Search found 4 matches

by Hayven
27 Nov 2014, 18:01
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: MM3 - some questions, just started playing
Replies: 30
Views: 11627

Oh. So was right :)

But what did Xfing mean, then? By the percentage?
by Hayven
27 Nov 2014, 15:33
Forum: Modcrafting Guild
Topic: Heroes of Might & Magic 5: The Succesion Wars
Replies: 0
Views: 4202

Heroes of Might & Magic 5: The Succesion Wars

Hello everybody! For a year I've been preparing a mod that is aimed to remind the gameplay of Heroes 2 in Heroes 5. So far I have made the Knights' models, Knight's, Barbarian's, Sorceress' and almost all Warlock's creatures. Today I won't tell you what I am going to do, but I'd like to show you the...
by Hayven
27 Nov 2014, 15:04
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: MM3 - some questions, just started playing
Replies: 30
Views: 11627

The system from MM6 and 7 was so much better - a percentage of party-found gold.
What, what, what? So that are the banks in MM6-7 for? Do they improve the amount of the found gold? :D
by Hayven
04 Jan 2014, 15:26
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: MM3-5 modding?
Replies: 26
Views: 17927

Missing file

Hey, I'm new here so hello there! :) Sorry for digging this thread up but IMO it's better than creating new one ;) Anyway, could somebody reupload the Xeenmusic.exe or send it on my email? It's inaccesible on the Rebirth of Xeen and I need it to read out the notes :D Cheers :) EDIT: Nevermind, Music...

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