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MM7 and HoMM4 now on GOG!

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 14:11
by GreatEmerald
Just as the title says, Might and Magic VIII and Heroes of Might and Magic IV Complete are now available on! The former is sold for $6, and the latter for $10. See their respective pages for more: ... _and_honor ... 4_complete

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 16:03
by ThunderTitan
Good start...

Now they need to put them on Steam too.

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 16:59
by Ethric
Steam is Beelzebubs flatulence.

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 17:05
by Angelspit
I don't think I'll ever want to play Heroes IV again to be honest. If I feel nostalgic, I'll boot up II or III instead.

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 18:02
by Tress
How do thees DLable mm games store music, since original discs store them in audio tracks?
Steam is Beelzebubs flatulence.
QFT, those guys should learn some shame and at least sell them for token price lower than store price(after all they doesn't have to spend on logistics, store cuts etc,)

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 18:05
by ThunderTitan
Ethric wrote:Steam is Beelzebubs flatulence.
Meh, as a online service it's ok, and as long as you only buy games on sale (for around 5$) the possibility of losing them all at once doesn't bother you so much.

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 18:23
by GreatEmerald
ThunderTitan wrote:Good start...

Now they need to put them on Steam too.
You mean Impulse, right? :D
tress wrote:How do thees DLable mm games store music, since original discs store them in audio tracks?
It says that it includes 'soundtrack'. So it's either ripped or it includes an original CD.

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 18:30
by Tress
It says that it includes 'soundtrack'. So it's either ripped or it includes an original CD.
Soundtrack I presume is mp3 or whatever else format that is seperated from game, but I really wonder how they store them in game cd, since if you would for example try to rip original discs as iso images you wouldn't get music. If they haven't realized option to listen music during the play then it really doesn't cut it imo. Can someone who bought this or 1-6 pack confirm this.
Also can anyone confirm how compatible they are with fan made patches?

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 20:09
by GreatEmerald
ISO doesn't support sound tracks, but CUE does. And then again, you have the MP3 option anyway. I don't see how there could be any compatibility problems, in fact, it might even come with Mok's patch or so, since it's built to run on new OSs.

Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 21:06
by GreatEmerald

Posted: 23 Mar 2011, 17:45
by Shyranis
Great news!

Posted: 23 Mar 2011, 18:35
by Pol
They also have a contest to become a GOG hero and win the treasure of Ubisoft. :D

More here: ... your_worth

And they, of course, still have the pack of games MM1-6 for 10.

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 19:05
by ThunderTitan
GreatEmerald wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote:Good start...

Now they need to put them on Steam too.
You mean Impulse, right? :D
No, i don't love it any more because when i press it's X it closes instead of minimizing to the right side thing of the taskbar like Steam does...

Yeah, it should go everywhere, but Steam is still the biggest, and has all the big games on it...

tress wrote:QFT, those guys should learn some shame and at least sell them for token price lower than store price(after all they doesn't have to spend on logistics, store cuts etc,)
First rule of business, never sell for less if the normal price works...

They do have some great sales though, learn some patience and wait for one (Batman AA, Ep.2 and Darksiders for <5€ each baby).

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 09:56
by GreatEmerald
And now CoMM is there, too: ... _and_magic

I never even knew it was released on the PC, huh.

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 10:54
by Tress
Think even it was primarly released on PC(might be mistaken), and as far as I know console version is somewhat different plot wise.
Warriors of might and magic(and it;s sequel) was console exclusive.