Search found 5 matches

by mani
31 Mar 2020, 09:05
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: MM7 - WORST team compo?
Replies: 30
Views: 18663

Re: MM7 - WORST team compo?

goblin druid - elf knight - dwarf ranger must be included
by mani
31 Mar 2020, 01:10
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Q: about 'of the storm' enchantment
Replies: 0
Views: 1817

Q: about 'of the storm' enchantment

which piece is 'of the strom' can be enchanted?

and if you know the page can check every enchantment chance for each gear parts, please let me know. :)
by mani
21 Jan 2013, 15:42
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Does GM plate reduce all damage but not spell?
Replies: 1
Views: 1704

Does GM plate reduce all damage but not spell?

Does it reduce elemental damage but not spell?
(ex: Dragon or Elemental's normal attack)

Or it just reduce only physical(normal) damages?
by mani
19 Jan 2013, 14:17
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: I found a bug in MM8...did anyone find it earlier?
Replies: 2
Views: 2094

Re: I found a bug in MM8...did anyone find it earlier?

mani wrote:It stacks normaly with belt, boots, helm, cloak, armor, weapon.
I made a mistake. It doesn't stack with boots, either.
Even more wired...
by mani
18 Jan 2013, 15:34
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: I found a bug in MM8...did anyone find it earlier?
Replies: 2
Views: 2094

I found a bug in MM8...did anyone find it earlier?

Fleetfingers' every skill bonus doesn't stack with ring and amulet.(Armsmaster, Disarm Trap) It stacks normaly with belt, boots, helm, cloak, armor, weapon. (Gauntlet is impossible because yu can't equip 2 Guantlets) If you equip three or more items bonus to disarm or armsmaster, highest bonus will ...

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