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TOE - renaming objects

Posted: 09 Jul 2008, 20:39
by mweil86
I am trying to change the name and description of an artifact in the editor. I went into the artifact shared properties, went under messagesFileRef, selected New, typed in the new name, and saved it. When I test the map, the original name is still there. How do I change the name and description? Does the message need to be in a certain folder?


Re: TOE - renaming objects

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 00:37
by rdeford
mweil86 wrote:I am trying to change the name and description of an artifact in the editor. I went into the artifact shared properties, went under messagesFileRef, selected New, typed in the new name, and saved it. When I test the map, the original name is still there. How do I change the name and description? Does the message need to be in a certain folder?

Try using:

Code: Select all

 OverrideObjectTooltipNameAndDescription( objectName, name, desc) 
This function is well described in the manual. I haven't actually tried it on artifacts, but worked on plenty of other objects I've tried it on. You must create resource text files for the name and description text in order to use this function. See the The Basics of Heroes V Scripting ver. 2.0 for H5, HOF, & ToTE guide that you can download from CH for instructions on how to create and refer to resource text files.

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 07:10
by Franzy
This function does not work on artifacts and towns, I checked.

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 15:11
by rdeford
Franzy wrote:This function does not work on artifacts and towns, I checked.
Hummm... Too bad. So, how about creating a custom object Franzy, as you describe in your earlier posting? Can you create a custom artifact and the custom object a new name?

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 15:25
by Franzy
Unfortunately, artifacts are not map objects by nature. They play quite a role in game mechanics. You can't just add a new artifact. This can only be arranged via a mod that changes A LOT. At least, I think so.