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by Deadguy118
20 Oct 2011, 05:06
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: A goodbye to HOMM! Heroes VI has ended my love for this game
Replies: 121
Views: 100445

I un-exiled myself from the pits of hell to comment on this particular thread. Why? Because I remembered that I used to post here once, in happier times. Nice to see that some of you guys are still here. I've actually been enjoying what I've been playing of Heroes VI so far. Certainly, my opinion co...
by Deadguy118
15 Apr 2011, 03:39
Forum: Articles
Topic: Clash of Heroes HD is Out
Replies: 26
Views: 12792

Clash of Heroes Achievements/Trophies

For $15, that's not a bad price. It's a surprisingly good puzzle game that borrows just enough from the elements of Heroes to make itself unique.
by Deadguy118
25 Feb 2011, 03:30
Forum: News
Topic: JVC Working on a New C&C
Replies: 23
Views: 9425

JVC Working on a New C&C

Sure? I mean, you can't do much worse than Command and Conquer 4. The franchise is in need of some fresh air, and if the man behind Might and Magic is at the head than I am far more interested.
by Deadguy118
13 Dec 2010, 04:43
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Wox2 - DEMO IS AVAILABLE ! (only RUS language)
Replies: 118
Views: 97414

Well, you've passed the first fan-made project test of having video footage of your game in action, so a thumbs up to that. That doesn't mean my expectations of this ever coming out aren't any more hopeful, but at the very least it looks like you have a game on your hands, as opposed to empty promis...
by Deadguy118
08 Dec 2010, 05:57
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: MMTNO second tech demo
Replies: 22
Views: 14847

Talin_Trollbane wrote:so, any news? its been a long time now since january.
My guess? It's probably one of the 90% of fan-made projects that fell apart and no longer exist. Hopefully M&M X and the Cove Town will buck the trend, but I'm far too cynical to say if they will or not.
by Deadguy118
08 Dec 2010, 05:52
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: All Official, Unofficial and Useful patches?
Replies: 8
Views: 5462

GreatEmerald wrote:For MM6-8, Grayface's patches are all you need.
Yep. This. And the TELP patch is the only one you need for M&M IX, if you want to play that game for whatever reason.
by Deadguy118
17 Oct 2010, 23:32
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: MM7: Is abusing the wishing well in Eofol cheating?
Replies: 24
Views: 24096

I would call it cheating, but considering that Eofol is the second to last thing in the game, I wouldn't really worry about it, as it only makes the last few hours of the game slightly easier. I guess you could put more points in Blaster or something. Inversely, I don't think using the warp to get t...
by Deadguy118
24 Sep 2010, 23:04
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: What happened after the Kreegan Invasion?
Replies: 276
Views: 130757

I have to say, I read all of this topic and find it pretty hilarious, and I encourage you guys to keep on debating it.

In any case, I have a solution to your problem: The lore itself is contradictory.
by Deadguy118
16 Sep 2010, 23:47
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Can the retro gaming revival bring Might and Magic back?
Replies: 26
Views: 11460

And I agree that "they had no choice but to reboot" is frankly incorrect on many, many levels. Would you really have wanted Ubisoft to muck with NWC's Might and Magic universe? Even though I find Ashan to be pretty much just Generic Fantasy Setting (tm), you have to remember that this is ...
by Deadguy118
22 Aug 2010, 21:56
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Will there be a console version ?
Replies: 38
Views: 14999

Why do you think that Heroes is the one game that will buckle the trend?! Strategy games don't do well on consoles, that's a fact... be it because of gamepad, players or anything else you want (hint, it's players, even the Halo name didn't get that game more the 1 mil in sales). I agree with you wh...
by Deadguy118
22 Aug 2010, 21:38
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Will there be a console version ?
Replies: 38
Views: 14999

Why does everyone think that HOMM would have to be watered down for consoles the same way Civilization had to be? It's not that I don't support the idea of Heroes VI being PC only (because really, that's where it belongs and that's where most of the target audience is), but I think that some people ...
by Deadguy118
19 Aug 2010, 04:10
Forum: News
Topic: Ubisoft Officially Announces Heroes VI!
Replies: 79
Views: 40908

Ubisoft Officially Announces Heroes VI!

Yeah. It's a pity my computer can barely run Heroes V. It's going to be a while before I play this game. Then again, that's what friends (with better computers) are for, right? We'll see.
by Deadguy118
17 Aug 2010, 16:44
Forum: News
Topic: Heroes6 leak ?
Replies: 44
Views: 20244

Heroes6 screens leak ?

It looks a lot like Heroes V, although it's probably too early to make any real judgments. They are also going for a fairly different art style, in contrast to Heroes V's relative cartooniness. We'll see.
by Deadguy118
12 Aug 2010, 19:50
Forum: News
Topic: Might and Magic Teaser...
Replies: 43
Views: 21335

Might and Magic Teaser...

It's going to be Heroes VI. Really, what else could it be? We all know that Ubisoft would never make a real first person M&M RPG (because it's unprofitable), and it's obviously not a Clash of Heroes style game. However, I am sure that whatever it is, people will complain.
by Deadguy118
10 Aug 2010, 05:07
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: MM 6/7/8 Total Remake
Replies: 306
Views: 439992

The implications of this project, if finished, are pretty awesome. It would be great to see Might and Magic get the same kind of modding attention that Infinity Engine games get.
by Deadguy118
02 Aug 2010, 01:57
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Has anyone tried running Might & Magic 9 on windows 7?
Replies: 15
Views: 20113

My honest advice is, "burn the infernal thing"! Why would you want to play that crap? The only good thing I remember about it, is that 1 or 2 of the cities looked really nice. Although I back up the message of this post, what you said came off as a little mean. If the guy wants to play Mi...
by Deadguy118
28 Jul 2010, 05:30
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: New to the series
Replies: 23
Views: 20945

It's not like there's much story to get, especially in the early games... Just start with Heroes III and Might and Magic VI, because those are the ones that are generally considered the favorites. The rest is up to your own discretion.
by Deadguy118
24 Jul 2010, 18:01
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Let's parallel Might and Magic 6 and Diablo 1.
Replies: 12
Views: 6866

The thing is, a lot of those spells are just stolen right out of the D&D playbook, so both games would have them. Are there similarities? Certainly, and I wouldn't doubt if there was some Diablo influence somewhere in M&M VI. I enjoy both games quite a bit, but they appeal for entirely diffe...
by Deadguy118
16 Jul 2010, 17:37
Forum: Hall of the Heretics
Topic: Disciples 3
Replies: 414
Views: 164085

So the general consensus is that the game is a disappointment? Because it just came out on steam today and I was considering buying it because I liked the second game quite a bit.
by Deadguy118
16 Jul 2010, 16:24
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Might & Magic 10; been in development for years + teaser
Replies: 829
Views: 409013

Nicely done on the music. It's not quite the same style as Rob King (more similar to the Xeen games if anything), but I think it sounds good at the very least.

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