can mods...

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can mods...

Unread postby Gyler » 01 Oct 2006, 22:31

Change the game so that its impossible to view creatures in the creature hire screen? After installing a few mods, this and multiplayer and campaign all dissapeared, not sure why. any help will be great.

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 01 Oct 2006, 22:38

I've never heard that one before;

it sounds more like a conflict within the graphic dll's for the game.

are you sure you installed the right patch for your version of the game?

I would suggest disabling all mods, just to be sure (just rename the extensions, or use the handy mod manager available in the mods section), then uninstall and reinstall the game and patches (there seems to be a problem with the autoupdater in some instances, so I would suggest determining the exact version of the game you have (eruopean, etc.) and then manually downloading the correct patches for your version.

past that, if the problem repeats itself, I would suggest dowloading the latest drivers for your video card and see if that fixes it.

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Unread postby Gyler » 02 Oct 2006, 18:25

I did use the autopatcher so if there is a problem with the correct version then that might have somthing to do with it, I never had problems with the mods before which struck me odd once i installed 1.3. Thx 4 the feedback

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Re: can mods...

Unread postby MER » 07 Oct 2006, 08:21

Gyler wrote:Change the game so that its impossible to view creatures in the creature hire screen? After installing a few mods, this and multiplayer and campaign all dissapeared, not sure why. any help will be great.
I think it is possible. I did a similar thing to the hero stats screen (when u double-click the hero). I could make the creatures not showing, remove the tabs and even remove the whole window :) . The files were in UI\HeroScreen3 folders. I guess the ones u are looking for are in UI\HireCreatureScreen and UI\HireCreature. But there are quite a few files so you'll need some searching and testing to find the necessary ones. An easy way to not show smth is just make its size to 0 (but you'll still be able to interact with it though not seeing anything :devil:).

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