Search found 9 matches

by khruloc
16 Jun 2006, 04:28
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: necropolis campaign: the invasion map
Replies: 4
Views: 2957

Two methods: either being script cheater, or the "follow thru the script" fanatic: 1) Script Cheater: Green only comes when: a - you take the narrow straits up to the end of the map Or b - you kick any of the two castles holding the staff/cape -> meaning if you kicked the "ring" ...
by khruloc
08 Jun 2006, 03:40
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: 3-rd dreaded mission in the Inferno Campain
Replies: 31
Views: 10859

Anyway here's my strategy: Choose: 43 horned overseers (Campaign 2 choose phantom force) The first few steps are really sterotype: 1) Buy 1 new hero (Best if the hell hound speciality); pick up imps; transfer army. 2) Battle Gilean. (if imps are present, druids target them 1st) 3) Gallop to mines, w...
by khruloc
29 Mar 2006, 23:04
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Changing NPC names
Replies: 11
Views: 9705

Thanks Pitsu, Bandobras, Gaidal.
Finally got it! I didn't patch to the latest one.
by khruloc
27 Mar 2006, 15:01
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Changing NPC names
Replies: 11
Views: 9705

Funny. Am I using the wrong editor or something? There's no flyout tab? This only enable/disable the character. What's the name of the editor? h3maped.exe or h3bmaped? If you mean to later edit as Robenhagen suggest. I tried already. cant meddle with...
by khruloc
27 Mar 2006, 13:59
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Changing NPC names
Replies: 11
Views: 9705

Just got SOD. Still can't seem to adjust the names. Need to textually edit ALL heroes. Not just the heroes on the map itself. How to go about doing it? For example: In 'God Save the Queen', default hero is Christian. Suppose I need to change Orrin's name to something else? (He is in the prison) Or a...
by khruloc
21 Mar 2006, 21:25
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Changing NPC names
Replies: 11
Views: 9705

A pity I dont have SOD though.

Thanks Robenhagen and Gaidal!
by khruloc
21 Mar 2006, 01:03
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Changing NPC names
Replies: 11
Views: 9705

So, without SOD, with only AB, it's unachievable?

Any idea of the resource file required? (i.e. herobios.txt etc)
by khruloc
20 Mar 2006, 22:18
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Changing NPC names
Replies: 11
Views: 9705

Nope. Basically, in doing the way you suggest could only adjust the heroes on the map, is it not? I mean to be able to customise for all Heroes. Even those still not recruitable (within taverns) at the start of the game. Thus in doing so, any campaign or game will have revamped characters... So its ...
by khruloc
20 Mar 2006, 03:08
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: Changing NPC names
Replies: 11
Views: 9705

Changing NPC names

I wonder if this is possible? I can edit the biographies, but I cant find the resource to manipulate the names... If it needs to alter the hardcoded elements, what software do I need?

Hope this is the right place to post this...

Thanks in advance!

(I currently have AB)

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