BTW I think the repaints of the MM7 level 1 leather armor demonstrated in that video by Rod Letr are actually better than the ones we've got right now. Just my opinion, but I think they fit much better, and especially the female version looks like a much better base to work off when designing the leggings.
Last edited by Xfing on 28 Oct 2018, 15:50, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 28 Oct 2018, 17:31

Rodril wrote:
Templayer wrote:@all
Can you select a difference race and class when creating a party for Jadame? If not, an unlock option for that would be really nice.
Partially. But these values are not hardcoded, they could be easily changed via "Character selection.txt" in "Data\Tables" folder.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Maslyonok » 29 Oct 2018, 09:52

I noticed that riddles in the Breach location was taken form Betrayal at Krondor.
What is the benefit of solving riddles?

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 29 Oct 2018, 12:02

Maslyonok wrote:I noticed that riddles in the Breach location was taken form Betrayal at Krondor.
What is the benefit of solving riddles?
Satisfaction with your own wit!

Oh, and completing the Breach mission.
Last edited by Xfing on 29 Oct 2018, 17:09, edited 1 time in total.

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