Just Started MM8 and I have a couple basic NPC questions

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Just Started MM8 and I have a couple basic NPC questions

Unread postby alienstookmybeer » 28 Jun 2008, 19:59

1) Can you have a dark magic GM (necromancer) and light magic GM in the same party? MM 6 was yes, MM 7 was no, I'm guessing it's ok in MM 8.

2) IF I have a full party of 5, will I still come across all the other eligible NPC's that could potentially join my party? For example, I entered the temple with a party of 4 and met a recruit. If I had a full party (if that's possible at that point) would I still have met this guy?

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Kareeah Indaga
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Joined: 06 Jan 2006

Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 28 Jun 2008, 23:04

Yes and yes; if your party is full when you meet a recruitable character, they just go to the Adventurer's Inn, where you can swap out one of your other party members for them if you want.

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