H5: Visual Effects and 2D Sounds explained at last!

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H5: Visual Effects and 2D Sounds explained at last!

Unread postby rdeford » 06 Jul 2007, 03:03

Last edited by rdeford on 24 Jul 2007, 20:01, edited 4 times in total.
rdeford, Mage Of Soquim

“Forgiving and being forgiven, loving and being loved,
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Unread postby rdeford » 24 Jul 2007, 19:47

Okay, I've managed to figure out how to play sounds and visual effects. Here is some working code that displays a dramatic visual effect and plays a sound while removing an object from the adventure map:

Code: Select all

PlayVisualEffect( "/Effects/_(Effect)/Spells/DimesionDoorStart.xdb#xpointer(/Effect)", "catLockA");

Play2DSound( "/Sounds/_(Sound)/Spells/DimensionDoor_Start.xdb#xpointer(/Sound)");


The sounds you can easily use are kept in this directory:

C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Heroes of Might and Magic V\data\data.pak

Use WinRAR to look in this .pak directory to find the name of the sound (in the Sounds subdirectory) you wish to play. Make note of the directory path you used to find this name as you drill down into this directory.

Replace the DimesionDoorStart.xdb name in the path shown in my example code with the name of the sound you wish to play.

Adjust the path ahead of this name as appropriate, using the path notes you made earlier.

Use the same approach to play a visual effect, but look in the Effects subdirectory for the name of the effect.
rdeford, Mage Of Soquim

“Forgiving and being forgiven, loving and being loved,
living and letting live, is the simple basis for it all."

Ernest Holmes 1984

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