Nah, it's not a hardware issue. At least not with 2,9Ghz i7, 16Gb ram and radeon pro 560 concerning THIS game.
That's why to me the culprit seems to be the wine wrapper settings.
Once again, it's not a PC, it's a Mac
Anyways, it does the trick for me with the borderless thing turned off.
Okay, after some tinkering with the .ini file I've found out, that the choppy performance was caused by BorderlessFullscreen=1
Being set to 0 it works perfectly fine.
Hi! I'm trying to run MM8 on a mac using a wineskin wrapper by PaultheTall. The original game from GOG runs just fine, but what i was missing there was mouselook. Unfortunately with GrayFace's patch (2.4.1) the game is running somewhat slow and choppy. I can only guess that there's some kind of conf...